from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals import torch import torch.nn as nn import cv2 import copy import numpy as np import sys import os import time from PIL import Image import scipy.ndimage def combine(img1, img2, slope=0.55, band_width=0.015, offset=0): imgH, imgW, _ = img1.shape band_width = int(band_width * imgH) if img1.shape != img2.shape: # img1 = cv2.resize(img1, (imgW, imgH)) raise NameError('Shape does not match') center_point = (int(imgH / 2), int(imgW / 2 + offset)) b = (center_point[1] - 1) - slope * (center_point[0] - 1) comp_img = np.zeros(img2.shape, dtype=np.float32) for x in range(imgH): for y in range(imgW): if y < (slope * x + b): comp_img[x, y, :] = img1[x, y, :] elif y > (slope * x + b): comp_img[x, y, :] = img2[x, y, :] start_point = (int(b - 0.5 * band_width), 0) end_point = (int(slope * (imgW - 1) + b - 0.5 * band_width), imgW - 1) color = (1, 1, 1) comp_img = cv2.line(comp_img, start_point, end_point, color, band_width, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA) return comp_img def save_video(in_dir, out_dir, optimize=False): _, ext = os.path.splitext(sorted(os.listdir(in_dir))[0]) dir = '"' + os.path.join(in_dir, '*' + ext) + '"' if optimize: os.system('ffmpeg -y -pattern_type glob -f image2 -i {} -pix_fmt yuv420p -preset veryslow -crf 27 {}'.format(dir, out_dir)) else: os.system('ffmpeg -y -pattern_type glob -f image2 -i {} -pix_fmt yuv420p {}'.format(dir, out_dir)) def create_dir(dir): if not os.path.exists(dir): os.makedirs(dir) def bboxes_mask(imgH, imgW, type='ori'): mask = np.zeros((imgH, imgW), dtype=np.float32) factor = 1920 * 2 // imgW for indFrameH in range(int(imgH / (256 * 2 // factor))): for indFrameW in range(int(imgW / (384 * 2 // factor))): mask[indFrameH * (256 * 2 // factor) + (128 * 2 // factor) - (64 * 2 // factor) : indFrameH * (256 * 2 // factor) + (128 * 2 // factor) + (64 * 2 // factor), indFrameW * (384 * 2 // factor) + (192 * 2 // factor) - (64 * 2 // factor) : indFrameW * (384 * 2 // factor) + (192 * 2 // factor) + (64 * 2 // factor)] = 1 if type == 'ori': return mask elif type == 'flow': # Dilate 25 pixel so that all known pixel is trustworthy return scipy.ndimage.binary_dilation(mask, iterations=15) def bboxes_mask_large(imgH, imgW, type='ori'): mask = np.zeros((imgH, imgW), dtype=np.float32) # mask[50 : 450, 280: 680] = 1 mask[150 : 350, 350: 650] = 1 if type == 'ori': return mask elif type == 'flow': # Dilate 35 pixel so that all known pixel is trustworthy return scipy.ndimage.binary_dilation(mask, iterations=35) def gradient_mask(mask): gradient_mask = np.logical_or.reduce((mask, np.concatenate((mask[1:, :], np.zeros((1, mask.shape[1]), dtype=np.bool)), axis=0), np.concatenate((mask[:, 1:], np.zeros((mask.shape[0], 1), dtype=np.bool)), axis=1))) return gradient_mask def flow_edge(flow, mask=None): # mask: 1 indicates the missing region if not isinstance(mask, np.ndarray): mask = None else: # using 'mask' parameter prevents canny to detect edges for the masked regions mask = (1 - mask).astype(np.bool) flow_mag = (flow[:, :, 0] ** 2 + flow[:, :, 1] ** 2) ** 0.5 flow_mag = flow_mag / flow_mag.max() edge_canny_flow = canny_flow(flow_mag, flow, mask=mask) edge_canny = canny(flow_mag, sigma=2, mask=mask) if edge_canny_flow.sum() > edge_canny.sum(): return edge_canny_flow else: return edge_canny def np_to_torch(img_np): '''Converts image in numpy.array to torch.Tensor. From C x W x H [0..1] to C x W x H [0..1] ''' return torch.from_numpy(img_np)[None, :] def