import nltk import einops import torch import torch.nn.functional as F import torchvision.utils from torch_kmeans import KMeans import os import injection_utils import utils class BoundedAttention(injection_utils.AttentionBase): EPSILON = 1e-5 FILTER_TAGS = { 'CC', 'CD', 'DT', 'EX', 'IN', 'LS', 'MD', 'PDT', 'POS', 'PRP', 'PRP$', 'RP', 'TO', 'UH', 'WDT', 'WP', 'WRB'} TAG_RULES = {'left': 'IN', 'right': 'IN', 'top': 'IN', 'bottom': 'IN'} def __init__( self, boxes, prompts, cross_loss_layers, self_loss_layers, subject_sub_prompts=None, subject_token_indices=None, cross_mask_layers=None, self_mask_layers=None, eos_token_index=None, filter_token_indices=None, leading_token_indices=None, mask_cross_during_guidance=True, mask_eos=True, cross_loss_coef=1, self_loss_coef=1, max_guidance_iter=15, max_guidance_iter_per_step=5, start_step_size=30, end_step_size=10, loss_stopping_value=0.2, min_clustering_step=15, cross_mask_threshold=0.2, self_mask_threshold=0.2, delta_refine_mask_steps=5, pca_rank=None, num_clusters=None, num_clusters_per_box=3, max_resolution=None, map_dir=None, debug=False, delta_debug_attention_steps=20, delta_debug_mask_steps=5, debug_layers=None, saved_resolution=64, ): super().__init__() self.boxes = boxes self.prompts = prompts self.subject_sub_prompts = subject_sub_prompts self.subject_token_indices = subject_token_indices self.cross_loss_layers = set(cross_loss_layers) self.self_loss_layers = set(self_loss_layers) self.cross_mask_layers = self.cross_loss_layers if cross_mask_layers is None else set(cross_mask_layers) self.self_mask_layers = self.self_loss_layers if self_mask_layers is None else set(self_mask_layers) self.eos_token_index = eos_token_index self.filter_token_indices = filter_token_indices self.leading_token_indices = leading_token_indices self.mask_cross_during_guidance = mask_cross_during_guidance self.mask_eos = mask_eos self.cross_loss_coef = cross_loss_coef self.self_loss_coef = self_loss_coef self.max_guidance_iter = max_guidance_iter self.max_guidance_iter_per_step = max_guidance_iter_per_step self.start_step_size = start_step_size self.step_size_coef = (end_step_size - start_step_size) / max_guidance_iter self.loss_stopping_value = loss_stopping_value self.min_clustering_step = min_clustering_step self.cross_mask_threshold = cross_mask_threshold self.self_mask_threshold = self_mask_threshold self.delta_refine_mask_steps = delta_refine_mask_steps self.pca_rank = pca_rank num_clusters = len(boxes) * num_clusters_per_box if num_clusters is None else num_clusters self.clustering = KMeans(n_clusters=num_clusters, num_init=100) self.centers = None self.max_resolution = max_resolution self.map_dir = map_dir self.debug = debug self.delta_debug_attention_steps = delta_debug_attention_steps self.delta_debug_mask_steps = delta_debug_mask_steps self.debug_layers = self.cross_loss_layers | self.self_loss_layers if debug_layers is None else debug_layers self.saved_resolution = saved_resolution self.optimized = False self.cross_foreground_values = [] self.self_foreground_values = [] self.cross_background_values = [] self.self_background_values = [] self.mean_cross_map = 0 self.num_cross_maps = 0 self.mean_self_map = 0 self.num_self_maps = 0 self.self_masks = None def clear_values(self, include_maps=False): lists = ( self.cross_foreground_values, self.self_foreground_values, self.cross_background_values, self.self_background_values, ) for values in lists: values.clear() if include_maps: self.mean_cross_map = 0 self.num_cross_maps = 0 self.mean_self_map = 0 self.num_self_maps = 0 def before_step(self): self.clear_values() if self.cur_step == 0: self._determine_tokens() def reset(self): self.clear_values(include_maps=True) super().reset() def forward(self, q, k, v, is_cross, place_in_unet, num_heads, **kwargs): batch_size = q.size(0) // num_heads n = q.size(1) d = k.size(1) dtype = q.dtype device = q.device if is_cross: masks = self._hide_other_subjects_from_tokens(batch_size // 2, n, d, dtype, device) else: masks = self._hide_other_subjects_from_subjects(batch_size // 2, n, dtype, device) resolution = int(n ** 0.5) if (self.max_resolution is not None) and (resolution > self.max_resolution): return super().forward(q, k, v, is_cross, place_in_unet, num_heads, mask=masks) sim = torch.einsum('b i d, b j d -> b i j', q, k) * kwargs['scale'] attn = sim.softmax(-1) self._display_attention_maps(attn, is_cross, num_heads) sim = sim.reshape(batch_size, num_heads, n, d) + masks attn = sim.reshape(-1, n, d).softmax(-1) self._save(attn, is_cross, num_heads) self._display_attention_maps(attn, is_cross, num_heads, prefix='masked') self._debug_hook(q, k, v, sim, attn, is_cross, place_in_unet, num_heads, **kwargs) out = torch.bmm(attn, v) return einops.rearrange(out, '(b h) n d -> b n (h d)', h=num_heads) def update_loss(self, forward_pass, latents, i): if i >= self.max_guidance_iter: return latents step_size = self.start_step_size + self.step_size_coef * i self.optimized = True normalized_loss = torch.tensor(10000) with torch.enable_grad(): latents = latents.clone().detach().requires_grad_(True) for guidance_iter in range(self.max_guidance_iter_per_step): if normalized_loss < self.loss_stopping_value: break latent_model_input =[latents] * 2) cur_step = self.cur_step forward_pass(latent_model_input) self.cur_step = cur_step loss, normalized_loss = self._compute_loss() grad_cond = torch.autograd.grad(loss, [latents])[0] latents = latents - step_size * grad_cond if self.debug: print(f'Loss at step={i}, iter={guidance_iter}: {normalized_loss}') grad_norms = grad_cond.flatten(start_dim=2).norm(dim=1) grad_norms = grad_norms / grad_norms.max(dim=1, keepdim=True)[0] self._save_maps(grad_norms, 'grad_norms') self.optimized = False return latents def _tokenize(self, prompt=None): prompt = self.prompts[0] if prompt is None else prompt ids = self.model.tokenizer.encode(prompt) tokens = self.model.tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(ids, skip_special_tokens=True) return [token[:-4] for token in tokens] # remove ending def _tag_tokens(self): tagged_tokens = nltk.pos_tag(self._tokenize()) return [type(self).TAG_RULES.get(token, tag) for token, tag in tagged_tokens] def _determine_subject_tokens(self): if self.subject_token_indices is not None: return if self.subject_sub_prompts is None: raise ValueError('Missing subject sub-prompts.') tokens = self._tokenize() matches = [] self.subject_token_indices = [] for sub_prompt in self.subject_sub_prompts: token_indices = self._determine_specific_subject_tokens(tokens, sub_prompt, matches) matches.append(token_indices[0]) self.subject_token_indices.append(token_indices) def _determine_specific_subject_tokens(self, tokens, sub_prompt, previous_matches): sub_tokens = self._tokenize(sub_prompt) sub_len = len(sub_tokens) matches = [] for i in range(len(tokens)): if tokens[i] == sub_tokens[0] and tokens[i:i + sub_len] == sub_tokens: matches.append(i + 1) if len(matches) == 0: raise ValueError(f'Couldn\'t locate sub-prompt: {sub_prompt}.') new_matches = [i for i in matches if i not in previous_matches] last_match = new_matches[0] if len(new_matches) > 0 else matches[-1] return list(range(last_match, last_match + sub_len)) def _determine_eos_token(self): tokens = self._tokenize() eos_token_index = len(tokens) + 1 if self.eos_token_index is None: self.eos_token_index = eos_token_index elif eos_token_index != self.eos_token_index: raise ValueError(f'Wrong EOS token index. Tokens are: {tokens}.') def _determine_filter_tokens(self): if self.filter_token_indices is not None: return tags = self._tag_tokens() self.filter_token_indices = [i + 1 for i, tag in enumerate(tags) if tag in type(self).FILTER_TAGS] def _determine_leading_tokens(self): if self.leading_token_indices is not None: return tags = self._tag_tokens() leading_token_indices = [] for indices in self.subject_token_indices: subject_noun_indices = [i for i in indices if tags[i - 1].startswith('NN')] leading_token_candidates = subject_noun_indices if