import os import gradio as gr import pandas as pd import as px from huggingface_hub.file_download import hf_hub_download from src.utils import process_model_name, process_model_arch from src.assets.css_html_js import custom_css from src.assets.text_content import ( TITLE, ABOUT_TEXT, INTRODUCTION_TEXT, EXAMPLE_CONFIG_TEXT, CITATION_BUTTON_LABEL, CITATION_BUTTON_TEXT, ) HF_TOKEN = os.environ.get("HF_TOKEN", None) LLM_PERF_DATASET_REPO = "optimum/llm-perf-dataset" MACHINE_TO_HARDWARE = {"hf-dgx-01": "A100-80GB 🖥️"} ALL_COLUMNS_MAPPING = { # model "Model": "Model 🤗", "Arch": "Arch 🏛️", "Size": "Size 📏", # deployment settings "": "Backend 🏭", "backend.torch_dtype": "Dtype 📥", "optimizations": "Optimizations 🛠️", "quantization": "Quantization 🗜️", # quality measurements "Score": "Avg Score (%) ⬆️", # throughput measurements "decode.throughput(tokens/s)": "Decode Throughput (tokens/s) ⬆️", "generate.throughput(tokens/s)": "E2E Throughput (tokens/s) ⬆️", # latency measurements "forward.latency(s)": "Prefill Latency (s) ⬇️", "generate.latency(s)": "E2E Latency (s) ⬇️", # memory measurements "generate.max_memory_allocated(MB)": "Allocated Memory (MB) ⬇️", "generate.max_memory_reserved(MB)": "Reserved Memory (MB) ⬇️", "generate.max_memory_used(MB)": "Used Memory (MB) ⬇️", # energy measurements "generate.energy_consumption(tokens/kWh)": "Energy (tokens/kWh) ⬇️", } SORTING_COLUMN = ["Score", "generate.throughput(tokens/s)"] SORTING_ASCENDING = [False, True] ALL_COLUMNS_DATATYPES = [ # open llm "markdown", "markdown", "number", # deployment settings "str", "str", "str", "str", # measurements "number", "number", "number", "number", "number", "number", "number", "number", "number", "number", ] def get_benchmark_df(machine="hf-dgx-01"): # download data hf_hub_download( repo_id="optimum/llm-perf-dataset", filename="open-llm.csv", local_dir="dataset", repo_type="dataset", token=HF_TOKEN, ) hf_hub_download( repo_id="optimum/llm-perf-dataset", filename=f"{machine}/full-report.csv", local_dir="dataset", repo_type="dataset", token=HF_TOKEN, ) open_llm = pd.read_csv("dataset/open-llm.csv") full_report = pd.read_csv(f"dataset/{machine}/full-report.csv") # merge on model merged_df = open_llm.merge(full_report, left_on="Model", right_on="model") # transpose energy consumption merged_df["generate.energy_consumption(tokens/kWh)"] = ( 1 / merged_df["generate.energy_consumption(kWh/token)"].fillna(1) ).astype(int) # fix nan values merged_df.loc[ merged_df["generate.energy_consumption(tokens/kWh)"] == 1, "generate.energy_consumption(tokens/kWh)", ] = pd.NA # add optimizations column merged_df["optimizations"] = merged_df[ ["backend.to_bettertransformer", "backend.use_flash_attention_2"] ].apply( lambda x: "BetterTransformer" if x["backend.to_bettertransformer"] else ("FlashAttentionV2" if x["backend.use_flash_attention_2"] else "None"), axis=1, ) # add quantization scheme merged_df["quantization"] = merged_df["backend.quantization_scheme"].apply( lambda x: "BnB.4bit" if x == "bnb" else ("GPTQ.4bit" if x == "gptq" else "None") ) # add decode throughput merged_df["decode.throughput(tokens/s)"] = ( 1000 / (merged_df["generate.latency(s)"] - merged_df["forward.latency(s)"]) ).round(2) # sort by metric merged_df.sort_values(by=SORTING_COLUMN, ascending=SORTING_ASCENDING, inplace=True) # filter columns merged_df = merged_df[list(ALL_COLUMNS_MAPPING.keys())] # rename columns merged_df.rename(columns=ALL_COLUMNS_MAPPING, inplace=True) return merged_df def get_benchmark_table(bench_df): copy_df = bench_df.copy() # transform copy_df["Model 🤗"] = copy_df["Model 🤗"].apply(process_model_name) copy_df["Arch 🏛️"] = copy_df["Arch 🏛️"].apply(process_model_arch) # process quantization copy_df["Avg Score (%) ⬆️"] = copy_df.apply( lambda x: f"{x['Avg Score (%) ⬆️']}**" if x["Quantization 🗜️"] in ["BnB.4bit", "GPTQ.4bit"] else x["Avg Score (%) ⬆️"], axis=1, ) return copy_df def get_benchmark_chart(bench_df): copy_df = bench_df.copy() # transform copy_df["Arch 🏛️"] = copy_df["Arch 🏛️"].apply(process_model_arch) # plot fig = px.scatter( copy_df, y="Avg Score (%) ⬆️", x="E2E Latency (s) ⬇️", size="Allocated Memory (MB) ⬇️", color="Arch 🏛️", custom_data=list(ALL_COLUMNS_MAPPING.values()), color_discrete_sequence=px.colors.qualitative.Light24, ) fig.update_layout( title={ "text": "Latency vs. Score vs. Memory", "y": 0.95, "x": 0.5, "xanchor": "center", "yanchor": "top", }, xaxis_title="Per 1000 Tokens Latency (s)", yaxis_title="Avg Open LLM Score (%)", legend_title="LLM Architecture", width=1200, height=600, ) fig.update_traces( hovertemplate="