torch_to_np(img_var): '''Converts an image in torch.Tensor format to np.array. From 1 x C x W x H [0..1] to C x W x H [0..1] ''' return img_var.detach().cpu().numpy()[0] def sigmoid_(x, thres): return 1. / (1 + np.exp(-x + thres)) # def softmax(x): # e_x = np.exp(x - np.max(x)) # return e_x / e_x.sum() def softmax(x, axis=None, mask_=None): if mask_ is None: mask_ = np.ones(x.shape) x = (x - x.max(axis=axis, keepdims=True)) y = np.multiply(np.exp(x), mask_) return y / y.sum(axis=axis, keepdims=True) # Bypass cv2's SHRT_MAX limitation def interp(img, x, y): x = x.astype(np.float32).reshape(1, -1) y = y.astype(np.float32).reshape(1, -1) assert(x.shape == y.shape) numPix = x.shape[1] len_padding = (numPix // 1024 + 1) * 1024 - numPix padding = np.zeros((1, len_padding)).astype(np.float32) map_x = np.concatenate((x, padding), axis=1).reshape(1024, numPix // 1024 + 1) map_y = np.concatenate((y, padding), axis=1).reshape(1024, numPix // 1024 + 1) # Note that cv2 takes the input in opposite order, i.e. cv2.remap(img, x, y) mapped_img = cv2.remap(img, map_x, map_y, cv2.INTER_LINEAR) if len(img.shape) == 2: mapped_img = mapped_img.reshape(-1)[:numPix] else: mapped_img = mapped_img.reshape(-1, img.shape[2])[:numPix, :] return mapped_img def imsave(img, path): im = Image.fromarray(img.cpu().numpy().astype(np.uint8).squeeze()) def postprocess(img): # [0, 1] => [0, 255] img = img * 255.0 img = img.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) return # Backward flow propagating and forward flow propagating consistency check def BFconsistCheck(flowB_neighbor, flowF_vertical, flowF_horizont, holepixPos, consistencyThres): flowBF_neighbor = copy.deepcopy(flowB_neighbor) # After the backward and forward propagation, the pixel should go back # to the original location. flowBF_neighbor[:, 0] += interp(flowF_vertical, flowB_neighbor[:, 1], flowB_neighbor[:, 0]) flowBF_neighbor[:, 1] += interp(flowF_horizont, flowB_neighbor[:, 1], flowB_neighbor[:, 0]) flowBF_neighbor[:, 2] += 1 # Check photometric consistency BFdiff = ((flowBF_neighbor - holepixPos)[:, 0] ** 2 + (flowBF_neighbor - holepixPos)[:, 1] ** 2) ** 0.5 IsConsist = BFdiff < consistencyThres return IsConsist, BFdiff # Forward flow propagating and backward flow propagating consistency check def FBconsistCheck(flowF_neighbor, flowB_vertical, flowB_horizont, holepixPos, consistencyThres): flowFB_neighbor = copy.deepcopy(flowF_neighbor) # After the forward and backward propagation, the pixel should go back # to the original location. flowFB_neighbor[:, 0] += interp(flowB_vertical, flowF_neighbor[:, 1], flowF_neighbor[:, 0]) flowFB_neighbor[:, 1] += interp(flowB_horizont, flowF_neighbor[:, 1], flowF_neighbor[:, 0]) flowFB_neighbor[:, 2] -= 1 # Check photometric consistency FBdiff = ((flowFB_neighbor - holepixPos)[:, 0] ** 2 + (flowFB_neighbor - holepixPos)[:, 1] ** 2) ** 0.5 IsConsist = FBdiff < consistencyThres return IsConsist, FBdiff def consistCheck(flowF, flowB): # |--------------------| |--------------------| # | y | | v | # | x * | | u * | # | | | | # |--------------------| |--------------------| # sub: numPix * [y x t] imgH, imgW, _ = flowF.shape (fy, fx) = np.mgrid[0 : imgH, 0 : imgW].astype(np.float32) fxx = fx + flowB[:, :, 0] # horizontal fyy = fy + flowB[:, :, 1] # vertical u = (fxx + cv2.remap(flowF[:, :, 0], fxx, fyy, cv2.INTER_LINEAR) - fx) v = (fyy + cv2.remap(flowF[:, :, 1], fxx, fyy, cv2.INTER_LINEAR) - fy) BFdiff = (u ** 2 + v ** 2) ** 0.5 return