import json import os from datetime import datetime from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict import gradio as gr from ..extras.packages import is_matplotlib_available from ..extras.ploting import smooth from .common import get_save_dir from .locales import ALERTS if TYPE_CHECKING: from ..extras.callbacks import LogCallback if is_matplotlib_available(): import matplotlib.figure import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def update_process_bar(callback: "LogCallback") -> Dict[str, Any]: if not callback.max_steps: return gr.update(visible=False) percentage = round(100 * callback.cur_steps / callback.max_steps, 0) if callback.max_steps != 0 else 100.0 label = "Running {:d}/{:d}: {} < {}".format( callback.cur_steps, callback.max_steps, callback.elapsed_time, callback.remaining_time ) return gr.update(label=label, value=percentage, visible=True) def get_time() -> str: return"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") def can_quantize(finetuning_type: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: if finetuning_type != "lora": return gr.update(value="None", interactive=False) else: return gr.update(interactive=True) def check_json_schema(text: str, lang: str) -> None: try: tools = json.loads(text) if tools: assert isinstance(tools, list) for tool in tools: if "name" not in tool: raise ValueError("Name not found.") except ValueError: gr.Warning(ALERTS["err_tool_name"][lang]) except Exception: gr.Warning(ALERTS["err_json_schema"][lang]) def gen_cmd(args: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: args.pop("disable_tqdm", None) args["plot_loss"] = args.get("do_train", None) current_devices = os.environ.get("CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES", "0") cmd_lines = ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES={} python src/ ".format(current_devices)] for k, v in args.items(): if v is not None and v is not False and v != "": cmd_lines.append(" --{} {} ".format(k, str(v))) cmd_text = "\\\n".join(cmd_lines) cmd_text = "```bash\n{}\n```".format(cmd_text) return cmd_text def get_eval_results(path: os.PathLike) -> str: with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: result = json.dumps(json.load(f), indent=4) return "```json\n{}\n```\n".format(result) def gen_plot(base_model: str, finetuning_type: str, output_dir: str) -> "matplotlib.figure.Figure": if not base_model: return log_file = get_save_dir(base_model, finetuning_type, output_dir, "trainer_log.jsonl") if not os.path.isfile(log_file): return plt.close("all") plt.switch_backend("agg") fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) steps, losses = [], [] with open(log_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: for line in f: log_info = json.loads(line) if log_info.get("loss", None): steps.append(log_info["current_steps"]) losses.append(log_info["loss"]) if len(losses) == 0: return None ax.plot(steps, losses, color="#1f77b4", alpha=0.4, label="original") ax.plot(steps, smooth(losses), color="#1f77b4", label="smoothed") ax.legend() ax.set_xlabel("step") ax.set_ylabel("loss") return fig