from prompt import Prompt from openai import OpenAI from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz from fuzzywuzzy import process import gradio as gr import pandas as pd import os,json import time QUESTION_DICT = { "Question 1": "Animal Type", "Question 2": "Exposure Age", "Question 3": "Behavior Test", "intervention_1": "Intervention 1", "intervention_2": "Intervention 2", "Question 5": "Genetic Chain", "Question 6": "Issues or Challenge Resolved", "Question 7": "Innovations in Methodology", "Question 8": "Impact of Findings", "Question 9": "limitations", "Question 10": "Potential Applications", } REVERSE_QUESTION_DICT = { "Animal Type": "Question 1", "Exposure Age": "Question 2", "Behavior Test": "Question 3", "Intervention 1": "Question 4", "Intervention 2": "Question 5", "Genetic Chain": "Question 6", "Issues or Challenge Resolved": "Question 7", "Innovations in Methodology": "Question 8", "Impact of Findings": "Question 9", "limitations": "Question 10", "Potential Applications": "Question 11", } class Backend: def __init__(self): self.agent = OpenAI() self.prompt = Prompt() def read_file_single(self, file): # read the file if file is not None: with open(, 'r') as f: text = else: raise gr.Error("You need to upload a file first") return text def phrase_pdf(self, file_path): from langchain.document_loaders import UnstructuredPDFLoader loader = UnstructuredPDFLoader(file_path, model = 'elements') file = loader.load() return file[0].page_content def read_file(self, files): # read the file text_list = [] self.filename_list = [] if files is not None: for file in files: if'.')[-1] == 'pdf': # convert pdf to txt text = self.phrase_pdf( else: with open(, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: text = text_list.append(text) self.filename_list.append('\\')[-1]) else: raise gr.Error("You need to upload a file first") return text_list def highlight_text(self, text, highlight_list): # Find the original sentences # Split the passage into sentences # sentences_in_passage = text.replace('\n', '') sentences_in_passage = text.split('.') sentences_in_passage = [i.split('\n') for i in sentences_in_passage] new_sentences_in_passage = [] for i in sentences_in_passage: new_sentences_in_passage = new_sentences_in_passage + i new_sentences_in_passage = [i for i in new_sentences_in_passage if len(i) > 10] # hightlight the reference for hl in highlight_list: # Find the best match using fuzzy matching best_match = process.extractOne(hl, new_sentences_in_passage, scorer=fuzz.partial_ratio) text = text.replace(best_match[0], f'{best_match[0]} (match score:{best_match[1]})') # add line break text = text.replace('\n', f"
") # add scroll bar text = f'
' return text def process_file_online(self, file, questions, openai_key, model_selection, progress = gr.Progress()): # record the questions self.questions = questions # get the text_list self.text_list = self.read_file(file) # make the prompt prompt_list = [self.prompt.get(text, questions, 'v3') for text in self.text_list] # select the model if model_selection == 'ChatGPT': model = 'gpt-3.5-turbo-16k' elif model_selection == 'GPT4': model = 'gpt-4-1106-preview' # interact with openai self.res_list = [] for prompt in progress.tqdm(prompt_list, desc = 'Generating answers...'): res = self.agent(prompt, with_history = False, temperature = 0.1, model = model, api_key = openai_key) res = self.prompt.process_result(res, 'v3') self.res_list.append(res) # Use the first file as default # Use the first question for multiple questions gpt_res = self.res_list[0] self.gpt_result = gpt_res self.current_question = 0 self.totel_question = len(res.keys()) self.current_passage = 0 self.total_passages = len(self.res_list) # make a dataframe to record everything self.ori_answer_df = pd.DataFrame() self.answer_df = pd.DataFrame() for i, res in enumerate(self.res_list): tmp = pd.DataFrame(res).T tmp = tmp.reset_index() tmp = tmp.rename(columns={"index":"question_id"}) tmp['filename'] = self.filename_list[i] tmp['question'] = self.questions self.ori_answer_df = pd.concat([tmp, self.ori_answer_df]) self.answer_df = pd.concat([tmp, self.answer_df]) # default fist question res = res['Question 1'] question = self.questions[self.current_question] self.answer = res['answer'] self.text = self.text_list[0] self.highlighted_out = res['original sentences'] highlighted_out_html = self.highlight_text(self.text, self.highlighted_out) self.highlighted_out = '\n'.join(self.highlighted_out) file_name = self.filename_list[self.current_passage] return file_name, question, self.answer, self.highlighted_out, highlighted_out_html, self.answer, self.highlighted_out def process_results(self, answer_correct, correct_answer, reference_correct, correct_reference): if not hasattr(self, 