import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") import os, json import gradio as gr import pandas as pd from backend import Backend QUESTIONS = [ "Animal Type", "Exposure Age", "Behavior Test", "Intervention 1", "Intervention 2", "Genetic Chain", ] with gr.Blocks(theme="dark") as demo: backend = Backend() with gr.Row(): with gr.Row(): # Update with gr.Group(): gr.Markdown(f'


') gr.Markdown(f'

Please First Upload the File

') openai_key = gr.Textbox( label='Enter your OpenAI API key here', type='password') file = gr.File(label='Upload your .txt or .pdf file here', file_types=['.txt', '.pdf'], file_count = 'multiple') questions = gr.CheckboxGroup(choices = QUESTIONS, value = QUESTIONS, label="Questions", info="Please select the question you want to ask") btn_submit_txt = gr.Button(value='Submit txt') # Output with gr.Group(): gr.Markdown(f'


') gr.Markdown(f'

The answer to your question is :

') filename_box = gr.Textbox(label = "File") question_box = gr.Textbox(label='Question') answer_box = gr.Textbox(label='Answer') # reference_box = gr.Textbox(label='Reference') highlighted_text = gr.outputs.HTML(label="Highlighted Text") with gr.Group(): gr.Markdown("

Please select different questions

") with gr.Row(): btn_last_question = gr.Button(value='Last Question') btn_next_question = gr.Button(value='Next Question') with gr.Group(): gr.Markdown("

Please select different passages

") with gr.Row(): btn_last_passage = gr.Button(value='Last Passage') btn_next_passage = gr.Button(value='Next Passage') # Correctness with gr.Group(): gr.Markdown(f'

Correct the Result

') gr.Markdown(f'

Please Correct the Results

') with gr.Row(): save_results = gr.Textbox(placeholder = "Still need to click the button above to save the results", label = 'Save Results') with gr.Group(): gr.Markdown(f'

Please Choose:

') answer_correct = gr.Radio(choices = ["Correct", "Incorrect"], label='Is the Generated Answer Correct?', info="Pease select whether the generated text is correct") correct_answer = gr.Textbox(placeholder = "Please judge on the generated answer", label = 'Correct Answer', interactive = True) reference_correct = gr.Radio(choices = ["Correct", "Incorrect"], label="Is the Reference Correct?", info="Pease select whether the reference is correct") correct_reference = gr.Textbox(placeholder = "Please judge on the generated answer", label = 'Correct Reference', interactive = True) btn_submit_correctness = gr.Button(value='Submit Correctness') # Download with gr.Group(): gr.Markdown(f'


') gr.Markdown(f'

Download the original LLM answers and corrected LLM answers

') answer_file = gr.File(label='Download original LLM answers', file_types=['.xlsx']) btn_download_answer = gr.Button(value='Download original LLM answers') corrected_file = gr.File(label='Download corrected data', file_types=['.xlsx']) btn_download_corrected = gr.Button(value='Download corrected LLM answers') with gr.Row(): reset = gr.Button(value='Reset') # Answer change answer_correct.input( backend.change_correct_answer, inputs = [answer_correct], outputs = [correct_answer], ) reference_correct.input( backend.change_correct_reference, inputs = [reference_correct], outputs = [correct_reference], ) # Submit button backend.process_file, inputs=[file, questions, openai_key], outputs=[filename_box, question_box, answer_box, highlighted_text, correct_answer, correct_reference], ) # TODO backend.process_results, inputs=[answer_correct, correct_answer, reference_correct, correct_reference], outputs=[save_results], ) # Switch question button backend.process_last, outputs=[filename_box, question_box, answer_box, highlighted_text, correct_answer, correct_reference, save_results, answer_correct, reference_correct], ) backend.process_next, outputs=[filename_box, question_box, answer_box, highlighted_text, correct_answer, correct_reference, save_results, answer_correct, reference_correct], ) # Switch passwage button backend.switch_last_passage, outputs=[filename_box, question_box, answer_box, highlighted_text, correct_answer, correct_reference, save_results, answer_correct, reference_correct], ) backend.switch_next_passage, outputs=[filename_box, question_box, answer_box, highlighted_text, correct_answer, correct_reference, save_results, answer_correct, reference_correct], ) # Download button backend.download_answer, outputs=[answer_file], ) backend.download_corrected, outputs=[corrected_file], ) demo.queue() demo.launch(show_error=True, show_tips=True)