len(subject_noun_indices) > 0 else indices leading_token_indices.append(leading_token_candidates[-1]) self.leading_token_indices = leading_token_indices def _determine_tokens(self): self._determine_subject_tokens() self._determine_eos_token() self._determine_filter_tokens() self._determine_leading_tokens() def _split_references(self, tensor, num_heads): tensor = tensor.reshape(-1, num_heads, *tensor.shape[1:]) unconditional, conditional = tensor.chunk(2) num_subjects = len(self.boxes) batch_unconditional = unconditional[:-num_subjects] references_unconditional = unconditional[-num_subjects:] batch_conditional = conditional[:-num_subjects] references_conditional = conditional[-num_subjects:] batch =, batch_conditional)) references =, references_conditional)) batch = batch.reshape(-1, *batch_unconditional.shape[2:]) references = references.reshape(-1, *references_unconditional.shape[2:]) return batch, references def _hide_other_subjects_from_tokens(self, batch_size, n, d, dtype, device): # b h i j resolution = int(n ** 0.5) subject_masks, background_masks = self._obtain_masks(resolution, batch_size=batch_size, device=device) # b s n include_background = self.optimized or (not self.mask_cross_during_guidance and self.cur_step < self.max_guidance_iter_per_step) subject_masks = torch.logical_or(subject_masks, background_masks.unsqueeze(1)) if include_background else subject_masks min_value = torch.finfo(dtype).min sim_masks = torch.zeros((batch_size, n, d), dtype=dtype, device=device) # b i j for token_indices in (*self.subject_token_indices, self.filter_token_indices): sim_masks[:, :, token_indices] = min_value for batch_index in range(batch_size): for subject_mask, token_indices in zip(subject_masks[batch_index], self.subject_token_indices): for token_index in token_indices: sim_masks[batch_index, subject_mask, token_index] = 0 if self.mask_eos and not include_background: for batch_index, background_mask in zip(range(batch_size), background_masks): sim_masks[batch_index, background_mask, self.eos_token_index] = min_value return, sim_masks)).unsqueeze(1) def _hide_other_subjects_from_subjects(self, batch_size, n, dtype, device): # b h i j resolution = int(n ** 0.5) subject_masks, background_masks = self._obtain_masks(resolution, batch_size=batch_size, device=device) # b s n min_value = torch.finfo(dtype).min sim_masks = torch.zeros((batch_size, n, n), dtype=dtype, device=device) # b i j for batch_index, background_mask in zip(range(batch_size), background_masks): sim_masks[batch_index, ~background_mask, ~background_mask] = min_value for batch_index in range(batch_size): for subject_mask in subject_masks[batch_index]: subject_sim_mask = sim_masks[batch_index, subject_mask] condition = torch.logical_or(subject_sim_mask == 0, subject_mask.unsqueeze(0)) sim_masks[batch_index, subject_mask] = torch.where(condition, 0, min_value).to(dtype=dtype) return, sim_masks)).unsqueeze(1) def _save(self, attn, is_cross, num_heads): _, attn = attn.chunk(2) attn = attn.reshape(-1, num_heads, *attn.shape[-2:]) # b h n k self._save_mask_maps(attn, is_cross) self._save_loss_values(attn, is_cross) def _save_mask_maps(self, attn, is_cross): if ( (self.optimized) or (is_cross and self.cur_att_layer not in self.cross_mask_layers) or ((not is_cross) and (self.cur_att_layer not in self.self_mask_layers)) ): return if is_cross: attn = attn[..., self.leading_token_indices] mean_map = self.mean_cross_map num_maps = self.num_cross_maps else: mean_map = self.mean_self_map num_maps = self.num_self_maps num_maps += 1 attn = attn.mean(dim=1) # mean over heads mean_map = ((num_maps - 1) / num_maps) * mean_map + (1 / num_maps) * attn if is_cross: self.mean_cross_map = mean_map self.num_cross_maps = num_maps else: self.mean_self_map = mean_map self.num_self_maps = num_maps def _save_loss_values(self, attn, is_cross): if ( (not self.optimized) or (is_cross and (self.cur_att_layer not in self.cross_loss_layers)) or ((not is_cross) and (self.cur_att_layer not in