Question about submission : submission successful, but not on the leaderboard

by JeanneRbs - opened

Hi, I've submitted my files successfully Thursday 28 July 2022, and I was expecting my submission to show up on the leaderboard yesterday 31 July. My submission name is "IAL-602".
Where did I go wrong ?

Ought org

Hi @JeanneRbs ! Yes, there seems to have been a problem with your submission - I'm on vacation right now but maybe @abhishek can provide some details on what went wrong.

For reference the job ID is 1201245362 and the AutoTrain project ID is IAL-602__9a7c89__1659022951

Thank you for your reply. Do you have any idea of what went wrong in my first submission @abhishek ? because I would like to make another one.

@JeanneRbs I have fixed the issue in the backend, and restarted your job. Please let me know if everything is okay now :)

Everything is good, thank you !

JeanneRbs changed discussion status to closed

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