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"""The concept database."""
import abc
import glob
import json
import os
import pathlib
import pickle
import shutil
import threading
# NOTE: We have to import the module for uuid so it can be mocked.
import uuid
from importlib import resources
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Union, cast
from pydantic import BaseModel
from typing_extensions import override
from ..auth import ConceptAuthorizationException, UserInfo
from ..env import data_path, env
from ..schema import SignalInputType
from ..signal import get_signal_cls
from ..utils import delete_file, file_exists, get_lilac_cache_dir, open_file
from .concept import DRAFT_MAIN, Concept, ConceptModel, ConceptType, DraftId, Example, ExampleIn
CONCEPTS_DIR = 'concept'
CONCEPT_JSON_FILENAME = 'concept.json'
# Under 'lilac' package.
class ConceptNamespaceACL(BaseModel):
"""The access control list for a namespace."""
# Whether the current user can read concepts in the namespace.
read: bool
# Whether the current user can add concepts to the namespace.
write: bool
class ConceptACL(BaseModel):
"""The access control list for an individual concept."""
# Whether the current user can read the concept.
read: bool
# Whether the current user can edit the concept, including adding examples or deleting the
# concept.
write: bool
class ConceptInfo(BaseModel):
"""Information about a concept."""
namespace: str
name: str
description: Optional[str] = None
type: ConceptType
drafts: list[DraftId]
tags: list[str] = []
acls: ConceptACL
class ConceptUpdate(BaseModel):
"""An update to a concept."""
# List of examples to be inserted.
insert: Optional[list[ExampleIn]] = []
# List of examples to be updated.
update: Optional[list[Example]] = []
# The ids of the examples to be removed.
remove: Optional[list[str]] = []
class ConceptDB(abc.ABC):
"""Interface for the concept database."""
def list(self, user: Optional[UserInfo] = None) -> list[ConceptInfo]:
"""List all the concepts."""
def namespace_acls(self, namespace: str, user: Optional[UserInfo] = None) -> ConceptNamespaceACL:
"""Return the ACL for a namespace."""
def concept_acls(self, namespace: str, name: str, user: Optional[UserInfo] = None) -> ConceptACL:
"""Return the ACL for a concept."""
def get(self, namespace: str, name: str, user: Optional[UserInfo] = None) -> Optional[Concept]:
"""Return a concept or None if there isn't one."""
def create(self,
namespace: str,
name: str,
type: Union[ConceptType, str],
description: Optional[str] = None,
user: Optional[UserInfo] = None) -> Concept:
"""Create a concept.
namespace: The namespace of the concept.
name: The name of the concept.
type: The type of the concept.
description: The description of the concept.
user: The user creating the concept, if authentication is enabled.
def edit(self,
namespace: str,
name: str,
change: ConceptUpdate,
user: Optional[UserInfo] = None) -> Concept:
"""Edit a concept. If the concept doesn't exist, throw an error."""
def remove(self, namespace: str, name: str, user: Optional[UserInfo] = None) -> None:
"""Remove a concept."""
def merge_draft(self,
namespace: str,
name: str,
draft: DraftId,
user: Optional[UserInfo] = None) -> Concept:
"""Merge a draft concept.."""
class ConceptModelDB(abc.ABC):
"""Interface for the concept model database."""
_concept_db: ConceptDB
_sync_lock = threading.Lock()
def __init__(self, concept_db: ConceptDB) -> None:
self._concept_db = concept_db
def create(self,
namespace: str,
concept_name: str,
embedding_name: str,
user: Optional[UserInfo] = None) -> ConceptModel:
"""Create the concept model."""
def get(self,
namespace: str,
concept_name: str,
embedding_name: str,
user: Optional[UserInfo] = None) -> Optional[ConceptModel]:
"""Get the model associated with the provided concept the embedding.
