import numpy as np import cv2 from scipy import sparse from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve def regionfill(I, mask, factor=1.0): # I -> flow, mask -> flow mask if np.count_nonzero(mask) == 0: return I.copy() # All of the regions in mask has been filled resize_mask = cv2.resize( mask.astype(float), (0, 0), fx=factor, fy=factor) > 0 resize_I = cv2.resize(I.astype(float), (0, 0), fx=factor, fy=factor) maskPerimeter = findBoundaryPixels(resize_mask) # boundary pixels in the resized mask regionfillLaplace(resize_I, resize_mask, maskPerimeter) resize_I = cv2.resize(resize_I, (I.shape[1], I.shape[0])) resize_I[mask == 0] = I[mask == 0] return resize_I def findBoundaryPixels(mask): kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_CROSS, (3, 3)) maskDilated = cv2.dilate(mask.astype(float), kernel) return (maskDilated > 0) & (mask == 0) def regionfillLaplace(I, mask, maskPerimeter): height, width = I.shape rightSide = formRightSide(I, maskPerimeter) # Location of mask pixels maskIdx = np.where(mask) # Only keep values for pixels that are in the mask rightSide = rightSide[maskIdx] # Number the mask pixels in a grid matrix grid = -np.ones((height, width)) grid[maskIdx] = range(0, maskIdx[0].size) # Pad with zeros to avoid "index out of bounds" errors in the for loop grid = padMatrix(grid) gridIdx = np.where(grid >= 0) # Form the connectivity matrix D=sparse(i,j,s) # Connect each mask pixel to itself i = np.arange(0, maskIdx[0].size) j = np.arange(0, maskIdx[0].size) # The coefficient is the number of neighbors over which we average numNeighbors = computeNumberOfNeighbors(height, width) s = numNeighbors[maskIdx] # Now connect the N,E,S,W neighbors if they exist for direction in ((-1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1)): # Possible neighbors in the current direction neighbors = grid[gridIdx[0] + direction[0], gridIdx[1] + direction[1]] # ConDnect mask points to neighbors with -1's index = (neighbors >= 0) i = np.concatenate((i, grid[gridIdx[0][index], gridIdx[1][index]])) j = np.concatenate((j, neighbors[index])) s = np.concatenate((s, -np.ones(np.count_nonzero(index)))) D = sparse.coo_matrix((s, (i.astype(int), j.astype(int)))).tocsr() sol = spsolve(D, rightSide) I[maskIdx] = sol return I def formRightSide(I, maskPerimeter): height, width = I.shape perimeterValues = np.zeros((height, width)) assert perimeterValues.shape == I.shape, 'P shape: {}, I shape: {}'.format(perimeterValues.shape, I.shape) perimeterValues[maskPerimeter] = I[maskPerimeter] rightSide = np.zeros((height, width)) rightSide[1:height - 1, 1:width - 1] = ( perimeterValues[0:height - 2, 1:width - 1] + perimeterValues[2:height, 1:width - 1] + perimeterValues[1:height - 1, 0:width - 2] + perimeterValues[1:height - 1, 2:width]) rightSide[1:height - 1, 0] = ( perimeterValues[0:height - 2, 0] + perimeterValues[2:height, 0] + perimeterValues[1:height - 1, 1]) rightSide[1:height - 1, width - 1] = ( perimeterValues[0:height - 2, width - 1] + perimeterValues[2:height, width - 1] + perimeterValues[1:height - 1, width - 2]) rightSide[0, 1:width - 1] = ( perimeterValues[1, 1:width - 1] + perimeterValues[0, 0:width - 2] + perimeterValues[0, 2:width]) rightSide[height - 1, 1:width - 1] = ( perimeterValues[height - 2, 1:width - 1] + perimeterValues[height - 1, 0:width - 2] + perimeterValues[height - 1, 2:width]) rightSide[0, 0] = perimeterValues[0, 1] + perimeterValues[1, 0] rightSide[0, width - 1] = ( perimeterValues[0, width - 2] + perimeterValues[1, width - 1]) rightSide[height - 1, 0] = ( perimeterValues[height - 2, 0] + perimeterValues[height - 1, 1]) rightSide[height - 1, width - 1] = (perimeterValues[height - 2, width - 1] + perimeterValues[height - 1, width - 2]) return rightSide def computeNumberOfNeighbors(height, width): # Initialize numNeighbors = np.zeros((height, width)) # Interior pixels have 4 neighbors numNeighbors[1:height - 1, 1:width - 1] = 4 # Border pixels have 3 neighbors numNeighbors[1:height - 1, (0, width - 1)] = 3 numNeighbors[(0, height - 1), 1:width - 1] = 3 # Corner pixels have 2 neighbors numNeighbors[(0, 0, height - 1, height - 1), (0, width - 1, 0, width - 1)] = 2 return numNeighbors def padMatrix(grid): height, width = grid.shape gridPadded = -np.ones((height + 2, width + 2)) gridPadded[1:height + 1, 1:width + 1] = grid gridPadded = gridPadded.astype(grid.dtype) return gridPadded