[{"title": "Reverse a Linked List", "description": "Given the head of a linked list, reverse the list and return the new head."}, {"title": "Implement a Stack", "description": "Implement a stack data structure in C++ using a singly linked list."}, {"title": "Implement a Queue", "description": "Implement a queue data structure in C++ using a circular array."}, {"title": "Find the Median of Two Sorted Arrays", "description": "Given two sorted arrays, find the median of the combined array."}, {"title": "Implement a Binary Search Tree", "description": "Implement a binary search tree data structure in C++."}, {"title": "Implement a Hash Table", "description": "Implement a hash table data structure in C++ using linear probing."}, {"title": "Implement a Graph", "description": "Implement a graph data structure in C++ using an adjacency list."}, {"title": "Find the Shortest Path in a Graph", "description": "Given a graph and a source vertex, find the shortest path to all other vertices in the graph."}, {"title": "Implement a Neural Network", "description": "Implement a simple neural network in C++ using the Caffe deep learning framework."}, {"title": "Optimize a Neural Network for High-Performance Computing", "description": "Optimize a neural network for high-performance computing using CUDA or OpenCL."}]