import math import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F import numpy as np #------------ # base class #------------ class DecisionPredictorBase(nn.Module): def __init__(self, coord_dim, node_dim, state_dim, emb_dim, num_mlp_layers, num_classes, dropout): super().__init__() self.coord_dim = coord_dim self.node_dim = node_dim self.emb_dim = emb_dim self.state_dim = state_dim self.num_mlp_layers = num_mlp_layers self.norm_factor = 1 / math.sqrt(emb_dim) # initial embedding self.init_linear_node = nn.Linear(node_dim, emb_dim) self.init_linear_depot = nn.Linear(coord_dim, emb_dim) if state_dim > 0: self.init_linear_state = nn.Linear(state_dim, emb_dim) # An attention layer self.w_q = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor((2 + int(state_dim > 0)) * emb_dim, emb_dim)) self.w_k = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(2 * emb_dim, emb_dim)) self.w_v = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(2 * emb_dim, emb_dim)) # MLP self.mlp = nn.ModuleList() for i in range(self.num_mlp_layers): self.mlp.append(nn.Linear(emb_dim, emb_dim, bias=True)) self.mlp.append(nn.Linear(emb_dim, num_classes, bias=True)) # Dropout self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout) self.reset_parameters() def reset_parameters(self): for param in self.parameters(): stdv = 1. / math.sqrt(param.size(-1)), stdv) def forward(self, inputs): """ Paramters --------- inputs: dict curr_node_id: torch.LongTensor [batch_size] next_node_id: torch.LongTensor [batch_size] node_feat: torch.FloatTensor [batch_size x num_nodes x node_dim] mask: torch.LongTensor [batch_size x num_nodes] state: torch.FloatTensor [batch_size x state_dim] Returns ------- probs: torch.tensor [batch_size x num_classes] """ #---------------- # input features #---------------- curr_node_id = inputs["curr_node_id"] next_node_id = inputs["next_node_id"] node_feat = inputs["node_feats"] mask = inputs["mask"] state = inputs["state"] #--------------------------- # initial linear projection #--------------------------- node_emb = self.init_linear_node(node_feat[:, 1:, :]) # [batch_size x num_loc x emb_dim] depot_emb = self.init_linear_depot(node_feat[:, 0:1, :2]) # [batch_size x 1 x emb_dim] new_node_feat =, node_emb), 1) # [batch_size x num_nodes x emb_dim] new_node_feat = self.dropout(new_node_feat) #--------------- # preprocessing #--------------- batch_size = curr_node_id.size(0) curr_emb = new_node_feat.gather(1, curr_node_id.unsqueeze(-1).expand(batch_size, 1, self.emb_dim)) next_emb = new_node_feat.gather(1, next_node_id.unsqueeze(-1).expand(batch_size, 1, self.emb_dim)) if state is not None and self.state_dim > 0: state_emb = self.init_linear_state(state) # [batch_size x emb_dim] input_q =, next_emb, state_emb[:, None, :]), -1) # [batch_size x 1 x (3*emb_dim)] else: input_q =, next_emb), -1) # [batch_size x 1 x (2*emb_dim)] input_kv =, new_node_feat), -1) # [batch_size x num_nodes x (2*emb_dim)] #-------------------- # An attention layer #-------------------- q = torch.matmul(input_q, self.w_q) # [batch_size x 1 x emb_dim] k = torch.matmul(input_kv, self.w_k) # [batch_size x num_nodes x emb_dim] v = torch.matmul(input_kv, self.w_v) # [batch_size x num_nodes x emb_dim] compatibility = self.norm_factor * torch.matmul(q, k.transpose(-2, -1)) # [batch_size x 1 x num_nodes] compatibility[(~mask).unsqueeze(1).expand_as(compatibility)] = -math.inf attn = torch.softmax(compatibility, dim=-1) h = torch.matmul(attn, v) # [batch_size x 1 x emb_dim] h = h.squeeze(1) # [batch_size x emb_dim] #--------------- # MLP (decoder) #--------------- for i in range(self.num_mlp_layers): h = self.dropout(h) h = torch.relu(self.mlp[i](h)) h = self.dropout(h) logits = self.mlp[-1](h) probs = F.log_softmax(logits, dim=-1) return probs def get_inputs(self, tour, first_explained_step, node_feats): """ For TSPTW TODO: refactoring Parameters ---------- tour: list [seq_length] first_explained_step: int node_feats np.array [num_nodes x node_dim] Returns ------- out: dict (key: data type [data_size]) curr_node_id: torch.tensor [num_explained_paths] next_node_id: torch.tensor [num_explained_paths] node_feats: torch.tensor [num_explained_paths x num_nodes x node_dim] mask: torch.tensor [num_explained_paths x num_nodes] state: torch.tensor [num_explained_paths x state_dim] """ node_feats = { key: torch.from_numpy(node_feat.astype(np.float32).copy()).clone() if isinstance(node_feat, np.ndarray) else torch.tensor([node_feat]) for key, node_feat in node_feats.items() } if isinstance(tour, np.ndarray): tour = torch.from_numpy(tour.astype(np.long).copy()).clone() else: tour = torch.LongTensor(tour) out = {"curr_node_id": [], "next_node_id": [], "mask": [], "state": []} for step in range(first_explained_step, len(tour) - 1): # node ids curr_node_id = tour[step] next_node_id = tour[step + 1] # mask & state max_coord = node_feats["grid_size"] coord = node_feats["coords"] / max_coord # [num_nodes x coord_dim] time_window = node_feats["time_window"] # [num_nodes x 2(start, end)] time_window = (time_window - time_window[1:].min()) / time_window[1:].max() # min-max normalization curr_time = torch.FloatTensor([0.0]) raw_coord = node_feats["coords"] raw_time_window = node_feats["time_window"] raw_curr_time = torch.FloatTensor([0.0]) num_nodes = len(node_feats["coords"]) mask = torch.ones(num_nodes, dtype=torch.long) # feasible -> 1, infeasible -> 0 for i in range(step + 1): curr_id = tour[i] if i > 0: prev_id = tour[i - 1] raw_curr_time += torch.norm(raw_coord[curr_id] - raw_coord[prev_id]) curr_time += torch.norm(coord[curr_id] - coord[prev_id]) # visited? mask[curr_id] = 0 # curr_time exceeds the time window? mask[curr_time > time_window[:, 1]] = 0 curr_time = (raw_curr_time - raw_time_window[1:].min()) / raw_time_window[1:].max() # min-max normalization out["curr_node_id"].append(curr_node_id) out["next_node_id"].append(next_node_id) out["mask"].append(mask) out["state"].append(curr_time) out = {key: torch.stack(value, 0) for key, value in out.items()} node_feats = { key: node_feat.unsqueeze(0).expand(out["mask"].size(0), *node_feat.size()) for key, node_feat in node_feats.items() } out.update({"node_feats": node_feats}) return out #--------------- # general class #--------------- class DecisionPredictor(DecisionPredictorBase): def __init__(self, problem, emb_dim, num_mlp_layers, num_classes, drop): coord_dim = 2 self.problem = problem if problem == "tsptw": node_dim = coord_dim + 2 # + time_window(start, end) state_dim = 1 # current_time elif problem == "cvrp": node_dim = coord_dim + 1 # + demand state_dim = 1 # used_capacity elif problem == "cvrptw": node_dim = coord_dim + 1 + 2 # + demand + time_window(start, end) state_dim = 2 # used_capacity + current_time else: assert False, f"problem {problem} is not supported!" super().__init__(coord_dim, node_dim, state_dim, emb_dim, num_mlp_layers, num_classes, drop)