Returns None if the model does not exist.
def _save(self, model: ConceptModel) -> None:
"""Save the concept model."""
def in_sync(self, model: ConceptModel, user: Optional[UserInfo] = None) -> bool:
"""Return True if the model is up to date with the concept."""
concept = self._concept_db.get(model.namespace, model.concept_name, user=user)
if not concept:
raise ValueError(f'Concept "{model.namespace}/{model.concept_name}" does not exist.')
return concept.version == model.version
def sync(self,
namespace: str,
concept_name: str,
embedding_name: str,
user: Optional[UserInfo] = None,
create: bool = False) -> ConceptModel:
"""Sync the concept model. Returns true if the model was updated."""
with self._sync_lock:
model = self.get(namespace, concept_name, embedding_name, user=user)
if not model:
if create:
model = self.create(namespace, concept_name, embedding_name, user=user)
raise ValueError(f'Model "{namespace}/{concept_name}/{embedding_name}" does not exist.')
concept = self._concept_db.get(model.namespace, model.concept_name, user=user)
if not concept:
raise ValueError(f'Concept "{model.namespace}/{model.concept_name}" does not exist.')
model_updated = model.sync(concept)
if model_updated:
return model
def remove(self, namespace: str, concept_name: str, embedding_name: str) -> None:
"""Remove the model of a concept."""
def get_models(self, namespace: str, concept_name: str) -> list[ConceptModel]:
"""List all the models associated with a concept."""
class DiskConceptModelDB(ConceptModelDB):
"""Interface for the concept model database."""
def __init__(self,
concept_db: ConceptDB,
base_dir: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None) -> None:
self._base_dir = base_dir
def _get_base_dir(self) -> str:
return str(self._base_dir) if self._base_dir else data_path()
def create(self,
namespace: str,
concept_name: str,
embedding_name: str,
user: Optional[UserInfo] = None) -> ConceptModel:
if self.get(namespace, concept_name, embedding_name, user=user):
raise ValueError('Concept model already exists.')
concept = self._concept_db.get(namespace, concept_name, user=user)
if not concept:
raise ValueError(f'Concept "{namespace}/{concept_name}" does not exist.')
model = ConceptModel(
namespace=namespace, concept_name=concept_name, embedding_name=embedding_name)
return model
def get(self,
namespace: str,
concept_name: str,
embedding_name: str,
user: Optional[UserInfo] = None) -> Optional[ConceptModel]:
# Make sure the concept exists.
concept = self._concept_db.get(namespace, concept_name, user=user)
if not concept:
raise ValueError(f'Concept "{namespace}/{concept_name}" does not exist.')
# Make sure that the embedding signal exists.
if not get_signal_cls(embedding_name):
raise ValueError(f'Embedding signal "{embedding_name}" not found in the registry.')
concept_model_path = _concept_model_path(self._get_base_dir(), namespace, concept_name,
if not file_exists(concept_model_path):
return None
with open_file(concept_model_path, 'rb') as f:
return pickle.load(f)
def _save(self, model: ConceptModel) -> None:
"""Save the concept model."""
concept_model_path = _concept_model_path(self._get_base_dir(), model.namespace,
model.concept_name, model.embedding_name)
with open_file(concept_model_path, 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(model, f)
def remove(self,
namespace: str,
concept_name: str,
embedding_name: str,
user: Optional[UserInfo] = None) -> None:
concept_model_path = _concept_model_path(self._get_base_dir(), namespace, concept_name,
if not file_exists(concept_model_path):
raise ValueError(f'Concept model {namespace}/{concept_name}/{embedding_name} does not exist.')
def get_models(self,
namespace: str,
concept_name: str,
user: Optional[UserInfo] = None) -> list[ConceptModel]:
"""List all the models associated with a concept."""
model_files = glob.iglob(
os.path.join(_concept_cache_dir(self._get_base_dir(), namespace, concept_name), '*.pkl'))
models: list[ConceptModel] = []
for model_file in model_files:
embedding_name = os.path.basename(model_file)[:-len('.pkl')]
model = self.get(namespace, concept_name, embedding_name, user=user)
if model:
return models
def get_concept_output_dir(base_dir: str, namespace: str, name: str) -> str:
"""Return the output directory for a given concept."""
