import cv2 import torch import numpy as np from skimage import morphology import albumentations as A import torch.nn.functional as F import torch.nn as nn from albumentations.pytorch import ToTensorV2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg as FigureCanvas import matplotlib.path as mplPath import matplotlib.patches as patches from ultralyticsplus import YOLO def image_morpho(mask_prediction): selem2 = morphology.disk(2) closed = morphology.closing(mask_prediction, selem2) return closed def get_segformer_img(image_in, input_size=[224,224]): transform_img = A.Compose([ A.Resize(height=input_size[0], width=input_size[1], interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST), A.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225], max_pixel_value=255.0, p=1.0), ToTensorV2(p=1.0), ]) image_in = cv2.resize(image_in, (1920, 1080)) image_tr = transform_img(image=image_in)['image'] image_tr = image_tr.unsqueeze(0) image_tr = image_tr.cpu() return image_tr, image_in def load_segformer(path_model): model = torch.load(path_model, map_location=torch.device('cpu')) model = model.cpu() model.eval() return model def load_yolo(PATH_model): model = YOLO(PATH_model) model.overrides['conf'] = 0.25 # NMS confidence threshold model.overrides['iou'] = 0.45 # NMS IoU threshold model.overrides['agnostic_nms'] = False # NMS class-agnostic model.overrides['max_det'] = 1000 # maximum number of detections per image return model def find_extreme_y_values(arr, values=[0, 6]): """ Optimized function to find the lowest and highest y-values (row indices) in a 2D array where 0 or 6 appears. Parameters: - arr: The input 2D NumPy array. - values: The values to search for (default is [0, 6]). Returns: A tuple (lowest_y, highest_y) representing the lowest and highest y-values. If values are not found, returns None. """ mask = np.isin(arr, values) rows_with_values = np.any(mask, axis=1) y_indices = np.nonzero(rows_with_values)[0] # Directly finding non-zero (True) indices if y_indices.size == 0: return None, None # Early return if values not found return y_indices[0], y_indices[-1] def find_nearest_pairs(arr1, arr2): # Convert lists to numpy arrays for vectorized operations arr1_np = np.array(arr1) arr2_np = np.array(arr2) # Determine which array is shorter if len(arr1_np) < len(arr2_np): base_array, compare_array = arr1_np, arr2_np else: base_array, compare_array = arr2_np, arr1_np paired_base = [] paired_compare = [] # Mask to keep track of paired elements paired_mask = np.zeros(len(compare_array), dtype=bool) for item in base_array: # Calculate distances from the current item to all items in the compare_array distances = np.linalg.norm(compare_array - item, axis=1) nearest_index = np.argmin(distances) paired_base.append(item) paired_compare.append(compare_array[nearest_index]) # Mark the paired element to exclude it from further pairing paired_mask[nearest_index] = True # Check if all elements from the compare_array have been paired if paired_mask.all(): break paired_base = np.array(paired_base) paired_compare = compare_array[paired_mask] return (paired_base, paired_compare) if len(arr1_np) < len(arr2_np) else (paired_compare, paired_base) def filter_crossings(image, edges_dict): filtered_edges = {} for key, values in edges_dict.items(): merged = [values[0]] for start, end in values[1:]: if start - merged[-1][1] < 50: key_up = max([0, key-10]) key_down = min([image.shape[0]-1, key+10]) if key_up == 0: key_up = key+20 if key_down == image.shape[0]-1: key_down = key-20 edges_to_test_slope1 = robust_edges(image, [key_up], values=[0, 6], min_width=19) edges_to_test_slope2 = robust_edges(image, [key_down], values=[0, 6], min_width=19) values1, edges_to_test_slope1 = find_nearest_pairs(values, edges_to_test_slope1) values2, edges_to_test_slope2 = find_nearest_pairs(values, edges_to_test_slope2) differences_y = [] for i, value in enumerate(values1): if start in value: idx = list(value).index(start) try: differences_y.append(abs(start-edges_to_test_slope1[i][idx])) except: pass if merged[-1][1] in value: idx = list(value).index(merged[-1][1]) try: differences_y.append(abs(merged[-1][1]-edges_to_test_slope1[i][idx])) except: pass for i, value in enumerate(values2): if start in value: idx = list(value).index(start) try: differences_y.append(abs(start-edges_to_test_slope2[i][idx])) except: pass if merged[-1][1] in value: idx = list(value).index(merged[-1][1]) try: differences_y.append(abs(merged[-1][1]-edges_to_test_slope2[i][idx])) except: pass if any(element > 30 for element in differences_y): merged[-1] = (merged[-1][0], end) else: merged.append((start, end)) else: merged.append((start, end)) filtered_edges[key] = merged return filtered_edges def robust_edges(image, y_levels, values=[0, 6], min_width=19): for y in y_levels: row = image[y, :] mask = np.isin(row, values).astype(int) padded_mask = np.pad(mask, (1, 1), 'constant', constant_values=0) diff = np.diff(padded_mask) starts = np.where(diff == 1)[0] ends = np.where(diff == -1)[0] - 1 # Filter sequences based on the minimum width criteria filtered_edges = [(start, end) for start, end in zip(starts, ends) if end - start + 1 >= min_width] filtered_edges = [(start, end) for start, end in filtered_edges if 0 not in (start, end) and 1919 not in (start, end)] return filtered_edges def find_edges(image, y_levels, values=[0, 6], min_width=19): """ Find start and end positions of continuous sequences of specified values at given y-levels in a 2D array, filtering for sequences that meet or exceed a specified minimum width. Parameters: - arr: 2D NumPy array to search within. - y_levels: List of y-levels (row indices) to examine. - values: Values to search for (default is [0, 6]). - min_width: Minimum width of sequences to be included in the results. Returns: A dict with y-levels as keys and lists of (start, end) tuples for each sequence found in that row that meets the width criteria. """ edges_dict = {} for y in y_levels: row = image[y, :] mask = np.isin(row, values).astype(int) padded_mask = np.pad(mask, (1, 1), 'constant', constant_values=0) diff = np.diff(padded_mask) starts = np.where(diff == 1)[0] ends = np.where(diff == -1)[0] - 1 # Filter sequences based on the minimum width criteria filtered_edges = [(start, end) for start, end in zip(starts, ends) if end - start + 1 >= min_width] filtered_edges = [(start, end) for start, end in filtered_edges if 0 not in (start, end) and 1919 not in (start, end)] edges_with_guard_rails = [] for edge in filtered_edges: cutout_left = image[y,edge[0]-50:edge[0]][::-1] cutout_right = image[y,edge[1]:edge[1]+50] not_ones = np.where(cutout_left != 1)[0] if len(not_ones) > 0 and not_ones[0] > 0: last_one_index = not_ones[0] - 1 edge = (edge[0] - last_one_index,) + edge[1:] else: last_one_index = None if len(not_ones) == 0 else not_ones[-1] - 1 not_ones = np.where(cutout_right != 1)[0] if len(not_ones) > 0 and not_ones[0] > 0: last_one_index = not_ones[0] - 1 edge = (edge[0], edge[1] - last_one_index) + edge[2:] else: last_one_index = None if len(not_ones) == 0 else not_ones[-1] - 1 edges_with_guard_rails.append(edge) edges_dict[y] = edges_with_guard_rails edges_dict = {k: v for k, v in edges_dict.items() if v} edges_dict = filter_crossings(image, edges_dict) return edges_dict def find_rails(arr, y_levels, values=[9, 10], min_width=5): edges_all = [] for y in y_levels: row = arr[y, :] mask = np.isin(row, values).astype(int) padded_mask = np.pad(mask, (1, 1), 'constant', constant_values=0) diff = np.diff(padded_mask) starts = np.where(diff == 1)[0] ends = np.where(diff == -1)[0] - 1 # Filter sequences based on the minimum width criteria filtered_edges = [(start, end) for start, end in zip(starts, ends) if end - start + 1 >= min_width] filtered_edges = [(start, end) for start, end in filtered_edges if 0 not in (start, end) and 1919 not in (start, end)] edges_all = filtered_edges return edges_all def mark_edges(arr, edges_dict, mark_value=30): """ Marks a 5x5 zone around the edges found in the array with a specific