import streamlit as st import os import sqlite3 from home import show_home_page from auth import signup, login import database # Ensure database initialization def main(): st.set_page_config(page_title="Auto Assist Chatbot", layout="wide") if 'logged_in' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.logged_in = False logo_url = "" st.markdown( f"""
Auto Assist Chatbot Logo

Auto Assist Chatbot

""", unsafe_allow_html=True ) st.markdown( """ """, unsafe_allow_html=True ) # Function to create a connection to the SQLite database def create_connection(): db_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'database.db') conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path) return conn def is_valid_input(username, password): prefix = "autoassist" return username.startswith(prefix) and password.startswith(prefix) # Ensure table creation database.create_table() if st.session_state.logged_in: if st.sidebar.button('Back to Login'): st.session_state.logged_in = False st.experimental_rerun() show_home_page() else: choice ="Choose an option:", ('Signup', 'Login')) if choice == 'Signup': st.markdown('### Signup') username_signup = st.text_input('Username (Signup)', key='username_signup') password_signup = st.text_input('Password (Signup)', type='password', key='password_signup') confirm_password_signup = st.text_input('Confirm Password (Signup)', type='password', key='confirm_password_signup') if st.button('Signup'): if password_signup == confirm_password_signup: if is_valid_input(username_signup, password_signup): signup(username_signup, password_signup) st.success('Signup successful!') else: st.error('You are not able to use "autoassist chatbot".') else: st.error('Passwords do not match.') elif choice == 'Login': st.markdown('### Login') username_login = st.text_input('Username (Login)', key='username_login') password_login = st.text_input('Password (Login)', type='password', key='password_login') if st.button('Login'): if is_valid_input(username_login, password_login): if login(username_login, password_login): st.session_state.logged_in = True st.experimental_rerun() else: st.error('Incorrect username or password.') else: st.error('You are not able to use "autoassist chatbot".') if __name__ == '__main__': main()