from tools.accommodations.apis import Accommodations from import Flights from tools.restaurants.apis import Restaurants from tools.rank.apis import Rank from tools.filter.apis import Filter from tools.googleDistanceMatrix.apis import GoogleDistanceMatrix import pandas as pd hotel = Accommodations() flight = Flights() flight.load_db() restaurant = Restaurants() rank = Rank() filter = Filter() distanceMatrix = GoogleDistanceMatrix() def estimate_budget(data, mode): """ Estimate the budget based on the mode (lowest, highest, average) for flight, hotel, or restaurant data. """ if mode == "lowest": return min(data) elif mode == "highest": return max(data) elif mode == "average": # filter the nan values data = [x for x in data if str(x) != 'nan'] return sum(data) / len(data) def budget_calc(org, dest, days, date:list , people_number=None, local_constraint = None): """ Calculate the estimated budget for all three modes: lowest, highest, average. grain: city, state """ if days == 3: grain = "city" elif days in [5,7]: grain = "state" if grain not in ["city", "state"]: raise ValueError("grain must be one of city, state") # Multipliers based on days multipliers = { 3: {"flight": 2, "hotel": 3, "restaurant": 9}, 5: {"flight": 3, "hotel": 5, "restaurant": 15}, 7: {"flight": 4, "hotel": 7, "restaurant": 21} } if grain == "city": hotel_data = restaurant_data = flight_data =[(["DestCityName"] == dest) & (["OriginCityName"] == org)] elif grain == "state": city_set = open('../database/background/citySet_with_states.txt').read().strip().split('\n') all_hotel_data = [] all_restaurant_data = [] all_flight_data = [] for city in city_set: if dest == city.split('\t')[1]: candidate_city = city.split('\t')[0] # Fetch data for the current city current_hotel_data = current_restaurant_data = current_flight_data =[(["DestCityName"] == candidate_city) & (["OriginCityName"] == org)] # Append the dataframes to the lists all_hotel_data.append(current_hotel_data) all_restaurant_data.append(current_restaurant_data) all_flight_data.append(current_flight_data) # Use concat to combine all dataframes in the lists hotel_data = pd.concat(all_hotel_data, axis=0) restaurant_data = pd.concat(all_restaurant_data, axis=0) flight_data = pd.concat(all_flight_data, axis=0) # flight_data should be in the range of supported date flight_data = flight_data[flight_data['FlightDate'].isin(date)] if people_number: hotel_data = hotel_data[hotel_data['maximum occupancy'] >= people_number] if local_constraint: if local_constraint['transportation'] == 'no self-driving': if grain == "city": if len(flight_data[flight_data['FlightDate'] == date[0]]) < 2: raise ValueError("No flight data available for the given constraints.") elif grain == "state": if len(flight_data[flight_data['FlightDate'] == date[0]]) < 10: raise ValueError("No flight data available for the given constraints.") elif local_constraint['transportation'] == 'no flight': if len(flight_data[flight_data['FlightDate'] == date[0]]) < 2 or flight_data.iloc[0]['Distance'] > 800: raise ValueError("Impossible") # if local_constraint['flgiht time']: # if local_constraint['flgiht time'] == 'morning': # flight_data = flight_data[flight_data['DepTime'] < '12:00'] # elif local_constraint['flgiht time'] == 'afternoon': # flight_data = flight_data[(flight_data['DepTime'] >= '12:00') & (flight_data['DepTime'] < '18:00')] # elif local_constraint['flgiht time'] == 'evening': # flight_data = flight_data[flight_data['DepTime'] >= '18:00'] if local_constraint['room type']: if local_constraint['room type'] == 'shared room': hotel_data = hotel_data[hotel_data['room type'] == 'Shared room'] elif local_constraint['room type'] == 'not shared room': hotel_data = hotel_data[(hotel_data['room type'] == 'Private room') | (hotel_data['room type'] == 'Entire home/apt')] elif local_constraint['room type'] == 'private room': hotel_data = hotel_data[hotel_data['room type'] == 'Private room'] elif local_constraint['room type'] == 'entire room': hotel_data = hotel_data[hotel_data['room type'] == 'Entire home/apt'] if days == 3: if len(hotel_data) < 3: raise ValueError("No hotel data available for the given constraints.") elif days == 5: if len(hotel_data) < 5: raise ValueError("No hotel data available for the given constraints.") elif days == 7: if len(hotel_data) < 7: raise ValueError("No hotel data available for the given constraints.") if local_constraint['house rule']: if local_constraint['house rule'] == 'parties': # the house rule should not contain 'parties' hotel_data = hotel_data[~hotel_data['house_rules'].str.contains('No parties')] elif local_constraint['house rule'] == 'smoking': hotel_data = hotel_data[~hotel_data['house_rules'].str.contains('No smoking')] elif local_constraint['house rule'] == 'children under 10': hotel_data = hotel_data[~hotel_data['house_rules'].str.contains('No children under 10')] elif local_constraint['house rule'] == 'pets': hotel_data = hotel_data[~hotel_data['house_rules'].str.contains('No pets')] elif local_constraint['house rule'] == 'visitors': hotel_data = hotel_data[~hotel_data['house_rules'].str.contains('No visitors')] if days == 3: if len(hotel_data) < 3: raise ValueError("No hotel data available for the given constraints.") elif days == 5: if len(hotel_data) < 5: raise ValueError("No hotel data available for the given constraints.") elif days == 7: if len(hotel_data) < 7: raise ValueError("No hotel data available for the given constraints.") if local_constraint['cuisine']: # judge whether the cuisine is in the cuisine list restaurant_data = restaurant_data[restaurant_data['Cuisines'].str.contains('|'.join(local_constraint['cuisine']))] if days == 3: if len(restaurant_data) < 3: raise ValueError("No restaurant data available for the given constraints.") elif days == 5: if len(restaurant_data) < 5: raise ValueError("No restaurant data available for the given constraints.") elif days == 7: if len(restaurant_data) < 7: raise ValueError("No restaurant data available for the given constraints.") # hotel_data =, local_constraint) # restaurant_data =, local_constraint) # flight_data =, local_constraint) # Calculate budgets for all three modes budgets = {} for mode in ["lowest", "highest", "average"]: if local_constraint and local_constraint['transportation'] == 'self driving': flight_budget = eval(, dest)['cost'].replace("$","")) * multipliers[days]["flight"] else: flight_budget = estimate_budget(flight_data["Price"].tolist(), mode) * multipliers[days]["flight"] hotel_budget = estimate_budget(hotel_data["price"].tolist(), mode) * multipliers[days]["hotel"] restaurant_budget = estimate_budget(restaurant_data["Average Cost"].tolist(), mode) * multipliers[days]["restaurant"] total_budget = flight_budget + hotel_budget + restaurant_budget budgets[mode] = total_budget return budgets