'clicked_correct_answer'): raise gr.Error("You need to judge whether the generated answer is correct first") if not hasattr(self, 'clicked_correct_reference'): raise gr.Error("You need to judge whether the highlighted reference is correct first") if not hasattr(self, 'answer_df'): raise gr.Error("You need to submit the document first") if self.current_question >= self.totel_question or self.current_question < 0: raise gr.Error("No more questions, please return back") # record the answer condition = (self.answer_df['question_id'] == f'Question {self.current_question + 1}' ) & \ (self.answer_df['filename'] == self.filename_list[self.current_passage]) self.answer_df.loc[condition, 'answer_correct'] = answer_correct self.answer_df.loc[condition, 'reference_correct'] = reference_correct # self.answer_df.loc[f'Question {self.current_question + 1}', 'answer_correct'] = answer_correct # self.answer_df.loc[f'Question {self.current_question + 1}', 'reference_correct'] = reference_correct if self.clicked_correct_answer == True: if hasattr(self, 'answer'): self.answer_df.loc[condition, 'correct_answer'] = self.answer else: raise gr.Error("You need to submit the document first") else: # self.answer_df.loc[f'Question {self.current_question + 1}', 'correct_answer'] = correct_answer self.answer_df.loc[condition, 'correct_answer'] = correct_answer if self.clicked_correct_reference == True: if hasattr(self, 'highlighted_out'): self.answer_df.loc[condition, 'correct_reference'] = self.highlighted_out else: raise gr.Error("You need to submit the document first") else: self.answer_df.loc[condition, 'correct_reference'] = correct_reference # gr.Info('Results saved!') return "Results saved!" def process_next(self): self.current_question += 1 if hasattr(self, 'clicked_correct_answer'): del self.clicked_correct_answer if hasattr(self, 'clicked_correct_reference'): del self.clicked_correct_reference if self.current_question >= self.totel_question: # self.current_question -= 1 return "No more questions!", "No more questions!", "No more questions!", "No more questions!", "No more questions!", 'No more questions!', 'No more questions!', 'Still need to click the button above to save the results', None, None else: # res = self.gpt_result[f'Question {self.current_question + 1}'] res = self.gpt_result[list(self.gpt_result.keys())[self.current_question]] question = self.questions[self.current_question] self.answer = res['answer'] self.highlighted_out = res['original sentences'] highlighted_out_html = self.highlight_text(self.text, self.highlighted_out) self.highlighted_out = '\n'.join(self.highlighted_out) file_name = self.filename_list[self.current_passage] return file_name, question, self.answer, self.highlighted_out, highlighted_out_html, 'Please judge on the generated answer', 'Please judge on the generated answer', 'Still need to click the button above to save the results', None, None def process_last(self): self.current_question -= 1 # To make sure to correct the answer first if hasattr(self, 'clicked_correct_answer'): del self.clicked_correct_answer if hasattr(self, 'clicked_correct_reference'): del self.clicked_correct_reference # check question boundary if self.current_question < 0: # self.current_question += 1 return "No more questions!", "No more questions!", "No more questions!", "No more questions!", "No more questions!", 'No more questions!', 'No more questions!', 'Still need to click the button above to save the results', None, None else: # res = self.gpt_result[f'Question {self.current_question + 1}'] res = self.gpt_result[list(self.gpt_result.keys())[self.current_question]] question = self.questions[self.current_question] self.answer = res['answer'] self.highlighted_out = res['original sentences'] highlighted_out_html = self.highlight_text(self.text, self.highlighted_out) self.highlighted_out = '\n'.join(self.highlighted_out) file_name = self.filename_list[self.current_passage] return file_name, question, self.answer, self.highlighted_out, highlighted_out_html, 'Please judge on the generated answer', 'Please judge on the generated answer', 'Still need to click the button above to save the results', None, None def switch_next_passage(self): self.current_question = 0 # To make sure to correct the answer first if hasattr(self, 'clicked_correct_answer'): del self.clicked_correct_answer if hasattr(self, 'clicked_correct_reference'): del self.clicked_correct_reference self.current_passage += 1 if self.current_passage >= self.total_passages: # self.current_passage -= 1 return "No more passages!", "No more passages!", "No more passages!", "No more passages!", "No more passages!", 'No more passages!', 'No more passages!', 'Still need to click the button above to save the results', None, None else: self.text = self.text_list[self.current_passage] gpt_res = self.res_list[self.current_passage] self.gpt_result = gpt_res # res = self.gpt_result[f'Question {self.current_question + 1}'] res = self.gpt_result[list(self.gpt_result.keys())[self.current_question]] question = self.questions[self.current_question] self.answer = res['answer'] self.highlighted_out = res['original sentences'] highlighted_out_html = self.highlight_text(self.text, self.highlighted_out) self.highlighted_out = '\n'.join(self.highlighted_out) file_name = self.filename_list[self.current_passage] return file_name, question, self.answer, self.highlighted_out, highlighted_out_html, 'Please judge on the generated answer', 'Please judge on the generated answer', 'Still need to click the button above to save the results', None, None def switch_last_passage(self): self.current_question = 0 # To make sure to correct the answer first if hasattr(self, 'clicked_correct_answer'): del self.clicked_correct_answer if hasattr(self, 'clicked_correct_reference'): del self.clicked_correct_reference self.current_passage -= 1 if self.current_passage < 0: # self.current_passage += 1 return "No more passages!", "No more passages!", "No more passages!", "No more passages!", "No more passages!", 'No more passages!', 'No more passages!', 'Still need to click the button above to save the results', None, None else: self.text = self.text_list[self.current_passage] gpt_res = self.res_list[self.current_passage] self.gpt_result = gpt_res # res = self.gpt_result[f'Question {self.current_question + 1}'] res = self.gpt_result[list(self.gpt_result.keys())[self.current_question]] question = self.questions[self.current_question] self.answer = res['answer'] self.highlighted_out = res['original sentences'] highlighted_out_html = self.highlight_text(self.text, self.highlighted_out) self.highlighted_out = '\n'.join(self.highlighted_out) file_name = self.filename_list[self.current_passage] return file_name, question, self.answer, self.highlighted_out, highlighted_out_html, 'Please judge on the generated answer', 'Please judge on the generated answer', 'Still need to click the button above to save the results', None, None def download_answer(self, path = './tmp', name = 'answer.xlsx'): path = os.path.join(path,str(time.time())) os.makedirs(path, exist_ok = True) path = os.path.join(path, name) # self.ori_answer_df['questions'] = self.questions if not hasattr(self, 'ori_answer_df'): raise gr.Error("You need to submit the document first") else: self.ori_answer_df.to_excel(path, index = False) return path def download_corrected(self, path = './tmp', name = 'corrected_answer.xlsx'): path = os.path.join(path,str(time.time())) os.makedirs(path, exist_ok = True) path = os.path.join(path, name) # self.answer_df['questions'] = self.questions if not hasattr(self, 'answer_df'): raise gr.Error("You need to submit the document first") else: self.answer_df.to_excel(path, index = False) return path def change_correct_answer(self, correctness): if correctness == "Correct": self.clicked_correct_answer = True return "No need to change" else: if hasattr(self, 'answer'): self.clicked_correct_answer = False return self.answer else: return "No answer yet, you need to submit the document first" def change_correct_reference(self, correctness): if correctness == "Correct": self.clicked_correct_reference = True return "No need to change" else: if hasattr(self, 'highlighted_out'): self.clicked_correct_reference = False return self.highlighted_out else: return "No answer yet, you need to submit the document first" def phase_df(self, df, questions): df = json.loads(df.T.to_json()) res_list = [] for key, item in df.items(): tmp_res_list = {} if 'Question 1' in item and "Animal Type" in questions: tep_res_list_q1 = { 'answer': item['Question 1'], 'original sentences': eval(item['Question 1_original_sentences']), } tmp_res_list['Question 1'] = tep_res_list_q1 if 'Question 2' in item and 'Exposure Age' in questions: tep_res_list_q2 = { 'answer': item['Question 2'], 'original sentences': eval(item['Question 2_original_sentences']), } tmp_res_list['Question 2'] = tep_res_list_q2 if 'Question 3' in item and 'Behavior Test' in questions: tep_res_list_q3 = { 'answer': item['Question 3'], 'original sentences': eval(item['Question 3_original_sentences']), } tmp_res_list['Question 3'] = tep_res_list_q3 if 'intervention_1' in item and "Intervention 1" in questions: tep_res_list_q4 = { 'answer': item['intervention_1'], 'original sentences': eval(item['Question 4intervention_1_original_sentences']), } tmp_res_list['Question 4'] = tep_res_list_q4 if 'intervention_2' in item and "Intervention 2" in questions: tep_res_list_q5 = { 'answer': item['intervention_2'], 'original sentences': eval(item['Question 4intervention_2_original_sentences']), } tmp_res_list['Question 