self.self_loss_layers)) ): return resolution = int(attn.size(2) ** 0.5) boxes = self._convert_boxes_to_masks(resolution, device=attn.device) # s n background_mask = boxes.sum(dim=0) == 0 if is_cross: saved_foreground_values = self.cross_foreground_values saved_background_values = self.cross_background_values contexts = [indices + [self.eos_token_index] for indices in self.subject_token_indices] # TODO: fix EOS loss term else: saved_foreground_values = self.self_foreground_values saved_background_values = self.self_background_values contexts = boxes foreground_values = [] background_values = [] for i, (box, context) in enumerate(zip(boxes, contexts)): context_attn = attn[:, :, :, context] # sum over heads, pixels and contexts foreground_values.append(context_attn[:, :, box].sum(dim=(1, 2, 3))) background_values.append(context_attn[:, :, background_mask].sum(dim=(1, 2, 3))) saved_foreground_values.append(torch.stack(foreground_values, dim=1)) saved_background_values.append(torch.stack(background_values, dim=1)) def _compute_loss(self): cross_losses = self._compute_loss_term(self.cross_foreground_values, self.cross_background_values) self_losses = self._compute_loss_term(self.self_foreground_values, self.self_background_values) b, s = cross_losses.shape # sum over samples and subjects total_cross_loss = cross_losses.sum() total_self_loss = self_losses.sum() loss = self.cross_loss_coef * total_cross_loss + self.self_loss_coef * total_self_loss normalized_loss = loss / b / s return loss, normalized_loss def _compute_loss_term(self, foreground_values, background_values): # mean over layers mean_foreground = torch.stack(foreground_values).mean(dim=0) mean_background = torch.stack(background_values).mean(dim=0) iou = mean_foreground / (mean_foreground + len(self.boxes) * mean_background) return (1 - iou) ** 2 def _obtain_masks(self, resolution, return_boxes=False, return_existing=False, batch_size=None, device=None): return_boxes = return_boxes or (return_existing and self.self_masks is None) if return_boxes or self.cur_step < self.min_clustering_step: masks = self._convert_boxes_to_masks(resolution, device=device).unsqueeze(0) if batch_size is not None: masks = masks.expand(batch_size, *masks.shape[1:]) else: masks = self._obtain_self_masks(resolution, return_existing=return_existing) if device is not None: masks = background_mask = masks.sum(dim=1) == 0 return masks, background_mask def _convert_boxes_to_masks(self, resolution, device=None): # s n boxes = torch.zeros(len(self.boxes), resolution, resolution, dtype=bool, device=device) for i, box in enumerate(self.boxes): x0, x1 = box[0] * resolution, box[2] * resolution y0, y1 = box[1] * resolution, box[3] * resolution boxes[i, round(y0) : round(y1), round(x0) : round(x1)] = True return boxes.flatten(start_dim=1) def _obtain_self_masks(self, resolution, return_existing=False): if ( (self.self_masks is None) or ( (self.cur_step % self.delta_refine_mask_steps == 0) and (self.cur_att_layer == 0) and (not return_existing) ) ): self.self_masks = self._fix_zero_masks(self._build_self_masks()) b, s, n = self.self_masks.shape mask_resolution = int(n ** 0.5) self_masks = self.self_masks.reshape(b, s, mask_resolution, mask_resolution).float() self_masks = F.interpolate(self_masks, resolution, mode='nearest-exact') return self_masks.flatten(start_dim=2).bool() def _build_self_masks(self): c, clusters = self._cluster_self_maps() # b n cluster_masks = torch.stack([(clusters == cluster_index) for cluster_index in range(c)], dim=2) # b n c cluster_area = cluster_masks.