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# Description: This file contains the code for the RAG QA Chat Notes tab in the RAG QA Chat application.
# Imports
import logging
# External Imports
import gradio as gr
# Local Imports
from App_Function_Libraries.DB.RAG_QA_Chat_DB import save_message, add_keywords_to_conversation, \
search_conversations_by_keywords, load_chat_history, save_notes, get_notes, clear_notes, \
add_keywords_to_note, execute_query, start_new_conversation
from App_Function_Libraries.RAG.RAG_QA_Chat import rag_qa_chat
# Functions
def create_rag_qa_chat_notes_tab():
with gr.TabItem("RAG QA Chat", visible=True):
gr.Markdown("# RAG QA Chat")
state = gr.State({
"conversation_id": None,
"page": 1,
"context_source": "Entire Media Database",
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column(scale=1):
context_source = gr.Radio(
["Entire Media Database", "Search Database", "Upload File"],
label="Context Source",
value="Entire Media Database"
existing_file = gr.Dropdown(label="Select Existing File", choices=[], interactive=True)
file_page = gr.State(value=1)
with gr.Row():
page_number = gr.Number(value=1, label="Page", precision=0)
page_size = gr.Number(value=20, label="Items per page", precision=0)
total_pages = gr.Number(label="Total Pages", interactive=False)
with gr.Row():
prev_page_btn = gr.Button("Previous Page")
next_page_btn = gr.Button("Next Page")
page_info = gr.HTML("Page 1")
search_query = gr.Textbox(label="Search Query", visible=False)
search_button = gr.Button("Search", visible=False)
search_results = gr.Dropdown(label="Search Results", choices=[], visible=False)
file_upload = gr.File(
label="Upload File",
file_types=["txt", "pdf", "epub", "md", "rtf", "json", "csv"]
convert_to_text = gr.Checkbox(label="Convert to plain text", visible=False)
keywords = gr.Textbox(label="Keywords (comma-separated)", visible=False)
with gr.Column(scale=1):
api_choice = gr.Dropdown(
choices=["Local-LLM", "OpenAI", "Anthropic", "Cohere", "Groq", "DeepSeek", "Mistral", "OpenRouter",
"Llama.cpp", "Kobold", "Ooba", "Tabbyapi", "VLLM", "ollama", "HuggingFace"],
label="Select API for RAG",
use_query_rewriting = gr.Checkbox(label="Use Query Rewriting", value=True)
# FIXME - add load conversations button
load_conversation = gr.Dropdown(label="Load Conversation", choices=[])
new_conversation = gr.Button("New Conversation")
conversation_title = gr.Textbox(label="Conversation Title",
placeholder="Enter a title for the new conversation")
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column(scale=2):
chatbot = gr.Chatbot(height=500)
msg = gr.Textbox(label="Enter your message")
submit = gr.Button("Submit")
clear_chat = gr.Button("Clear Chat History")
with gr.Column(scale=1):
notes = gr.TextArea(label="Notes", placeholder="Enter your notes here...", lines=20)
keywords_for_notes = gr.Textbox(label="Keywords for Notes (comma-separated)",
placeholder="Enter keywords for the note", visible=True)
save_notes_btn = gr.Button("Save Notes") # Renamed to avoid conflict
clear_notes_btn = gr.Button("Clear Notes") # Renamed to avoid conflict
loading_indicator = gr.HTML(visible=False)
def rag_qa_chat_wrapper(message, history, state, context_source, existing_file, search_results, file_upload,
convert_to_text, keywords, api_choice, use_query_rewriting):
conversation_id = state.value["conversation_id"]
if not conversation_id:
conversation_id = start_new_conversation("Untitled Conversation") # Provide a title or handle accordingly
state = update_state(state, conversation_id=conversation_id)
save_message(conversation_id, 'human', message)
if keywords:
add_keywords_to_conversation(conversation_id, [kw.strip() for kw in keywords.split(',')])
# Implement your actual RAG logic here
response = "response"#rag_qa_chat(message, conversation_id, context_source, existing_file, search_results,
#file_upload, convert_to_text, api_choice, use_query_rewriting)
save_message(conversation_id, 'ai', response)
new_history = history + [(message, response)]"Successfully processed message for conversation '{conversation_id}'")
return new_history, "", gr.update(visible=False), state
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error in rag_qa_chat_wrapper: {e}")
gr.Error("An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later.")
