from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, EmailStr class PostSchema(BaseModel): id: int = Field(default=None) title: str = Field(...) content: str = Field(...) class Config: schema_extra = { "example": { "title": "Securing FastAPI applications with JWT.", "content": "In this tutorial, you'll learn how to secure your application by enabling authentication using JWT. We'll be using PyJWT to sign, encode and decode JWT tokens...." } } class UserSchema(BaseModel): fullname: str = Field(...) email: EmailStr = Field(...) password: str = Field(...) class Config: schema_extra = { "example": { "fullname": "Joe Doe", "email": "", "password": "any" } } class UserLoginSchema(BaseModel): email: EmailStr = Field(...) password: str = Field(...) class Config: schema_extra = { "example": { "email": "", "password": "any" } }