BFdiff, np.stack((u, v), axis=2) def get_KeySourceFrame_flowNN(sub, indFrame, mask, videoNonLocalFlowB, videoNonLocalFlowF, video, consistencyThres): imgH, imgW, _, _, nFrame = videoNonLocalFlowF.shape KeySourceFrame = [0, nFrame // 2, nFrame - 1] # Bool indicator of missing pixels at frame t holepixPosInd = (sub[:, 2] == indFrame) # Hole pixel location at frame t, i.e. [x, y, t] holepixPos = sub[holepixPosInd, :] HaveKeySourceFrameFlowNN = np.zeros((imgH, imgW, 3)) imgKeySourceFrameFlowNN = np.zeros((imgH, imgW, 3, 3)) for KeySourceFrameIdx in range(3): # flowF_neighbor flowF_neighbor = copy.deepcopy(holepixPos) flowF_neighbor = flowF_neighbor.astype(np.float32) flowF_vertical = videoNonLocalFlowF[:, :, 1, KeySourceFrameIdx, indFrame] flowF_horizont = videoNonLocalFlowF[:, :, 0, KeySourceFrameIdx, indFrame] flowB_vertical = videoNonLocalFlowB[:, :, 1, KeySourceFrameIdx, indFrame] flowB_horizont = videoNonLocalFlowB[:, :, 0, KeySourceFrameIdx, indFrame] flowF_neighbor[:, 0] += flowF_vertical[holepixPos[:, 0], holepixPos[:, 1]] flowF_neighbor[:, 1] += flowF_horizont[holepixPos[:, 0], holepixPos[:, 1]] flowF_neighbor[:, 2] = KeySourceFrame[KeySourceFrameIdx] # Round the forward flow neighbor location flow_neighbor_int = np.round(copy.deepcopy(flowF_neighbor)).astype(np.int32) # Check the forawrd/backward consistency IsConsist, _ = FBconsistCheck(flowF_neighbor, flowB_vertical, flowB_horizont, holepixPos, consistencyThres) # Check out-of-boundary ValidPos = np.logical_and( np.logical_and(flow_neighbor_int[:, 0] >= 0, flow_neighbor_int[:, 0] < imgH), np.logical_and(flow_neighbor_int[:, 1] >= 0, flow_neighbor_int[:, 1] < imgW)) holepixPos_ = copy.deepcopy(holepixPos)[ValidPos, :] flow_neighbor_int = flow_neighbor_int[ValidPos, :] flowF_neighbor = flowF_neighbor[ValidPos, :] IsConsist = IsConsist[ValidPos] KnownInd = mask[flow_neighbor_int[:, 0], flow_neighbor_int[:, 1], KeySourceFrame[KeySourceFrameIdx]] == 0 KnownInd = np.logical_and(KnownInd, IsConsist) imgKeySourceFrameFlowNN[:, :, :, KeySourceFrameIdx] = \ copy.deepcopy(video[:, :, :, indFrame]) imgKeySourceFrameFlowNN[holepixPos_[KnownInd, 0], holepixPos_[KnownInd, 1], :, KeySourceFrameIdx] = \ interp(video[:, :, :, KeySourceFrame[KeySourceFrameIdx]], flowF_neighbor[KnownInd, 1].reshape(-1), flowF_neighbor[KnownInd, 0].reshape(-1)) HaveKeySourceFrameFlowNN[holepixPos_[KnownInd, 0], holepixPos_[KnownInd, 1], KeySourceFrameIdx] = 1 return HaveKeySourceFrameFlowNN, imgKeySourceFrameFlowNN # def get_KeySourceFrame_flowNN_gradient(sub, indFrame, mask, videoNonLocalFlowB, videoNonLocalFlowF, gradient_x, gradient_y, consistencyThres): imgH, imgW, _, _, nFrame = videoNonLocalFlowF.shape KeySourceFrame = [0, nFrame // 2, nFrame - 1] # Bool indicator of missing pixels at frame t holepixPosInd = (sub[:, 2] == indFrame) # Hole pixel location at frame t, i.e. [x, y, t] holepixPos = sub[holepixPosInd, :] HaveKeySourceFrameFlowNN = np.zeros((imgH, imgW, 3)) gradient_x_KeySourceFrameFlowNN = np.zeros((imgH, imgW, 3, 3)) gradient_y_KeySourceFrameFlowNN = np.zeros((imgH, imgW, 3, 3)) for KeySourceFrameIdx in range(3): # flowF_neighbor flowF_neighbor = copy.deepcopy(holepixPos) flowF_neighbor = flowF_neighbor.astype(np.float32) flowF_vertical = videoNonLocalFlowF[:, :, 1, KeySourceFrameIdx, indFrame] flowF_horizont = videoNonLocalFlowF[:, :, 0, KeySourceFrameIdx, indFrame] flowB_vertical = videoNonLocalFlowB[:, :, 1, KeySourceFrameIdx, indFrame] flowB_horizont = videoNonLocalFlowB[:, :, 