import dropbox.files import os import main as m import requests,base64 def refresh_token_dropbox(): app_key = "m79mo7gg7mh8pez" app_secret = "by93yed7as4qlmo" refresh_token = 'VG4SP0Ugo4EAAAAAAAAAAbHf7esmak_gieNGvLHxiiAXGfSeKPVXbX1lm28DMz_o' url = '' auth_string = f"{app_key}:{app_secret}" base64authorization = base64.b64encode(auth_string.encode()).decode('utf-8') headers = { 'Authorization': f'Basic {base64authorization}', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } data = { 'refresh_token': refresh_token, 'grant_type': 'refresh_token' } response =, headers=headers, data=data) response_json = response.json() access_token = response_json.get('access_token', None) return access_token TOKEN = refresh_token_dropbox() dbx=dropbox.Dropbox(TOKEN) def upload_all_local_files(): for file in os.listdir("local_files"): with open(os.path.join("local_files",file),"rb") as f: data = dbx.files_upload(data,f"/{file}") def download_all_cloud_files(): for entry in dbx.files_list_folder("").entries: dbx.files_download_to_file(os.path.join("local_files1",,f"/{}") def delete_file(id,name_file): try: TOKEN = refresh_token_dropbox() dbx=dropbox.Dropbox(TOKEN) file_path = f"/{id}/{name_file}" dbx.files_delete_v2(file_path) print(f"Xóa file '{file_path}' thành công.") except dropbox.exceptions.ApiError as e: print(f"Lỗi khi xóa file '{file_path}': {e}") def list_files(id): file_names = [] try: TOKEN = refresh_token_dropbox() dbx=dropbox.Dropbox(TOKEN) # Liệt kê tất cả các tệp trong thư mục trên Dropbox result = dbx.files_list_folder(f"/{id}") # Lấy tên của từng tệp for entry in result.entries: if isinstance(entry, dropbox.files.FileMetadata): file_names.append(os.path.basename(entry.path_display)) except dropbox.exceptions.ApiError as e: print(f"Error listing files: {e}") return file_names def upload_file_fix(local_path,cloud_path,token): try: TOKEN = refresh_token_dropbox() dbx=dropbox.Dropbox(TOKEN) with open(local_path, "rb") as f: data = dbx.files_upload(data, cloud_path) print(f"Uploaded file '{local_path}' to '{cloud_path}'") except dropbox.exceptions.ApiError as e: print(f"Error uploading file '{local_path}': {e}") def upload_file(local_path, cloud_path): try: TOKEN = refresh_token_dropbox() dbx=dropbox.Dropbox(TOKEN) with open(local_path, "rb") as f: data = dbx.files_upload(data, cloud_path) print(f"Uploaded file '{local_path}' to '{cloud_path}'") except dropbox.exceptions.ApiError as e: upload_file_fix() #print(f"Error uploading file '{local_path}': {e}") #download_file("demo1.pdf", os.path.join("local_files1", "demo1.pdf")) def search_files_starting_with_j(): try: # List all files in the root folder result = dbx.files_list_folder("") # Filter files starting with 'j' files_starting_with_j = [ for entry in result.entries if"demo")] # Print the list of files starting with 'j' print("Files starting with 'demo':") for file_name in files_starting_with_j: print(file_name) except dropbox.exceptions.ApiError as e: print(f"Error searching for files: {e}") def download_folder(id): try: TOKEN = refresh_token_dropbox() dbx=dropbox.Dropbox(TOKEN) # Tạo thư mục cục bộ nếu nó chưa tồn tại os.makedirs(f"/code/temp/{id}", exist_ok=True) path = f"/code/temp/{id}" # Liệt kê tất cả các tệp trong thư mục trên Dropbox result = dbx.files_list_folder(f"/{id}") # Tải về từng tệp for entry in result.entries: if isinstance(entry, dropbox.files.FileMetadata): cloud_file_path = entry.path_display file_name = os.path.basename(cloud_file_path) local_file_path = os.path.join(path, file_name) dbx.files_download_to_file(local_file_path, cloud_file_path) print(f"Downloaded file '{file_name}' to '{local_file_path}'") except dropbox.exceptions.ApiError as e: print(f"Error downloading file '{id}': {e}") from fastapi import FastAPI, UploadFile, File, HTTPException def download_file_id(file_name, id): try: # Tạo thư mục cục bộ nếu nó chưa tồn tại local_folder_path = f"/code/temp/{id}" os.makedirs(local_folder_path, exist_ok=True) # Tải file từ Dropbox về thư mục cục bộ local_file_path = os.path.join(local_folder_path, file_name) with open(local_file_path, "wb") as f: metadata, response = dbx.files_download(f"/{id}/{file_name}") f.write(response.content) print(f"Downloaded file '{file_name}' to '{local_file_path}'") except dropbox.exceptions.ApiError as e: print(f"Error downloading file '{file_name}': {e}") raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail="Internal Server Error") def search_and_download_file(start_char, id): try: # Liệt kê tất cả các tệp trong thư mục trên Dropbox result = dbx.files_list_folder(f"/{id}") # Lọc các tệp bắt đầu bằng ký tự cụ thể files_starting_with_char = [ for entry in result.entries if] if len(files_starting_with_char) == 0: print(f"No file found starting with '{start_char}' in folder '{id}'") return # Chọn tệp đầu tiên file_name = files_starting_with_char[0] # Tải file từ Dropbox về thư mục cục bộ local_folder_path = f"/code/temp/{id}" os.makedirs(local_folder_path, exist_ok=True) local_file_path = os.path.join(local_folder_path, file_name) with open(local_file_path, "wb") as f: metadata, response = dbx.files_download(f"/{id}/{file_name}") f.write(response.content) print(f"Downloaded file '{file_name}' to '{local_file_path}'") except dropbox.exceptions.ApiError as e: print(f"Error searching or downloading file: {e}") raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail="Internal Server Error")