return history, "", gr.update(visible=False), state
def load_conversation_history(selected_conversation_id, page, page_size, state):
if selected_conversation_id:
history, total_pages_val, _ = load_chat_history(selected_conversation_id, page, page_size)
notes_content = get_notes(selected_conversation_id) # Retrieve notes here
updated_state = update_state(state, conversation_id=selected_conversation_id, page=page)
return history, total_pages_val, updated_state, "\n".join(notes_content)
return [], 1, state, ""
def start_new_conversation_wrapper(title, state):
new_conversation_id = start_new_conversation(title if title else "Untitled Conversation")
return [], update_state(state, conversation_id=new_conversation_id, page=1)
def update_state(state, **kwargs):
new_state = state.value.copy()
return new_state
def update_page(direction, current_page, total_pages_val):
new_page = max(1, min(current_page + direction, total_pages_val))
return new_page
def update_context_source(choice):
return {
existing_file: gr.update(visible=choice == "Select Existing File"),
prev_page_btn: gr.update(visible=choice == "Search Database"),
next_page_btn: gr.update(visible=choice == "Search Database"),
page_info: gr.update(visible=choice == "Search Database"),
search_query: gr.update(visible=choice == "Search Database"),
search_button: gr.update(visible=choice == "Search Database"),
search_results: gr.update(visible=choice == "Search Database"),
file_upload: gr.update(visible=choice == "Upload File"),
convert_to_text: gr.update(visible=choice == "Upload File"),
keywords: gr.update(visible=choice == "Upload File")
def perform_search(query):
results = search_conversations_by_keywords([kw.strip() for kw in query.split()])
return gr.update(choices=[f"{title} (ID: {id})" for id, title in results[0]])
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error performing search: {e}")
gr.Error(f"Error performing search: {str(e)}")
return gr.update(choices=[])
def clear_chat_history():
return [], ""
def save_notes_function(notes_content, keywords_content):
"""Save the notes and associated keywords to the database."""
conversation_id = state.value["conversation_id"]
if conversation_id and notes_content:
# Save the note
save_notes(conversation_id, notes_content)
# Get the last inserted note ID
query = "SELECT id FROM rag_qa_notes WHERE conversation_id = ? ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1"
note_id = execute_query(query, (conversation_id,))[0][0]
if keywords_content:
add_keywords_to_note(note_id, [kw.strip() for kw in keywords_content.split(',')])"Notes and keywords saved successfully!")
return notes_content
logging.warning("No conversation ID or notes to save.")
return ""
def clear_notes_function():
"""Clear notes for the current conversation."""
conversation_id = state.value["conversation_id"]
if conversation_id:
clear_notes(conversation_id)"Notes cleared successfully!")
return ""
# Event handlers
inputs=[msg, chatbot, state, context_source, existing_file, search_results, file_upload,
convert_to_text, keywords, api_choice, use_query_rewriting],
outputs=[chatbot, msg, loading_indicator, state]
inputs=[load_conversation, page_number, page_size, state],
outputs=[chatbot, total_pages, state, notes]
inputs=[conversation_title, state],
outputs=[chatbot, state]
# Pagination Event handlers
lambda current_page, total_pages_val: update_page(-1, current_page, total_pages_val),
inputs=[page_number, total_pages],
lambda current_page, total_pages_val: update_page(1, current_page, total_pages_val),
inputs=[page_number, total_pages],
context_source.change(update_context_source, inputs=[context_source],
outputs=[existing_file, prev_page_btn, next_page_btn, page_info,
search_query, search_button, search_results,
file_upload, convert_to_text, keywords]), inputs=[search_query], outputs=[search_results]), outputs=[chatbot, msg]), inputs=[notes, keywords_for_notes], outputs=[notes]), outputs=[notes])
return (context_source, existing_file, search_query, search_button, search_results, file_upload,
convert_to_text, keywords, api_choice, use_query_rewriting, chatbot, msg, submit, clear_chat,
notes, save_notes_btn, clear_notes_btn, load_conversation, new_conversation, conversation_title,
prev_page_btn, next_page_btn, page_number, page_size, total_pages)
# End of