# This is the same dockerfile from `Helper_Files/Dockerfiles/tldw-nvidia_amd64_Dockerfile`. c/p here so people see a 'Dockerfile' in the root directory and know what to do. # Usage # docker build -t tldw-nvidia_amd64 . # docker run --gpus=all -p 7860:7860 -v tldw_volume:/tldw tldw-nvidia_amd64 # # If the above command doesn't work and it hangs on start, use the following command: # # sudo docker run -it -p 7860:7860 -v tldw_volume:/tdlw tldw-nvidia_amd64 bash # # Once in the container, run the following command: # # python summarize.py -gui # # And you should be good. # Use Nvidia image: FROM nvidia/cuda:12.6.1-cudnn-runtime-ubuntu24.04 # Use an official Python runtime as a parent image #FROM python:3.10.15-slim-bookworm # Set build arguments ARG REPO_URL=https://github.com/rmusser01/tldw.git ARG BRANCH=main ARG GPU_SUPPORT=cpu # Install system dependencies RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ ffmpeg \ libsqlite3-dev \ build-essential \ git \ python3 \ python3-pyaudio \ portaudio19-dev \ python3-pip \ portaudio19-dev \ python3-venv \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* # Set the working directory in the container WORKDIR /tldw # Clone the repository RUN git clone -b ${BRANCH} ${REPO_URL} . # Create and activate virtual environment RUN python3 -m venv ./venv ENV PATH="/tldw/venv/bin:$PATH" # Upgrade pip and install wheel RUN pip install --upgrade pip wheel # Install CUDA RUN pip install nvidia-cublas-cu12 nvidia-cudnn-cu12 # setup PATH RUN export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`python3 -c 'import os; import nvidia.cublas.lib; import nvidia.cudnn.lib; print(os.path.dirname(nvidia.cublas.lib.__file__) + ":" + os.path.dirname(nvidia.cudnn.lib.__file__))'` # Install PyTorch based on GPU support RUN if [ "$GPU_SUPPORT" = "cuda" ]; then \ pip install torch==2.2.2 torchvision==0.17.2 torchaudio==2.2.2 --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu123; \ elif [ "$GPU_SUPPORT" = "amd" ]; then \ pip install torch-directml; \ else \ pip install torch==2.2.2 torchvision==0.17.2 torchaudio==2.2.2 --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cpu; \ fi # Install other requirements RUN pip install -r requirements.txt # Update config.txt for CPU if needed RUN if [ "$GPU_SUPPORT" = "cpu" ]; then \ sed -i 's/cuda/cpu/' ./Config_Files/config.txt; \ fi # Create a volume for persistent storage VOLUME /tldw # Make port 7860 available to the world outside this container EXPOSE 7860 # Set listening to all interfaces ENV GRADIO_SERVER_NAME="" # Run the application CMD ["python", "summarize.py", "-gui", "-log DEBUG"]