import matplotlib.patches as patches from matplotlib.path import Path import os import sys import io import cv2 import time import math import argparse import shutil import random import zipfile from glob import glob import math import numpy as np import torch.nn.functional as F import torchvision.transforms as transforms from PIL import Image, ImageOps, ImageDraw, ImageFilter import torch import torchvision import torch.nn as nn import torch.distributed as dist import matplotlib from matplotlib import pyplot as plt matplotlib.use('agg') class GroupRandomHorizontalFlip(object): """Randomly horizontally flips the given PIL.Image with a probability of 0.5 """ def __init__(self, is_flow=False): self.is_flow = is_flow def __call__(self, img_group, is_flow=False): v = random.random() if v < 0.5: ret = [img.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) for img in img_group] if self.is_flow: for i in range(0, len(ret), 2): # invert flow pixel values when flipping ret[i] = ImageOps.invert(ret[i]) return ret else: return img_group class Stack(object): def __init__(self, roll=False): self.roll = roll def __call__(self, img_group): mode = img_group[0].mode if mode == '1': img_group = [img.convert('L') for img in img_group] mode = 'L' if mode == 'L': return np.stack([np.expand_dims(x, 2) for x in img_group], axis=2) elif mode == 'RGB': if self.roll: return np.stack([np.array(x)[:, :, ::-1] for x in img_group], axis=2) else: return np.stack(img_group, axis=2) else: raise NotImplementedError("Image mode {}".format(mode)) class ToTorchFormatTensor(object): """ Converts a PIL.Image (RGB) or numpy.ndarray (H x W x C) in the range [0, 255] to a torch.FloatTensor of shape (C x H x W) in the range [0.0, 1.0] """ def __init__(self, div=True): self.div = div def __call__(self, pic): if isinstance(pic, np.ndarray): # numpy img: [L, C, H, W] img = torch.from_numpy(pic).permute(2, 3, 0, 1).contiguous() else: # handle PIL Image img = torch.ByteTensor( torch.ByteStorage.from_buffer(pic.tobytes())) img = img.view(pic.size[1], pic.size[0], len(pic.mode)) # put it from HWC to CHW format # yikes, this transpose takes 80% of the loading time/CPU img = img.transpose(0, 1).transpose(0, 2).contiguous() img = img.float().div(255) if self.div else img.float() return img # ########################################## # ########################################## def create_random_shape_with_random_motion(video_length, zoomin, zoomout, rotmin, rotmax, imageHeight=240, imageWidth=432): # get a random shape assert zoomin < 1, "Zoom-in parameter must be smaller than 1" assert zoomout > 1, "Zoom-out parameter must be larger than 1" assert rotmin < rotmax, "Minimum value of rotation must be smaller than maximun value !" height = random.randint(imageHeight//3, imageHeight-1) width = random.randint(imageWidth//3, imageWidth-1) edge_num = random.randint(6, 8) ratio = random.randint(6, 8)/10 region = get_random_shape( edge_num=edge_num, ratio=ratio, height=height, width=width) region_width, region_height = region.size # get random position x, y = random.randint( 0, imageHeight-region_height), random.randint(0, imageWidth-region_width) velocity = get_random_velocity(max_speed=3) m = Image.fromarray(np.zeros((imageHeight, imageWidth)).astype(np.uint8)) m.paste(region, (y, x, y+region.size[0], x+region.size[1])) masks = [m.convert('L')] # return fixed masks if random.uniform(0, 1) > 0.5: return masks*video_length # -> directly copy all the base masks # return moving masks for _ in range(video_length-1): x, y, velocity = random_move_control_points( x, y, imageHeight, imageWidth, velocity, region.size, maxLineAcceleration=(3, 0.5), maxInitSpeed=3) m = Image.fromarray( np.zeros((imageHeight, imageWidth)).astype(np.uint8)) ### add by kaidong, to simulate zoon-in, zoom-out and rotation extra_transform = random.uniform(0, 1) # zoom in and zoom out if extra_transform > 0.75: resize_coefficient = random.uniform(zoomin, zoomout) region = region.resize((math.ceil(region_width * resize_coefficient), math.ceil(region_height * resize_coefficient)), Image.NEAREST) m.paste(region, (y, x, y + region.size[0], x + region.size[1])) region_width, region_height = region.size # rotation elif extra_transform > 0.5: m.paste(region, (y, x, y + region.size[0], x + region.size[1])) m = m.rotate(random.randint(rotmin, rotmax)) # region_width, region_height = region.size ### end else: m.paste(region, (y, x, y+region.size[0], x+region.size[1])) masks.append(m.convert('L')) return masks def get_random_shape(edge_num=9, ratio=0.7, width=432, height=240): ''' There is the initial point and 3 points per cubic bezier curve. Thus, the curve will only pass though n points, which will be the sharp edges. The other 2 modify the shape of the bezier curve. edge_num, Number of possibly sharp edges points_num, number of points in the Path ratio, (0, 1) magnitude of the perturbation from the unit circle, ''' points_num = edge_num*3 + 1 angles = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, points_num) codes = np.full(points_num, Path.CURVE4) codes[0] = Path.MOVETO # Using this instad of Path.CLOSEPOLY avoids an innecessary straight line verts = np.stack((np.cos(angles), np.sin(angles))).T * \ (2*ratio*np.random.random(points_num)+1-ratio)[:, None] verts[-1, :] = verts[0, :] path = Path(verts, codes) # draw paths into images fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) patch = patches.PathPatch(path, facecolor='black', lw=2) ax.add_patch(patch) ax.set_xlim(np.min(verts)*1.1, np.max(verts)*1.1) ax.set_ylim(np.min(verts)*1.1, np.max(verts)*1.1) ax.axis('off') # removes the axis to leave only the shape fig.canvas.draw() # convert plt images into numpy images data = np.frombuffer(fig.canvas.tostring_rgb(), dtype=np.uint8) data = data.reshape((fig.canvas.get_width_height()[::-1] + (3,))) plt.close(fig) # postprocess data = cv2.resize(data, (width, height))[:, :, 0] data = (1 - np.array(data > 0).astype(np.uint8))*255 corrdinates = np.where(data > 0) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = np.min(corrdinates[0]), np.max( corrdinates[0]), np.min(corrdinates[1]), np.max(corrdinates[1]) region = Image.fromarray(data).crop((ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax)) return region def random_accelerate(velocity, maxAcceleration, dist='uniform'): speed, angle = velocity d_speed, d_angle = maxAcceleration if dist == 'uniform': speed += np.random.uniform(-d_speed, d_speed) angle += np.random.uniform(-d_angle, d_angle) elif dist == 'guassian': speed += np.random.normal(0, d_speed / 2) angle += np.random.normal(0, d_angle / 2) else: raise NotImplementedError( f'Distribution type {dist} is not supported.') return (speed, angle) def get_random_velocity(max_speed=3, dist='uniform'): if dist == 'uniform': speed = np.random.uniform(max_speed) elif dist == 'guassian': speed = np.abs(np.random.normal(0, max_speed / 2)) else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Distribution type {} is not supported.'.format(dist)) angle = np.random.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi) return (speed, angle) def random_move_control_points(X, Y, imageHeight, imageWidth, lineVelocity, region_size, maxLineAcceleration=(3, 0.5), maxInitSpeed=3): region_width, region_height = region_size speed, angle = lineVelocity X += int(speed * np.cos(angle)) Y += int(speed * np.sin(angle)) lineVelocity = random_accelerate( lineVelocity, maxLineAcceleration, dist='guassian') if ((X > imageHeight - region_height) or (X < 0) or (Y > imageWidth - region_width) or (Y < 0)): lineVelocity = get_random_velocity(maxInitSpeed, dist='guassian') new_X = np.clip(X, 0, imageHeight - region_height) new_Y = np.clip(Y, 0, imageWidth - region_width) return new_X, new_Y, lineVelocity # ############################################## # ############################################## if __name__ == '__main__': import os os.environ["KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK"]="TRUE" trials = 10 for _ in range(trials): video_length = 10 # The returned masks are either stationary (50%) or moving (50%) masks = create_random_shape_with_random_motion(video_length, zoomin=0.9, zoomout=1.1, rotmin=1, rotmax=10, imageHeight=240, imageWidth=432) i = 0 for m in masks: cv2.imshow('mask', np.array(m)) cv2.waitKey(500) #'mask_{}.png'.format(i)) i += 1