import json import logging import os import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict import requests GITHUB_USERNAME = os.getenv("GITHUB_USERNAME") GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN = os.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN") GITHUB_EMAIL = os.getenv("GITHUB_EMAIL") GITHUB_ORG = os.getenv("MAI_GITHUB_ORG") MAI_TM_PUBLISH_TODO_REPO = os.environ["MAI_TMS_PUBLISH_TODO_REPO"] GITHUB_API_ENDPOINT = f"{GITHUB_ORG}/repos" DEBUG = os.getenv("DEBUG", False) quiet = "-q" if DEBUG else "" def create_github_repo(repo_path: Path, repo_name: str):"[INFO] Creating GitHub repo...") # configure git users"git config --global {GITHUB_USERNAME}".split())"git config --global {GITHUB_EMAIL}".split()) # Initialize a Git repository"git init {quiet}".split(), cwd=str(repo_path)) # Commit the changes"git add . ".split(), cwd=str(repo_path)) f"git commit {quiet} -m".split() + ["Initial commit"], cwd=str(repo_path) ) # Create a new repository on GitHub response = GITHUB_API_ENDPOINT, json={ "name": repo_name, "private": True, }, auth=(GITHUB_USERNAME, GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN), ) response.raise_for_status() time.sleep(3) # Add the GitHub remote to the local Git repository and push the changes remote_url = f"https://{GITHUB_ORG}:{GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN}{GITHUB_ORG}/{repo_name}.git" f"git remote add origin {remote_url}", cwd=str(repo_path), shell=True ) # rename default branch to main"git branch -M main".split(), cwd=str(repo_path))"git push {quiet} -u origin main".split(), cwd=str(repo_path)) return response.json()["html_url"] def convert_raw_align_to_tm(align_fn: Path, tm_path: Path): if DEBUG: logging.debug("[INFO] Conerting raw alignment to TM repo...") def load_alignment(fn: Path): content = fn.read_text() if not content: return [] for seg_pair in content.splitlines(): if not seg_pair: continue if "\t" in seg_pair: try: bo_seg, en_seg = seg_pair.split("\t", 1) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"{e} in {fn}") raise else: bo_seg = seg_pair en_seg = "\n" yield bo_seg, en_seg text_bo_fn = tm_path / f"{}-bo.txt" text_en_fn = tm_path / f"{}-en.txt" with open(text_bo_fn, "w", encoding="utf-8") as bo_file, open( text_en_fn, "w", encoding="utf-8" ) as en_file: for bo_seg, en_seg in load_alignment(align_fn): bo_file.write(bo_seg + "\n") en_file.write(en_seg + "\n") return tm_path def get_github_dev_url(raw_github_url: str) -> str: base_url = "" _, file_path = raw_github_url.split(".com") blob_file_path = file_path.replace("main", "blob/main") return base_url + blob_file_path def add_input_in_readme(input_dict: Dict[str, str], path: Path) -> Path: input_readme_fn = path / "" text_id = input_dict["text_id"] bo_file_url = get_github_dev_url(input_dict["bo_file_url"]) en_file_url = get_github_dev_url(input_dict["en_file_url"]) input_string = "## Input\n- [BO{}]({})\n- [EN{}]({})".format( text_id, bo_file_url, text_id, en_file_url ) input_readme_fn.write_text(input_string) return path def add_to_publish_todo_repo(org, repo_name, file_path, access_token): base_url = f"{org}/{repo_name}/contents/" headers = { "Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}", "Accept": "application/vnd.github.v3+json", } url = base_url + file_path response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) if response.status_code == 200: print(f"[INFO] '{file_path}' already added.") return payload = {"message": f"Add {file_path}", "content": ""} response = requests.put(url, headers=headers, json=payload) if response.status_code == 201: print(f"[INFO] '{file_path}' added to publish todo") else: print(f"[ERROR] Failed to add '{file_path}'.") print(f"[ERROR] Response: {response.text}") def create_tm(align_fn: Path, text_pair: Dict[str, str]): align_fn = Path(align_fn) text_id = text_pair["text_id"] with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir: output_dir = Path(tmp_dir) repo_name = f"TM{text_id}" tm_path = output_dir / repo_name tm_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) repo_path = convert_raw_align_to_tm(align_fn, tm_path) repo_path = add_input_in_readme(text_pair, tm_path) repo_url = create_github_repo(repo_path, repo_name)"TM repo created: {repo_url}") add_to_publish_todo_repo(GITHUB_ORG, MAI_TM_PUBLISH_TODO_REPO, repo_name, GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN) return repo_url if __name__ == "__main__": align_fn = Path(sys.argv[1]) create_tm(align_fn)