5'] = tep_res_list_q5 if 'Question 5' in item and "Genetic Chain" in questions: tep_res_list_q6 = { 'answer': item['Question 5'], 'original sentences': eval(item['Question 5_original_sentences']), } tmp_res_list['Question 6'] = tep_res_list_q6 if 'Question 6' in item and "Issues or Challenge Resolved" in questions: tep_res_list_q7 = { 'answer': item['Question 6'], 'original sentences': eval(item['Question 6_original_sentences']), } tmp_res_list['Question 7'] = tep_res_list_q7 if 'Question 7' in item and "Innovations in Methodology" in questions: tep_res_list_q8 = { 'answer': item['Question 7'], 'original sentences': eval(item['Question 7_original_sentences']), } tmp_res_list['Question 8'] = tep_res_list_q8 if 'Question 8' in item and "Impact of Findings" in questions: tep_res_list_q9 = { 'answer': item['Question 8'], 'original sentences': eval(item['Question 8_original_sentences']), } tmp_res_list['Question 9'] = tep_res_list_q9 if 'Question 9' in item and "limitations" in questions: tep_res_list_q10 = { 'answer': item['Question 9'], 'original sentences': eval(item['Question 9_original_sentences']), } tmp_res_list['Question 10'] = tep_res_list_q10 if 'Question 10' in item and "Potential Applications" in questions: tep_res_list_q11 = { 'answer': item['Question 10'], 'original sentences': eval(item['Question 10_original_sentences']), } tmp_res_list['Question 11'] = tep_res_list_q11 res_list.append(tmp_res_list) # checking for i in questions: if REVERSE_QUESTION_DICT[i] not in tmp_res_list: raise gr.Error(f"Question {i} is not in the answer list, Please don't select it!") return res_list def process_file_offline(self, questions, answer_type, progress = gr.Progress()): # record the questions # self.questions = questions self.questions = [f"[ Question {i + 1}/{len(questions)} ] {q}" for i, q in enumerate(questions)] # get the text_list if answer_type == 'ChatGPT_txt': df = pd.read_csv('./offline_results/results_all.csv') elif answer_type == 'GPT4_txt': df = pd.read_csv('./offline_results/results_all_gpt4.csv') elif answer_type == 'New_GPT_4_pdf': df = pd.read_csv('./offline_results/results_new_pdf.csv') elif answer_type == 'Exp_training': df = pd.read_csv('./offline_results/exp_test.csv') elif answer_type == 'Exp_Group_A': df = pd.read_csv('./offline_results/exp_ga.csv') elif answer_type == 'Exp_Group_B': df = pd.read_csv('./offline_results/exp_gb.csv') # make the prompt self.res_list = self.phase_df(df, questions) if answer_type in ['ChatGPT_txt', 'GPT4_txt', 'New_GPT_4_pdf']: if answer_type == 'ChatGPT_txt' or answer_type == 'GPT4_txt': txt_root_path = './20230808-AI coding-1st round' self.filename_list = df['fn'].tolist() elif answer_type == 'New_GPT_4_pdf': txt_root_path = './new_pdfs' self.filename_list = df['fn'].tolist() self.filename_list = ['.'.join(f.split('.')[:-1]) + '.txt' for f in self.filename_list] self.text_list = [] for file in progress.tqdm(self.filename_list): if file.split('.')[-1] == 'pdf': # convert pdf to txt text = self.phrase_pdf(os.path.join(txt_root_path, file)) else: text_path = os.path.join(txt_root_path, file) with open(text_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: text = self.text_list.append(text) elif answer_type in ['Exp_training', 'Exp_Group_A', 'Exp_Group_B']: self.filename_list = df['fn'].tolist() if "Passage" not in self.filename_list[0]: self.filename_list = [f"[ Passage {i + 1}/{len(self.filename_list)} ] {self.filename_list[i]}" for i in range(len(self.filename_list))] self.text_list = df['content'].tolist() # Use the first file as default # Use the first question for multiple questions gpt_res = self.res_list[0] self.gpt_result = gpt_res self.current_question = 0 self.totel_question = len(self.res_list[0].keys()) self.current_passage = 0 self.total_passages = len(self.res_list) # make a dataframe to record everything self.ori_answer_df = pd.DataFrame() self.answer_df = pd.DataFrame() for i, res in enumerate(self.res_list): tmp = pd.DataFrame(res).T tmp = tmp.reset_index() tmp = tmp.rename(columns={"index":"question_id"}) tmp['filename'] = self.filename_list[i] tmp['question'] = self.questions self.ori_answer_df = pd.concat([tmp, self.ori_answer_df]) self.answer_df = pd.concat([tmp, self.answer_df]) # default fist question gpt_res = gpt_res[list(gpt_res.keys())[0]] question = self.questions[self.current_question] self.answer = gpt_res['answer'] self.text = self.text_list[0] self.highlighted_out = gpt_res['original sentences'] highlighted_out_html = self.highlight_text(self.text, self.highlighted_out) self.highlighted_out = '\n'.join(self.highlighted_out) file_name = self.filename_list[self.current_passage] return file_name, question, self.answer, self.highlighted_out, highlighted_out_html, self.answer, self.highlighted_out