value. Parameters: - arr: The original 2D NumPy array. - edges_dict: A dictionary with y-levels as keys and lists of (start, end) tuples for edges. - mark_value: The value used to mark the edges. Returns: The modified array with marked zones. """ marked_arr = np.copy(arr) # Create a copy of the array to avoid modifying the original offset = 2 # To mark a 5x5 area, we go 2 pixels in each direction from the center for y, edges in edges_dict.items(): for start, end in edges: # Mark a 5x5 zone around the start and end positions for dy in range(-offset, offset + 1): for dx in range(-offset, offset + 1): # Check array bounds before marking if 0 <= y + dy < marked_arr.shape[0] and 0 <= start + dx < marked_arr.shape[1]: marked_arr[y + dy, start + dx] = mark_value if 0 <= y + dy < marked_arr.shape[0] and 0 <= end + dx < marked_arr.shape[1]: marked_arr[y + dy, end + dx] = mark_value return marked_arr def find_rail_sides(img, edges_dict): left_border = [] right_border = [] for y,xs in edges_dict.items(): rails = find_rails(img, [y], values=[9,10], min_width=5) left_border_actual = [min(xs)[0],y] right_border_actual = [max(xs)[1],y] for zone in rails: if abs(zone[1]-left_border_actual[0]) < y*0.04: # dynamic treshold left_border_actual[0] = zone[0] if abs(zone[0]-right_border_actual[0]) < y*0.04: right_border_actual[0] = zone[1] left_border.append(left_border_actual) right_border.append(right_border_actual) # removing detected uncontioussness left_border, flags_l, _ = robust_rail_sides(left_border) # filter outliers right_border, flags_r, _ = robust_rail_sides(right_border) return left_border, right_border, flags_l, flags_r def robust_rail_sides(border, threshold=7): border = np.array(border) if border.size > 0: # delete borders found on the bottom side of the image border = border[border[:, 1] != 1079] steps_x = np.diff(border[:, 0]) median_step = np.median(np.abs(steps_x)) threshold_step = np.abs(threshold*np.abs(median_step)) treshold_overcommings = abs(steps_x) > abs(threshold_step) flags = [] if True not in treshold_overcommings: return border, flags, [] else: overcommings_indices = [i for i, element in enumerate(treshold_overcommings) if element == True] if overcommings_indices and np.all(np.diff(overcommings_indices) == 1): overcommings_indices = [overcommings_indices[0]] filtered_border = border previously_deleted = [] for i in overcommings_indices: for item in previously_deleted: if item[0] < i: i -= item[1] first_part = filtered_border[:i+1] second_part = filtered_border[i+1:] if len(second_part)<2: filtered_border = first_part previously_deleted.append([i,len(second_part)]) elif len(first_part)<2: filtered_border = second_part previously_deleted.append([i,len(first_part)]) else: first_b, _, deleted_first = robust_rail_sides(first_part) second_b, _, _ = robust_rail_sides(second_part) filtered_border = np.concatenate((first_b,second_b), axis=0) if deleted_first: for deleted_item in deleted_first: if deleted_item[0]<=i: i -= deleted_item[1] flags.append(i) return filtered_border, flags, previously_deleted else: return border, [], [] def find_dist_from_edges(id_map, image, edges_dict, left_border, right_border, real_life_width_mm, real_life_target_mm, mark_value=30): """ Mark regions representing a real-life distance (e.g., 2 meters) to the left and right from the furthest edges. Parameters: - arr: 2D NumPy array representing the id_map. - edges_dict: Dictionary with y-levels as keys and lists of (start, end) tuples for edges. - real_life_width_mm: The real-world width in millimeters that the average sequence width represents. - real_life_target_mm: The real-world distance in millimeters to mark from the edges. Returns: - A NumPy array with the marked regions. """ # Calculate the rail widths diffs_widths = {k: sum(e-s for s, e in v) / len(v) for k, v in edges_dict.items() if v} diffs_width = {k: max(e-s for s, e in v) for k, v in edges_dict.items() if v} # Pixel to mm scale factor scale_factors = {k: real_life_width_mm / v for k, v in diffs_width.items()} # Converting