0, KeySourceFrameIdx, indFrame] flowF_neighbor[:, 0] += flowF_vertical[holepixPos[:, 0], holepixPos[:, 1]] flowF_neighbor[:, 1] += flowF_horizont[holepixPos[:, 0], holepixPos[:, 1]] flowF_neighbor[:, 2] = KeySourceFrame[KeySourceFrameIdx] # Round the forward flow neighbor location flow_neighbor_int = np.round(copy.deepcopy(flowF_neighbor)).astype(np.int32) # Check the forawrd/backward consistency IsConsist, _ = FBconsistCheck(flowF_neighbor, flowB_vertical, flowB_horizont, holepixPos, consistencyThres) # Check out-of-boundary ValidPos = np.logical_and( np.logical_and(flow_neighbor_int[:, 0] >= 0, flow_neighbor_int[:, 0] < imgH - 1), np.logical_and(flow_neighbor_int[:, 1] >= 0, flow_neighbor_int[:, 1] < imgW - 1)) holepixPos_ = copy.deepcopy(holepixPos)[ValidPos, :] flow_neighbor_int = flow_neighbor_int[ValidPos, :] flowF_neighbor = flowF_neighbor[ValidPos, :] IsConsist = IsConsist[ValidPos] KnownInd = mask[flow_neighbor_int[:, 0], flow_neighbor_int[:, 1], KeySourceFrame[KeySourceFrameIdx]] == 0 KnownInd = np.logical_and(KnownInd, IsConsist) gradient_x_KeySourceFrameFlowNN[:, :, :, KeySourceFrameIdx] = \ copy.deepcopy(gradient_x[:, :, :, indFrame]) gradient_y_KeySourceFrameFlowNN[:, :, :, KeySourceFrameIdx] = \ copy.deepcopy(gradient_y[:, :, :, indFrame]) gradient_x_KeySourceFrameFlowNN[holepixPos_[KnownInd, 0], holepixPos_[KnownInd, 1], :, KeySourceFrameIdx] = \ interp(gradient_x[:, :, :, KeySourceFrame[KeySourceFrameIdx]], flowF_neighbor[KnownInd, 1].reshape(-1), flowF_neighbor[KnownInd, 0].reshape(-1)) gradient_y_KeySourceFrameFlowNN[holepixPos_[KnownInd, 0], holepixPos_[KnownInd, 1], :, KeySourceFrameIdx] = \ interp(gradient_y[:, :, :, KeySourceFrame[KeySourceFrameIdx]], flowF_neighbor[KnownInd, 1].reshape(-1), flowF_neighbor[KnownInd, 0].reshape(-1)) HaveKeySourceFrameFlowNN[holepixPos_[KnownInd, 0], holepixPos_[KnownInd, 1], KeySourceFrameIdx] = 1 return HaveKeySourceFrameFlowNN, gradient_x_KeySourceFrameFlowNN, gradient_y_KeySourceFrameFlowNN class Progbar(object): """Displays a progress bar. Arguments: target: Total number of steps expected, None if unknown. width: Progress bar width on screen. verbose: Verbosity mode, 0 (silent), 1 (verbose), 2 (semi-verbose) stateful_metrics: Iterable of string names of metrics that should *not* be averaged over time. Metrics in this list will be displayed as-is. All others will be averaged by the progbar before display. interval: Minimum visual progress update interval (in seconds). """ def __init__(self, target, width=25, verbose=1, interval=0.05, stateful_metrics=None): = target self.width = width self.verbose = verbose self.interval = interval if stateful_metrics: self.stateful_metrics = set(stateful_metrics) else: self.stateful_metrics = set() self._dynamic_display = ((hasattr(sys.stdout, 'isatty') and sys.stdout.isatty()) or 'ipykernel' in sys.modules or 'posix' in sys.modules) self._total_width = 0 self._seen_so_far = 0 # We use a dict + list to avoid garbage collection # issues found in OrderedDict self._values = {} self._values_order = [] self._start = time.time() self._last_update = 0 def update(self, current, values=None): """Updates the progress bar. Arguments: current: Index of current step. values: List of tuples: `(name, value_for_last_step)`. If `name` is in `stateful_metrics`, `value_for_last_step` will be displayed as-is. Else, an average of the metric over time will be displayed. """ values = values or [] for k, v in values: if k not in self._values_order: self._values_order.append(k) if k