from shiny import App, Inputs, Outputs, Session, reactive, render, ui from shiny.types import FileInfo, ImgData import asyncio import concurrent.futures import backend import numpy as np from PIL import Image, ImageDraw from pathlib import Path import tempfile def draw_layer_on_image(im: Image) -> Image: """Draws something on top of an image.""" # Attempting to use thresholds. threshold: int = 1 output_im = np.array(im) # return Image.fromarray(output_im) # The image drawing code. draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im) draw.line((0, 0) + im.size, fill=128, width=5) draw.line((0, im.size[1], im.size[0], 0), fill=128) return im # UI: # TITLE ELEMENT, centered # input, centered. # table in middle. Upload, displays image on the left. # arrow in the middle, mask on the right. card_height = '700px' app_ui = ui.page_fixed( ui.input_file("file1", "Upload a sidewalk.", accept=[".jpg", ".png", ".jpeg"], multiple=False), ui.layout_columns( ui.card( ui.card_header("Uploaded Image"), ui.output_image("show_image"), height=card_height ), ui.card( ui.card_header("Image Mask"), # ui.input_task_button("mask_btn", "Process mask"), ui.output_image("samwalk"), height=card_height ), ) ) def strip_alpha(image: Image) -> Image: # Create a white background background ='RGBA', image.size, (255, 255, 255, 255)) composite = Image.alpha_composite(background, image) rgb_image = composite.convert('RGB') return rgb_image def server(input: Inputs, output: Outputs, session: Session): uploaded_img = None @reactive.calc def parsed_file(): file: list[FileInfo] | None = input.file1() if file is None: return return file[0] @render.image def show_image(): uploaded_img = parsed_file() if uploaded_img is None: return uploaded_src = uploaded_img['datapath'] img: ImgData = {"src": str(uploaded_src), "width": "500px"} return img # @reactive.event(input.mask_btn) @render.image def samwalk(): uploaded_file = parsed_file() if uploaded_file is None: return uploaded_src = uploaded_file['datapath'] uploaded_img = if uploaded_img.mode == 'RGBA': uploaded_img = strip_alpha(uploaded_img) dirpath = tempfile.mkdtemp() # output_img = async_process_image(uploaded_img) # while output_img is None: # pass # output_img = output_img.result() # # return {"src": str("waiting.gif"), "width": "500px"} output_img = backend.process_image(uploaded_img) output_path = dirpath / Path(uploaded_src) return {"src": str(output_path), "width": "500px"} app = App(app_ui, server)