import laion_clap import glob import json import torch import numpy as np device = torch.device('cuda:0') # download and extract ./ESC50_1/test/0.tar to ./ESC50_1/test/ esc50_test_dir = './ESC50_1/test/*/' class_index_dict_path = '/fsx/yusong/CLAP/class_labels/ESC50_class_labels_indices_space.json' # Load the model model = laion_clap.CLAP_Module(enable_fusion=False, device=device) model.load_ckpt() # Get the class index dict class_index_dict = {v: k for v, k in json.load(open(class_index_dict_path)).items()} # Get all the data audio_files = sorted(glob.glob(esc50_test_dir + '**/*.flac', recursive=True)) json_files = sorted(glob.glob(esc50_test_dir + '**/*.json', recursive=True)) ground_truth_idx = [class_index_dict[json.load(open(jf))['tag'][0]] for jf in json_files] with torch.no_grad(): ground_truth = torch.tensor(ground_truth_idx).view(-1, 1) # Get text features all_texts = ["This is a sound of " + t for t in class_index_dict.keys()] text_embed = model.get_text_embedding(all_texts) audio_embed = model.get_audio_embedding_from_filelist(x=audio_files) ranking = torch.argsort(torch.tensor(audio_embed) @ torch.tensor(text_embed).t(), descending=True) preds = torch.where(ranking == ground_truth)[1] preds = preds.cpu().numpy() metrics = {} metrics[f"mean_rank"] = preds.mean() + 1 metrics[f"median_rank"] = np.floor(np.median(preds)) + 1 for k in [1, 5, 10]: metrics[f"R@{k}"] = np.mean(preds < k) # map@10 metrics[f"mAP@10"] = np.mean(np.where(preds < 10, 1 / (preds + 1), 0.0)) print( f"Zeroshot Classification Results: " + "\t".join([f"{k}: {round(v, 4):.4f}" for k, v in metrics.items()]) )