".join( [ f"{column}: %{{customdata[{i}]}}" for i, column in enumerate(ALL_COLUMNS_MAPPING.values()) ] ) ) return fig def filter_query( text, backends, datatypes, optimizations, quantization_scheme, score, memory, machine, ): raw_df = get_benchmark_df(machine=machine) filtered_df = raw_df[ raw_df["Model 🤗"].str.contains(text, case=False) & raw_df["Backend 🏭"].isin(backends) & raw_df["Dtype 📥"].isin(datatypes) & ( pd.concat( [ raw_df["Optimizations 🛠️"].str.contains(optimization, case=False) for optimization in optimizations ], axis=1, ).any(axis="columns") if len(optimizations) > 0 else True ) & ( pd.concat( [ raw_df["Quantization 🗜️"].str.contains(quantization, case=False) for quantization in quantization_scheme ], axis=1, ).any(axis="columns") if len(quantization_scheme) > 0 else True ) & (raw_df["Avg Score (%) ⬆️"] >= score) & (raw_df["Allocated Memory (MB) ⬇️"] <= memory) ] filtered_table = get_benchmark_table(filtered_df) filtered_chart = get_benchmark_chart(filtered_df) return filtered_table, filtered_chart # Demo interface demo = gr.Blocks(css=custom_css) with demo: # leaderboard title gr.HTML(TITLE) # introduction text gr.Markdown(INTRODUCTION_TEXT, elem_classes="descriptive-text") with gr.Tabs(elem_classes="leaderboard-tabs"): machine_placeholders = {} machine_tables = {} machine_plots = {} ####################### HARDWARE TABS ####################### for i, (machine, hardware) in enumerate(MACHINE_TO_HARDWARE.items()): # dummy placeholder of the machine name machine_placeholders[machine] = gr.Textbox(value=machine, visible=False) with gr.TabItem(hardware, id=i): with gr.Tabs(elem_classes="machine-tabs"): # placeholder for full dataframe machine_df = get_benchmark_df(machine=machine) with gr.TabItem("Leaderboard 🏅", id=0): gr.HTML( "👉 Scroll to the right 👉 for additional columns.", elem_id="descriptive-text", ) # Original leaderboard table machine_tables[machine] = gr.components.Dataframe( value=get_benchmark_table(machine_df), headers=list(ALL_COLUMNS_MAPPING.values()), datatype=ALL_COLUMNS_DATATYPES, elem_id="machine-table", ) with gr.TabItem("Plot 📊", id=1): gr.HTML( "👆 Hover over the points 👆 for additional information.", elem_id="descriptive-text", ) # Original leaderboard plot machine_plots[machine] = gr.components.Plot( value=get_benchmark_chart(machine_df), elem_id="machine-plot", show_label=False, ) ###################### CONTROL PANEL ####################### with gr.TabItem("Control Panel 🎛️", id=2): gr.HTML( "Use this control panel to filter the leaderboard's table and plot.", # noqa: E501 elem_id="descriptive-text", ) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): search_bar = gr.Textbox( label="Model 🤗", info="🔍 Search for a model name", elem_id="search-bar", ) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1): with gr.Box(): score_slider = gr.Slider( label="Open LLM Score 📈", info="🎚️ Slide to minimum Open LLM score", value=0, elem_id="threshold-slider", ) with gr.Column(scale=1): with gr.Box(): memory_slider = gr.Slider( label="Peak Memory (MB) 📈", info="🎚️ Slide to maximum Peak Memory", minimum=0, maximum=80 * 1024, value=80 * 1024, elem_id="memory-slider", ) with gr.Column(scale=1): backend_checkboxes = gr.CheckboxGroup( label="Backends 🏭", choices=["pytorch", "onnxruntime"], value=["pytorch", "onnxruntime"], info="☑️ Select the backends", elem_id="backend-checkboxes", ) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1): datatype_checkboxes = gr.CheckboxGroup( label="Load Dtypes 📥", choices=["float32", "float16"], value=["float32", "float16"], info="☑️ Select the load dtypes", elem_id="dtype-checkboxes", ) with gr.Column(scale=1): optimizations_checkboxes = gr.CheckboxGroup( label="Optimizations 🛠️", choices=["None", "BetterTransformer"], value=["None", "BetterTransformer"], info="☑️ Select the optimizations", elem_id="optimizations-checkboxes", ) with gr.Column(scale=1): quantization_checkboxes = gr.CheckboxGroup( label="Quantizations 🗜️", choices=["None", "BnB.4bit", "GPTQ.4bit"], value=["None", "BnB.4bit", "GPTQ.4bit"], info="☑️ Select the quantization schemes", elem_id="quantization-checkboxes", ) with gr.Row(): filter_button = gr.Button( value="Filter 🚀", elem_id="filter-button", ) for machine in MACHINE_TO_HARDWARE: filter_query, [ search_bar, backend_checkboxes, datatype_checkboxes, optimizations_checkboxes, quantization_checkboxes, score_slider, memory_slider, machine_placeholders[machine], ], [machine_tables[machine], machine_plots[machine]], ) ####################### ABOUT TAB ####################### with gr.TabItem("About 📖", id=3): gr.HTML(ABOUT_TEXT, elem_classes="descriptive-text") gr.Markdown(EXAMPLE_CONFIG_TEXT, elem_classes="descriptive-text") ####################### CITATION ####################### with gr.Row(): with gr.Accordion("📙 Citation", open=False): citation_button = gr.Textbox( value=CITATION_BUTTON_TEXT, label=CITATION_BUTTON_LABEL, elem_id="citation-button", show_copy_button=True, ) # Launch demo demo.queue().launch()