the real-life target distance to pixels target_distances_px = {k: int(real_life_target_mm / v) for k, v in scale_factors.items()} # Mark the regions representing the target distance to the left and right from the furthest edges end_points_left = {} region_levels_left = [] for point in left_border: min_edge = point[0] # Ensure we stay within the image bounds #left_mark_start = max(0, min_edge - int(target_distances_px[point[1]])) left_mark_start = min_edge - int(target_distances_px[point[1]]) end_points_left[point[1]] = left_mark_start # Left region points if left_mark_start < min_edge: y_values = np.arange(left_mark_start, min_edge) x_values = np.full_like(y_values, point[1]) region_line = np.column_stack((x_values, y_values)) region_levels_left.append(region_line) end_points_right = {} region_levels_right = [] for point in right_border: max_edge = point[0] # Ensure we stay within the image bounds right_mark_end = min(id_map.shape[1], max_edge + int(target_distances_px[point[1]])) if right_mark_end != id_map.shape[1]: end_points_right[point[1]] = right_mark_end # Right region points if max_edge < right_mark_end: y_values = np.arange(max_edge, right_mark_end) x_values = np.full_like(y_values, point[1]) region_line = np.column_stack((x_values, y_values)) region_levels_right.append(region_line) return id_map, end_points_left, end_points_right, region_levels_left, region_levels_right def bresenham_line(x0, y0, x1, y1): """ Generate the coordinates of a line from (x0, y0) to (x1, y1) using Bresenham's algorithm. """ line = [] dx = abs(x1 - x0) dy = -abs(y1 - y0) sx = 1 if x0 < x1 else -1 sy = 1 if y0 < y1 else -1 err = dx + dy # error value e_xy while True: line.append((x0, y0)) # Add the current point to the line if x0 == x1 and y0 == y1: break e2 = 2 * err if e2 >= dy: # e_xy+e_x > 0 err += dy x0 += sx if e2 <= dx: # e_xy+e_y < 0 err += dx y0 += sy return line def interpolate_end_points(end_points_dict, flags): line_arr = [] ys = list(end_points_dict.keys()) xs = list(end_points_dict.values()) if flags and len(flags) == 1: pass elif flags and np.all(np.diff(flags) == 1): flags = [flags[0]] for i in range(0, len(ys) - 1): if i in flags: continue y1, y2 = ys[i], ys[i + 1] x1, x2 = xs[i], xs[i + 1] line = np.array(bresenham_line(x1, y1, x2, y2)) if np.any(line[:, 0] < 0): line = line[line[:, 0] > 0] line_arr = line_arr + list(line) return line_arr def extrapolate_line(pixels, image, min_y=None, extr_pixels=10): """ Extrapolate a line based on the last segment using linear regression. Parameters: - pixels: List of (x, y) tuples representing line pixel coordinates. - image: 2D numpy array representing the image. - min_y: Minimum y-value to extrapolate to (optional). Returns: - A list of new extrapolated (x, y) pixel coordinates. """ if len(pixels) < extr_pixels: print("Not enough pixels to perform extrapolation.") return [] recent_pixels = np.array(pixels[-extr_pixels:]) X = recent_pixels[:, 0].reshape(-1, 1) # Reshape for sklearn y = recent_pixels[:, 1] model = LinearRegression(), y) slope = model.coef_[0] intercept = model.intercept_ extrapolate = lambda x: slope * x + intercept # Calculate direction based on last two pixels dx, dy = 0, 0 # Default values x_diffs = [] y_diffs = [] for i in range(1,extr_pixels-1): x_diffs.append(pixels[-i][0] - pixels[-(i+1)][0]) y_diffs.append(pixels[-i][1] - pixels[-(i+1)][1]) x_diff = x_diffs[np.argmax(np.abs(x_diffs))] y_diff = y_diffs[np.argmax(np.abs(y_diffs))] if abs(int(x_diff)) >= abs(int(y_diff)): dx = 1 if x_diff >= 0 else -1 else: dy = 1 if y_diff >= 0 else -1 last_pixel = pixels[-1] new_pixels = [] x, y = last_pixel min_y = min_y if min_y is not None else image.shape[0] - 1 while 0 <= x < image.shape[1] and min_y <= y < image.shape[0]: if dx != 0: # Horizontal or diagonal movement x += dx y = int(extrapolate(x)) elif dy != 0: # Vertical movement y += dy # For vertical lines, approximate x based on the last known value x = int(x) if 0 <= y < image.shape[0] and 0 <= x < image.shape[1]: new_pixels.append((x, y)) else: break return new_pixels def extrapolate_borders(dist_marked_id_map, border_l, border_r, lowest_y): #border_extrapolation_l1 = extrapolate_line(border_l, dist_marked_id_map, lowest_y) border_extrapolation_l2 = extrapolate_line(border_l[::-1], dist_marked_id_map, lowest_y) #border_extrapolation_r1 = extrapolate_line(border_r, dist_marked_id_map, lowest_y) border_extrapolation_r2 = extrapolate_line(border_r[::-1], dist_marked_id_map, lowest_y) #border_l = border_extrapolation_l2[::-1] + border_l + border_extrapolation_l1 #border_r = border_extrapolation_r2[::-1] + border_r + border_extrapolation_r1 border_l = border_extrapolation_l2[::-1] + border_l border_r = border_extrapolation_r2[::-1] + border_r return border_l, border_r def find_zone_border(id_map, image, edges, irl_width_mm=1435, irl_target_mm=1000, lowest_y = 0): left_border, right_border, flags_l, flags_r = find_rail_sides(id_map, edges) dist_marked_id_map, end_points_left, end_points_right, left_region, right_region = find_dist_from_edges(id_map, image, edges, left_border, right_border, irl_width_mm, irl_target_mm) border_l = interpolate_end_points(end_points_left, flags_l) border_r = interpolate_end_points(end_points_right, flags_r) border_l, border_r = extrapolate_borders(dist_marked_id_map, border_l, border_r, lowest_y) return [border_l, border_r],[left_region, right_region] def get_clues(segmentation_mask, number_of_clues): lowest, highest = find_extreme_y_values(segmentation_mask) if lowest is not None and highest is not None: clue_step = int((highest - lowest) / number_of_clues+1) clues = [] for i in range(number_of_clues): clues.append(highest - (i*clue_step)) clues.append(lowest+int(0.5*clue_step)) return clues else: return [] def border_handler(id_map, image, edges, target_distances): lowest, _ = find_extreme_y_values(id_map) borders = [] regions = [] for target in target_distances: borders_regions = find_zone_border(id_map, image, edges, irl_target_mm=target, lowest_y = lowest) borders.append(borders_regions[0]) regions.append(borders_regions[1]) return borders, id_map, regions def segment(input_image, model_seg, image_size): image_norm, image = get_segformer_img(input_image, image_size) outputs = model_seg(image_norm) logits = outputs.logits upsampled_logits = nn.functional.interpolate( logits, size=image_norm.shape[-2:], mode="bilinear", align_corners=False ) output = upsampled_logits.float() confidence_scores = F.softmax(output, dim=1).cpu().detach().numpy().squeeze() id_map = np.argmax(confidence_scores, axis=0).astype(np.uint8) id_map = image_morpho(id_map) id_map = cv2.resize(id_map, [1920,1080], interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST) return id_map, image def detect(model_det, image): results = model_det.predict(image) return results, model_det, image def manage_detections(results, model): bbox = results[0].boxes.xywh.tolist() cls = results[0].boxes.cls.tolist() accepted_stationary = np.array([24,25,28,36]) accepted_moving = np.array([0,1,2,3,7,15,16,17,18,19]) boxes_moving = {} boxes_stationary = {} if len(bbox) > 0: for xywh, clss in zip(bbox, cls): if clss in accepted_moving: if clss in boxes_moving.keys() and len(boxes_moving[clss]) > 0: boxes_moving[clss].append(xywh) else: boxes_moving[clss] = [xywh] if clss in accepted_stationary: if clss in boxes_stationary.keys() and len(boxes_stationary[clss]) > 0: boxes_stationary[clss].append(xywh) else: boxes_stationary[clss] = [xywh] return boxes_moving, boxes_stationary def compute_detection_borders(borders, output_dims=[1080,1920]): det_height = output_dims[0]-1 det_width = output_dims[1]-1 for i,border in enumerate(borders): border_l = np.array(border[0]) if list(border_l): pass else: border_l=np.array([[0,0],[0,0]]) endpoints_l = [border_l[0],border_l[-1]] border_r = np.array(border[1]) if list(border_r): pass else: border_r=np.array([[0,0],[0,0]]) endpoints_r = [border_r[0],border_r[-1]] if np.array_equal(np.array([[0,0],[0,0]]), endpoints_l): endpoints_l = [[0,endpoints_r[0][1]],[0,endpoints_r[1][1]]] if np.array_equal(np.array([[0,0],[0,0]]), endpoints_r): endpoints_r = [[det_width,endpoints_l[0][1]],[det_width,endpoints_l[1][1]]] interpolated_top = bresenham_line(endpoints_l[1][0],endpoints_l[1][1],endpoints_r[1][0],endpoints_r[1][1]) zero_range = [0,1,2,3] height_range = [det_height,det_height-1,det_height-2,det_height-3] width_range = [det_width,det_width-1,det_width-2,det_width-3] if (endpoints_l[0][0] in zero_range and endpoints_r[0][1] in height_range): y_values = np.arange(endpoints_l[0][1], det_height) x_values = np.full_like(y_values, 0) bottom1 = np.column_stack((x_values, y_values)) x_values = np.arange(0, endpoints_r[0][0]) y_values = np.full_like(x_values, det_height) bottom2 = np.column_stack((x_values, y_values)) interpolated_bottom = np.vstack((bottom1, bottom2)) elif (endpoints_l[0][1] in height_range and endpoints_r[0][0] in width_range): y_values = np.arange(endpoints_r[0][1], det_height) x_values = np.full_like(y_values, det_width) bottom1 = np.column_stack((x_values, y_values)) x_values = np.arange(endpoints_l[0][0], det_width) y_values = np.full_like(x_values, det_height) bottom2 = np.column_stack((x_values, y_values)) interpolated_bottom = np.vstack((bottom1, bottom2)) elif endpoints_l[0][0] in zero_range and endpoints_r[0][0] in width_range: y_values = np.arange(endpoints_l[0][1], det_height) x_values = np.full_like(y_values, 0) bottom1 = np.column_stack((x_values, y_values)) y_values = np.arange(endpoints_r[0][1], det_height) x_values = np.full_like(y_values, det_width) bottom2 = np.column_stack((x_values, y_values)) bottom3_mid = bresenham_line(bottom1[-1][0],bottom1[-1][1],bottom2[-1][0],bottom2[-1][1]) interpolated_bottom = np.vstack((bottom1, bottom2, bottom3_mid)) else: interpolated_bottom = bresenham_line(endpoints_l[0][0],endpoints_l[0][1],endpoints_r[0][0],endpoints_r[0][1]) borders[i].append(interpolated_bottom) borders[i].append(interpolated_top) return borders def get_bounding_box_points(cx, cy, w, h): top_left = (cx - w / 2, cy - h / 2) top_right = (cx + w / 2, cy - h / 2) bottom_right = (cx + w / 2, cy + h / 2) bottom_left = (cx - w / 2, cy + h / 2) corners = [top_left, top_right, bottom_right, bottom_left] def interpolate(point1, point2, fraction): """Interpolate between two points at a given fraction of the distance.""" return (point1[0] + fraction * (point2[0] - point1[0]), point1[1] + fraction * (point2[1] - point1[1])) points = [] for i in range(4): next_i = (i + 1) % 4 points.append(corners[i]) points.append(interpolate(corners[i], corners[next_i], 1 / 3)) points.append(interpolate(corners[i], corners[next_i], 2 / 3)) return points def classify_detections(boxes_moving, boxes_stationary, borders, img_dims, output_dims=[1080,1920]): img_h, img_w, _ = img_dims img_h_scaletofullHD = output_dims[1]/img_w img_w_scaletofullHD = output_dims[0]/img_h colors = ["yellow","orange","red","green","blue"] borders = compute_detection_borders(borders,output_dims) boxes_info = [] if boxes_moving or boxes_stationary: if boxes_moving: for item, coords in boxes_moving.items(): for coord in coords: x = coord[0]*img_w_scaletofullHD y = coord[1]*img_h_scaletofullHD w = coord[2]*img_w_scaletofullHD h = coord[3]*img_h_scaletofullHD points_to_test = get_bounding_box_points(x, y, w, h) complete_border = [] criticality = -1 color = None for i,border in enumerate(reversed(borders)): border_nonempty = [np.array(arr) for arr in border if np.array(arr).size > 0] complete_border = np.vstack((border_nonempty)) instance_border_path = mplPath.Path(np.array(complete_border)) is_inside_borders = False for point in points_to_test: is_inside = instance_border_path.contains_point(point) if is_inside: is_inside_borders = True if is_inside_borders: criticality = i color = colors[i] if criticality == -1: color = colors[3] boxes_info.append([item, criticality, color, [x, y], [w, h], 1]) if boxes_stationary: for item, coords in boxes_stationary.items(): for coord in coords: x = coord[0]*img_w_scaletofullHD