import gradio as gr import os # import torch from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForMaskedLM from torch.nn.functional import softmax # import logging # import pandas as pd # save your HF API token from https:/ as an env variable to avoid rate limiting auth_token = os.getenv("auth_token") print("========================================================================") print("Starting ... gradio_demo_nlp_autocomplete/") print("AUTH TOKEN:", auth_token) # load a model from as an interface, then use it as an api # you can remove the api_key parameter if you don't care about rate limiting. # api = gr.Interface.load(, api_key=auth_token,) model_ref = "projecte-aina/roberta-base-ca-v2" tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_ref) model = AutoModelForMaskedLM.from_pretrained(model_ref) def get_topk(text, tokenizer, model, k): print("Get top K,", text) # Tokenize # ========================================================================================== tokenizer_kwargs = dict(padding='longest', return_token_type_ids=False, return_tensors="pt") inputs = tokenizer(text, **tokenizer_kwargs).to("cpu") input_ids = inputs.input_ids # Get model outputs and probabilities # ========================================================================================== # logits = model(input_ids=input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask).logits logits ="cpu")(**inputs).logits probs = softmax(logits, dim=2) # Index ok (ojo només funciona quan hi ha 1 MASK) # ========================================================================================== row_idx, mask_idx = torch.where("cpu") == tokenizer.mask_token_id) return probs[row_idx, mask_idx].topk(k), mask_idx def generate_output(text, k): # lines = print_topk(text, tokenizer, model, k=10) (values, indices), input_idx = get_topk(text, tokenizer, model, int(k)) for mask_vals, mask_indices, input_idx in zip(values, indices, input_idx): labels = {tokenizer.decode(ind): val.item() for val, ind in zip(mask_vals, mask_indices)} return labels md_text =""" # Masked Language Modeling Example by [nurasaki]( * Space : []( * Model used: Catalan BERTa-v2 (roberta-base-ca-v2) base model * Hugginface link: [](
## Model description The **roberta-base-ca-v2** is a transformer-based masked language model for the Catalan language. It is based on the [RoBERTA]( base model and has been trained on a medium-size corpus collected from publicly available corpora and crawlers.
## Usage The model accepts an input text with a *mask* (for example, "La meva mare es diu \.") and generates the *k* most probable words that could fill the *mask* position in the sentence. Choose one of the provided examples or enter your own masked text.
""" examples = [ "La meva mare es diu .", "La meva mare treballa de .", "El meu fill es diu .", "El teu pare treballa de .", ] with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown(md_text) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): text = gr.Textbox("La meva mare es diu .", label="Masked text") k = gr.Number(value=10, label="Num. results") btn = gr.Button("Generate") with gr.Column(): out_label = gr.Label(label="Results"), inputs=[text, k], outputs=[out_label]) gr.Examples(examples, inputs=[text]) # if __name__ == "__main__": demo.launch(favicon_path="favicon.png")