not in self.stateful_metrics: if k not in self._values: self._values[k] = [v * (current - self._seen_so_far), current - self._seen_so_far] else: self._values[k][0] += v * (current - self._seen_so_far) self._values[k][1] += (current - self._seen_so_far) else: self._values[k] = v self._seen_so_far = current now = time.time() info = ' - %.0fs' % (now - self._start) if self.verbose == 1: if (now - self._last_update < self.interval and is not None and current < return prev_total_width = self._total_width if self._dynamic_display: sys.stdout.write('\b' * prev_total_width) sys.stdout.write('\r') else: sys.stdout.write('\n') if is not None: numdigits = int(np.floor(np.log10( + 1 barstr = '%%%dd/%d [' % (numdigits, bar = barstr % current prog = float(current) / prog_width = int(self.width * prog) if prog_width > 0: bar += ('=' * (prog_width - 1)) if current < bar += '>' else: bar += '=' bar += ('.' * (self.width - prog_width)) bar += ']' else: bar = '%7d/Unknown' % current self._total_width = len(bar) sys.stdout.write(bar) if current: time_per_unit = (now - self._start) / current else: time_per_unit = 0 if is not None and current < eta = time_per_unit * ( - current) if eta > 3600: eta_format = '%d:%02d:%02d' % (eta // 3600, (eta % 3600) // 60, eta % 60) elif eta > 60: eta_format = '%d:%02d' % (eta // 60, eta % 60) else: eta_format = '%ds' % eta info = ' - ETA: %s' % eta_format else: if time_per_unit >= 1: info += ' %.0fs/step' % time_per_unit elif time_per_unit >= 1e-3: info += ' %.0fms/step' % (time_per_unit * 1e3) else: info += ' %.0fus/step' % (time_per_unit * 1e6) for k in self._values_order: info += ' - %s:' % k if isinstance(self._values[k], list): avg = np.mean(self._values[k][0] / max(1, self._values[k][1])) if abs(avg) > 1e-3: info += ' %.4f' % avg else: info += ' %.4e' % avg else: info += ' %s' % self._values[k] self._total_width += len(info) if prev_total_width > self._total_width: info += (' ' * (prev_total_width - self._total_width)) if is not None and current >= info += '\n' sys.stdout.write(info) sys.stdout.flush() elif self.verbose == 2: if is None or current >= for k in self._values_order: info += ' - %s:' % k avg = np.mean(self._values[k][0] / max(1, self._values[k][1])) if avg > 1e-3: info += ' %.4f' % avg else: info += ' %.4e' % avg info += '\n' sys.stdout.write(info) sys.stdout.flush() self._last_update = now def add(self, n, values=None): self.update(self._seen_so_far + n, values) class PSNR(nn.Module): def __init__(self, max_val): super(PSNR, self).__init__() base10 = torch.log(torch.tensor(10.0)) max_val = torch.tensor(max_val).float() self.register_buffer('base10', base10) self.register_buffer('max_val', 20 * torch.log(max_val) / base10) def __call__(self, a, b): mse = torch.mean((a.float() - b.float()) ** 2) if mse == 0: return torch.tensor(0) return self.max_val - 10 * torch.log(mse) / self.base10 # Get surrounding integer postiion def IntPos(CurPos): x_floor = np.expand_dims(np.floor(CurPos[:, 0]).astype(np.int32), 1) x_ceil = np.expand_dims(np.ceil(CurPos[:, 0]).astype(np.int32), 1) y_floor = np.expand_dims(np.floor(CurPos[:, 1]).astype(np.int32), 1) y_ceil = np.expand_dims(np.ceil(CurPos[:, 1]).astype(np.int32), 1) Fm = np.expand_dims(np.floor(CurPos[:, 2]).astype(np.int32), 1) Pos_tl = np.concatenate((x_floor, y_floor, Fm), 1) Pos_tr = np.concatenate((x_ceil, y_floor, Fm), 1) Pos_bl = np.concatenate((x_floor, y_ceil, Fm), 1) Pos_br = np.concatenate((x_ceil, y_ceil, Fm), 1) return Pos_tl, Pos_tr, Pos_bl, Pos_br