y = coord[1]*img_h_scaletofullHD w = coord[2]*img_w_scaletofullHD h = coord[3]*img_h_scaletofullHD points_to_test = get_bounding_box_points(x, y, w, h) complete_border = [] criticality = -1 color = None is_inside_borders = 0 for i,border in enumerate(reversed(borders), start=len(borders) - 1): border_nonempty = [np.array(arr) for arr in border if np.array(arr).size > 0] complete_border = np.vstack(border_nonempty) instance_border_path = mplPath.Path(np.array(complete_border)) is_inside_borders = False for point in points_to_test: is_inside = instance_border_path.contains_point(point) if is_inside: is_inside_borders = True if is_inside_borders: criticality = i color = colors[4] if criticality == -1: color = colors[3] boxes_info.append([item, criticality, color, [x, y], [w, h], 0]) return boxes_info else: print("No accepted detections in this image.") return [] def draw_classification(classification, id_map): if classification: for box in classification: x,y = box[3] mark_value = 30 x_start = int(max(x - 2, 0)) x_end = int(min(x + 3, id_map.shape[1])) y_start = int(max(y - 2, 0)) y_end = int(min(y + 3, id_map.shape[0])) id_map[y_start:y_end, x_start:x_end] = mark_value else: return def get_result(classification, id_map, names, borders, image, regions): image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) image = cv2.resize(image, (id_map.shape[1], id_map.shape[0]), interpolation = cv2.INTER_LINEAR) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 9), dpi=100) plt.imshow(image, cmap='gray') if classification: for box in classification: boxes = True cx,cy = box[3] name = names[box[0]] if boxes: w,h = box[4] x = cx - w / 2 y = cy - h / 2 rect = patches.Rectangle((x, y), w, h, linewidth=2, edgecolor=box[2], facecolor='none') ax = plt.gca() ax.add_patch(rect) plt.text(x, y-17, name, color='black', fontsize=10, ha='center', va='center', fontweight='bold', bbox=dict(facecolor=box[2], edgecolor='none', alpha=1)) else: plt.imshow(id_map, cmap='gray') plt.text(cx, cy+10, name, color=box[2], fontsize=10, ha='center', va='center', fontweight='bold') for region in regions: for side in region: for line in side: line = np.array(line) plt.plot(line[:,1], line[:,0] ,'-', color='lightgrey', marker=None, linewidth=0.5) plt.ylim(0, 1080) plt.xlim(0, 1920) plt.gca().invert_yaxis() colors = ['yellow','orange','red'] borders.reverse() for i,border in enumerate(borders): for side in border: side = np.array(side) if side.size > 0: plt.plot(side[:,0],side[:,1] ,'-', color=colors[i], marker=None, linewidth=0.6) #color=colors[i] plt.ylim(0, 1080) plt.xlim(0, 1920) plt.gca().invert_yaxis() canvas = FigureCanvas(fig) canvas.draw() width, height = fig.get_size_inches() * fig.get_dpi() image = np.frombuffer(canvas.tostring_rgb(), dtype='uint8').reshape(int(height), int(width), 3) plt.close(fig) # Close the figure to free memory return image def run(input_image, model_seg, model_det, image_size, target_distances, num_ys = 10): segmentation_mask, image = segment(input_image, model_seg, image_size) # Border search clues = get_clues(segmentation_mask, num_ys) edges = find_edges(segmentation_mask, clues, min_width=0) borders, id_map, regions = border_handler(segmentation_mask, image, edges, target_distances) # Detection results, model, image = detect(model_det, input_image) boxes_moving, boxes_stationary = manage_detections(results, model) classification = classify_detections(boxes_moving, boxes_stationary, borders, image.shape, output_dims=segmentation_mask.shape) output_image = get_result(classification, id_map, model.names, borders, image, regions) return output_image if __name__ == "__main__": image_size = [1024,1024] target_distances = [650,1000,2000] num_ys = 10 PATH_model_seg = 'SegFormer_B3_1024_finetuned.pth' PATH_model_det = '' input_image = cv2.imread('rs00006.jpg') #TO CO VLOZI UZIVATEL model_seg = load_segformer(PATH_model_seg) model_det = load_yolo(PATH_model_det) image = run(input_image, model_seg, model_det, image_size, target_distances, num_ys=num_ys)