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True) # b 1 c n = clusters.size(1) resolution = int(n ** 0.5) cross_masks = self._obtain_cross_masks(resolution) # b s n cross_mask_area = cross_masks.sum(dim=2, keepdim=True) # b s 1 intersection = torch.bmm(cross_masks.float(), cluster_masks.float()) # b s c min_area = torch.minimum(cross_mask_area, cluster_area) # b s c score_per_cluster, subject_per_cluster = torch.max(intersection / min_area, dim=1) # b c subjects = torch.gather(subject_per_cluster, 1, clusters) # b n scores = torch.gather(score_per_cluster, 1, clusters) # b n s = cross_masks.size(1) self_masks = torch.stack([(subjects == subject_index) for subject_index in range(s)], dim=1) # b s n scores = scores.unsqueeze(1).expand(-1 ,s, n) # b s n self_masks[scores < self.self_mask_threshold] = False self._save_maps(self_masks, 'self_masks') return self_masks def _cluster_self_maps(self): # b s n self_maps = self._compute_maps(self.mean_self_map) # b n m if self.pca_rank is not None: dtype = self_maps.dtype _, _, eigen_vectors = torch.pca_lowrank(self_maps.float(), self.pca_rank) self_maps = torch.matmul(self_maps, clustering_results = self.clustering(self_maps, centers=self.centers) self.clustering.num_init = 1 # clustering is deterministic after the first time self.centers = clustering_results.centers clusters = clustering_results.labels num_clusters = self.clustering.n_clusters self._save_maps(clusters / num_clusters, f'clusters') return num_clusters, clusters def _obtain_cross_masks(self, resolution, scale=10): maps = self._compute_maps(self.mean_cross_map, resolution=resolution) # b n k maps = F.sigmoid(scale * (maps - self.cross_mask_threshold)) maps = self._normalize_maps(maps, reduce_min=True) maps = maps.transpose(1, 2) # b k n existing_masks, _ = self._obtain_masks( resolution, return_existing=True, batch_size=maps.size(0), device=maps.device) maps = maps * self._save_maps(maps, 'cross_masks') return maps def _fix_zero_masks(self, masks): b, s, n = masks.shape resolution = int(n ** 0.5) boxes = self._convert_boxes_to_masks(resolution, device=masks.device) # s n for i in range(b): for j in range(s): if masks[i, j].sum() == 0: print('******Found a zero mask!******') for k in range(s): masks[i, k] = boxes[j] if (k == j) else masks[i, k].logical_and(~boxes[j]) return masks def _compute_maps(self, maps, resolution=None): # b n k if resolution is not None: b, n, k = maps.shape original_resolution = int(n ** 0.5) maps = maps.transpose(1, 2).reshape(b, k, original_resolution, original_resolution) maps = F.interpolate(maps, resolution, mode='bilinear', antialias=True) maps = maps.reshape(b, k, -1).transpose(1, 2) maps = self._normalize_maps(maps) return maps @classmethod def _normalize_maps(cls, maps, reduce_min=False): # b n k max_values = maps.max(dim=1, keepdim=True)[0] min_values = maps.min(dim=1, keepdim=True)[0] if reduce_min else 0 numerator = maps - min_values denominator = max_values - min_values + cls.EPSILON return numerator / denominator def _save_maps(self, maps, prefix): if self.map_dir is None or self.cur_step % self.delta_debug_mask_steps != 0: return resolution = int(maps.size(-1) ** 0.5) maps = maps.reshape(-1, 1, resolution, resolution).float() maps = F.interpolate(maps, self.saved_resolution, mode='bilinear', antialias=True) path = os.path.join(self.map_dir, f'map_{prefix}_{self.cur_step}_{self.cur_att_layer}.png') torchvision.utils.save_image(maps, path) def _display_attention_maps(self, attention_maps, is_cross, num_heads, prefix=None): if (not self.debug) or (self.cur_step == 0) or (self.cur_step % self.delta_debug_attention_steps > 0) or (self.cur_att_layer not in self.debug_layers): return dir_name = self.map_dir if prefix is not None: splits = list(os.path.split(dir_name)) splits[-1] = '_'.join((prefix, splits[-1])) dir_name = os.path.join(*splits) resolution = int(attention_maps.size(-2) ** 0.5) if is_cross: attention_maps = einops.rearrange(attention_maps, 'b (r1 r2) k -> b k r1 r2', r1=resolution) attention_maps = F.interpolate(attention_maps, self.saved_resolution, mode='bilinear', antialias=True) attention_maps = einops.rearrange(attention_maps, 'b k r1 r2 -> b (r1 r2) k') utils.display_attention_maps( attention_maps, is_cross, num_heads, self.model.tokenizer, self.prompts, dir_name, self.cur_step, self.cur_att_layer, resolution, ) def _debug_hook(self, q, k, v, sim, attn, is_cross, place_in_unet, num_heads, **kwargs): pass