if namespace == 'lilac':
# Lilac concepts are stored in the resources directory and shipped with the pip package.
return str(resources.files('lilac').joinpath(os.path.join(LILAC_CONCEPTS_DIR, name)))
return os.path.join(base_dir, CONCEPTS_DIR, namespace, name)
def _concept_json_path(base_dir: str, namespace: str, name: str) -> str:
return os.path.join(get_concept_output_dir(base_dir, namespace, name), CONCEPT_JSON_FILENAME)
def _concept_cache_dir(base_dir: str, namespace: str, concept_name: str) -> str:
return os.path.join(get_lilac_cache_dir(base_dir), CONCEPTS_DIR, namespace, concept_name)
def _concept_model_path(base_dir: str, namespace: str, concept_name: str,
embedding_name: str) -> str:
return os.path.join(
_concept_cache_dir(base_dir, namespace, concept_name), f'{embedding_name}.pkl')
class DiskConceptDB(ConceptDB):
"""A concept database."""
def __init__(self, base_dir: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None) -> None:
self._base_dir = base_dir
def _get_base_dir(self) -> str:
return str(self._base_dir) if self._base_dir else data_path()
def namespace_acls(self, namespace: str, user: Optional[UserInfo] = None) -> ConceptNamespaceACL:
if not env('LILAC_AUTH_ENABLED'):
return ConceptNamespaceACL(read=True, write=True)
if namespace == 'lilac':
return ConceptNamespaceACL(read=True, write=False)
if user and user.id == namespace:
return ConceptNamespaceACL(read=True, write=True)
return ConceptNamespaceACL(read=False, write=False)
def concept_acls(self, namespace: str, name: str, user: Optional[UserInfo] = None) -> ConceptACL:
namespace_acls = self.namespace_acls(namespace, user=user)
# Concept ACL inherit from the namespace ACL. We currently don't have concept-specific
# ACL.
return ConceptACL(read=namespace_acls.read, write=namespace_acls.write)
def list(self, user: Optional[UserInfo] = None) -> list[ConceptInfo]:
namespaces: Optional[list[str]] = None
namespaces = ['lilac']
if user:
namespaces += [user.id]
concept_infos: list[ConceptInfo] = []
namespace_concept_dirs: list[tuple[Optional[str], str]] = [
# None = Read the namespace from the directory.
(None, os.path.join(self._get_base_dir(), CONCEPTS_DIR)),
# Read lilac concepts from the resources directory.
('lilac', str(resources.files('lilac').joinpath(LILAC_CONCEPTS_DIR)))
for (default_namespace, concept_dir) in namespace_concept_dirs:
# Read the concepts from the data dir and return a ConceptInfo containing the namespace and
# name.
for root, _, files in os.walk(concept_dir):
for file in files:
namespace, name = root.split('/')[-2:]
if default_namespace is not None:
namespace = default_namespace
if namespaces and namespace not in namespaces:
# Ignore concepts that are not in the namespace, if provided.
concept = cast(Concept, self.get(namespace, name, user=user))
_info_from_concept(concept, self.concept_acls(namespace, name, user=user)))
return concept_infos
def get(self, namespace: str, name: str, user: Optional[UserInfo] = None) -> Optional[Concept]:
# If the user does not have access to the concept, return None.
acls = self.concept_acls(namespace, name, user=user)
if not acls.read:
raise ConceptAuthorizationException(
f'Concept "{namespace}/{name}" does not exist or user does not have access.')
concept_json_path = _concept_json_path(self._get_base_dir(), namespace, name)
if not file_exists(concept_json_path):
return None
with open_file(concept_json_path) as f:
obj: dict[str, Any] = json.load(f)
if 'namespace' not in obj:
obj['namespace'] = namespace
return Concept.parse_obj(obj)
def create(self,
namespace: str,
name: str,
type: Union[ConceptType, str] = ConceptType.TEXT,
description: Optional[str] = None,
user: Optional[UserInfo] = None) -> Concept:
"""Create a concept."""
