from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM import torch # Docs:- from dotenv import load_dotenv, find_dotenv import os import requests model_id = "meta-llama/LlamaGuard-7b" # Please ensure you have a .env file available with 'HUGGINGFACEHUB_API_TOKEN' load_dotenv(find_dotenv()) HUGGINGFACEHUB_API_TOKEN = os.environ["HUGGINGFACEHUB_API_TOKEN"] # updated on March 24th # reading unsafe categories file try: with open("data/llama_guard-unsafe_categories.txt", "r") as file: unsafe_categories = except FileNotFoundError: print("File not found. Please check the file path.") unsafe_categories = ( "" # Or handle the missing file as appropriate for your application ) except PermissionError: print("Permission denied. You don't have the rights to read the file.") unsafe_categories = "" # Or handle the lack of permissions as appropriate except Exception as e: # Catch any other exceptions print(f"An error occurred while reading the file: {e}") unsafe_categories = "" # Or handle unexpected errors as appropriate # added on March 24th def moderation_prompt_for_chat(chat): prompt = f"""[INST] Task: Check if there is unsafe content in 'User' messages in conversations according our safety policy with the below categories. {unsafe_categories} User : {chat} Provide your safety assessment for 'User' in the above conversation: - First line must read 'safe' or 'unsafe'. - If unsafe, a second line must include a comma-separated list of violated categories.[/INST]""" return prompt def query(payload): API_URL = "" bearer_txt = f"Bearer {HUGGINGFACEHUB_API_TOKEN}" headers = { "Accept": "application/json", "Authorization": bearer_txt, "Content-Type": "application/json", } try: response =, headers=headers, json=payload) response.raise_for_status() # This will raise an exception for HTTP error responses return response.json(), None except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as http_err: error_message = f"HTTP error occurred: {http_err}" print(error_message) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: error_message = "Could not connect to the API endpoint." print(error_message) except Exception as err: error_message = f"An error occurred: {err}" print(error_message) return None, error_message def query1(payload): API_URL = "" bearer_txt = f"Bearer {HUGGINGFACEHUB_API_TOKEN}" headers = { "Accept": "application/json", "Authorization": bearer_txt, "Content-Type": "application/json", } response =, headers=headers, json=payload) return response.json() def moderate_chat(chat): prompt = moderation_prompt_for_chat(chat) output, error_msg = query( { "inputs": prompt, "parameters": { "top_k": 1, "top_p": 0.2, "temperature": 0.1, "max_new_tokens": 512, }, } ) print("Llamaguard prompt****", prompt) print("Llamaguard output****", output) return output, error_msg # added on March 24th def load_category_names_from_string(file_content): """Load category codes and names from a string into a dictionary.""" category_names = {} lines = file_content.split("\n") for line in lines: if line.startswith("O"): parts = line.split(":") if len(parts) == 2: code = parts[0].strip() name = parts[1].strip() category_names[code] = name return category_names def get_category_name(input_str): """Return the category name given a category code from an input string.""" # Load the category names from the file content category_names = load_category_names_from_string(unsafe_categories) # Extract the category code from the input string category_code = input_str.split("\n")[1].strip() # Find the full category name using the code category_name = category_names.get(category_code, "Unknown Category") # return f"{category_code} : {category_name}" return f"{category_name}"