import streamlit as st from import Sentence from flair.models import SequenceTagger # Load the Flair model model_path = "onurkeles/hamshetsnag-pos-tagger" pos_tagger = SequenceTagger.load(model_path) def tag_pos(text, detailed_output): """Tag parts of speech in a given text, with optional detailed output.""" sentence = Sentence(text) pos_tagger.predict(sentence) if detailed_output: # Generate detailed information with tag values and probabilities output = [] for label in sentence.get_labels(): output.append( f"{label.data_point.text}: {label.value} ({label.score:.2f})" ) return "\n".join(output) else: return sentence.to_tagged_string() def write(): st.markdown("# Part-of-Speech Tagging for Hamshetsnag") st.sidebar.header("POS Tagging") st.write("Detect parts of speech in Hamshetsnag text using the fine-tuned model.") # Sidebar for configurations st.sidebar.subheader("Configurable Parameters") # Detailed Output Checkbox detailed_output = st.sidebar.checkbox( "Detailed Output", value=False, help="If checked, output shows detailed tag information (probability scores, etc.).", ) # Input text area input_text = st.text_area("Enter a text:", height=100, value=st.session_state.get('input_text', 'Put example text here.')) # Tag POS button with unique color styling if st.button("Tag POS", key="tag_pos"): with st.spinner('Processing...'): output = tag_pos(input_text, detailed_output) st.success(output) # Example Sentences and Translations example_sentences = [ ("tuute acertsetser topoldetser aaav ta.", "Kâğıdı büzüştürdün attın. Oldu mu?"), ("Baran u Baden teran.", "Baran ve Bade koştu."), ("Onurun ennush nu İremin terchushe intzi shad kızdırmısh aaav.", "Onur'un düşüşü ve İrem'in koşuşu beni kızdırdı."), ] st.write("## Example Sentences:") for hamshetsnag, turkish in example_sentences: if st.button(f"Use: {hamshetsnag}", key=hamshetsnag): st.session_state['input_text'] = hamshetsnag # Update input text break st.markdown(f'

(TR: {turkish})

', unsafe_allow_html=True) # Display translation in smaller font