# If the user does not have access to the write to the concept namespace, throw.
acls = self.namespace_acls(namespace, user=user)
if not acls.write:
raise ConceptAuthorizationException(
f'Concept namespace "{namespace}" does not exist or user does not have access.')
concept_json_path = _concept_json_path(self._get_base_dir(), namespace, name)
if file_exists(concept_json_path):
raise ValueError(f'Concept with namespace "{namespace}" and name "{name}" already exists.')
if isinstance(type, str):
type = ConceptType(type)
concept = Concept(
namespace=namespace, concept_name=name, type=type, data={}, description=description)
return concept
def _validate_examples(self, examples: List[Union[ExampleIn, Example]],
type: ConceptType) -> None:
for example in examples:
inferred_type = 'text' if example.text else 'unknown'
if inferred_type != type:
raise ValueError(f'Example type "{inferred_type}" does not match concept type "{type}".')
def edit(self,
namespace: str,
name: str,
change: ConceptUpdate,
user: Optional[UserInfo] = None) -> Concept:
# If the user does not have access to the concept, return None.
acls = self.concept_acls(namespace, name, user=user)
if not acls.write:
raise ConceptAuthorizationException(
f'Concept "{namespace}/{name}" does not exist or user does not have access.')
concept_json_path = _concept_json_path(self._get_base_dir(), namespace, name)
if not file_exists(concept_json_path):
raise ValueError(f'Concept with namespace "{namespace}" and name "{name}" does not exist. '
'Please call create() first.')
inserted_points = change.insert or []
updated_points = change.update or []
removed_points = change.remove or []
concept = cast(Concept, self.get(namespace, name, user=user))
self._validate_examples([*inserted_points, *updated_points], concept.type)
for remove_example in removed_points:
if remove_example not in concept.data:
raise ValueError(f'Example with id "{remove_example}" does not exist.')
for example in inserted_points:
id = uuid.uuid4().hex
concept.data[id] = Example(id=id, **example.dict())
for example in updated_points:
if example.id not in concept.data:
raise ValueError(f'Example with id "{example.id}" does not exist.')
# Remove the old example and make a new one with a new id to keep it functional.
concept.data[example.id] = example.copy()
concept.version += 1
return concept
def _save(self, concept: Concept) -> None:
concept_json_path = _concept_json_path(self._get_base_dir(), concept.namespace,
with open_file(concept_json_path, 'w') as f:
f.write(concept.json(exclude_none=True, indent=2, exclude_defaults=True))
def remove(self, namespace: str, name: str, user: Optional[UserInfo] = None) -> None:
# If the user does not have access to the concept, return None.
acls = self.concept_acls(namespace, name, user=user)
if not acls.write:
raise ConceptAuthorizationException(
f'Concept "{namespace}/{name}" does not exist or user does not have access.')
concept_dir = get_concept_output_dir(self._get_base_dir(), namespace, name)
if not file_exists(concept_dir):
raise ValueError(f'Concept with namespace "{namespace}" and name "{name}" does not exist.')
shutil.rmtree(concept_dir, ignore_errors=True)
def merge_draft(self,
namespace: str,
name: str,
draft: DraftId,
user: Optional[UserInfo] = None) -> Concept:
"""Merge a draft concept."""
# If the user does not have access to the concept, return None.
acls = self.concept_acls(namespace, name, user=user)
if not acls.write:
raise ConceptAuthorizationException(
f'Concept "{namespace}/{name}" does not exist or user does not have access.')
concept = self.get(namespace, name, user=user)
if not concept:
raise ValueError(f'Concept with namespace "{namespace}" and name "{name}" does not exist.')
if draft == DRAFT_MAIN:
return concept
# Map the text of examples in main so we can remove them if they are duplicates.
main_text_ids: dict[Optional[str], str] = {
example.text: id for id, example in concept.data.items() if example.draft == DRAFT_MAIN
draft_examples: dict[str, Example] = {
id: example for id, example in concept.data.items() if example.draft == draft
for example in draft_examples.values():
example.draft = DRAFT_MAIN
# Remove duplicates in main.
main_text_id = main_text_ids.get(example.text)
if main_text_id:
del concept.data[main_text_id]
concept.version += 1
return concept
def _info_from_concept(concept: Concept, acls: ConceptACL) -> ConceptInfo:
return ConceptInfo(
# A singleton concept database.