"""Serves the Lilac server.""" import asyncio import logging import os import webbrowser from typing import Any, Optional import uvicorn from fastapi import APIRouter, FastAPI, Request, Response from fastapi.responses import FileResponse, HTMLResponse, JSONResponse, ORJSONResponse from fastapi.routing import APIRoute from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates from starlette.middleware.sessions import SessionMiddleware from . import ( router_concept, router_data_loader, router_dataset, router_google_login, router_signal, router_tasks, ) from .auth import ( AuthenticationInfo, ConceptAuthorizationException, UserInfo, get_session_user, get_user_access, ) from .env import data_path, env from .router_utils import RouteErrorHandler from .tasks import task_manager DIST_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'web') tags_metadata: list[dict[str, Any]] = [{ 'name': 'datasets', 'description': 'API for querying a dataset.', }, { 'name': 'concepts', 'description': 'API for managing concepts.', }, { 'name': 'data_loaders', 'description': 'API for loading data.', }, { 'name': 'signals', 'description': 'API for managing signals.', }] def custom_generate_unique_id(route: APIRoute) -> str: """Generate the name for the API endpoint.""" return route.name app = FastAPI( default_response_class=ORJSONResponse, generate_unique_id_function=custom_generate_unique_id, openapi_tags=tags_metadata) @app.exception_handler(ConceptAuthorizationException) def concept_authorization_exception(request: Request, exc: ConceptAuthorizationException) -> JSONResponse: """Return a 401 JSON response when an authorization exception is thrown.""" return JSONResponse( status_code=401, content={'message"': 'Oops! You are not authorized to do this.'}, ) app.add_middleware(SessionMiddleware, secret_key=env('LILAC_OAUTH_SECRET_KEY')) app.include_router(router_google_login.router, prefix='/google', tags=['google_login']) v1_router = APIRouter(route_class=RouteErrorHandler) v1_router.include_router(router_dataset.router, prefix='/datasets', tags=['datasets']) v1_router.include_router(router_concept.router, prefix='/concepts', tags=['concepts']) v1_router.include_router(router_data_loader.router, prefix='/data_loaders', tags=['data_loaders']) v1_router.include_router(router_signal.router, prefix='/signals', tags=['signals']) v1_router.include_router(router_tasks.router, prefix='/tasks', tags=['tasks']) @app.get('/auth_info') def auth_info(request: Request) -> AuthenticationInfo: """Returns the user's ACL. NOTE: Validation happens server-side as well. This is just used for UI treatment. """ user_info: Optional[UserInfo] = get_session_user(request) return AuthenticationInfo( user=user_info, access=get_user_access(), auth_enabled=env('LILAC_AUTH_ENABLED', False)) app.include_router(v1_router, prefix='/api/v1') current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) templates = Jinja2Templates(directory=os.path.join(current_dir, 'templates')) @app.get('/_data{path:path}', response_class=HTMLResponse, include_in_schema=False) def list_files(request: Request, path: str) -> Response: """List files in the data directory.""" if env('LILAC_AUTH_ENABLED', False): return Response(status_code=401) path = os.path.join(data_path(), f'.{path}') if not os.path.exists(path): return Response(status_code=404) if os.path.isfile(path): return FileResponse(path) files = os.listdir(path) files_paths = sorted([(os.path.join(request.url.path, f), f) for f in files]) return templates.TemplateResponse('list_files.html', {'request': request, 'files': files_paths}) @app.api_route('/{path_name}', include_in_schema=False) def catch_all() -> FileResponse: """Catch any other requests and serve index for HTML5 history.""" return FileResponse(path=os.path.join(DIST_PATH, 'index.html')) # Serve static files in production mode. app.mount('/', StaticFiles(directory=DIST_PATH, html=True, check_dir=False)) @app.on_event('shutdown') async def shutdown_event() -> None: """Kill the task manager when FastAPI shuts down.""" await task_manager().stop() class GetTasksFilter(logging.Filter): """Task filter for /tasks.""" def filter(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> bool: """Filters out /api/v1/tasks/ from the logs.""" return record.getMessage().find('/api/v1/tasks/') == -1 logging.getLogger('uvicorn.access').addFilter(GetTasksFilter()) SERVER: Optional[uvicorn.Server] = None def start_server(host: str = '', port: int = 5432, open: bool = False) -> None: """Starts the Lilac web server. Args: host: The host to run the server on. port: The port to run the server on. open: Whether to open a browser tab upon startup. """ global SERVER if SERVER: raise ValueError('Server is already running') config = uvicorn.Config( app, host=host, port=port, access_log=False, ) SERVER = uvicorn.Server(config) if open: @app.on_event('startup') def open_browser() -> None: webbrowser.open(f'http://{host}:{port}') try: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() if loop.is_running(): loop.create_task(SERVER.serve()) else: SERVER.run() except RuntimeError: SERVER.run() async def stop_server() -> None: """Stops the Lilac web server.""" global SERVER if SERVER is None: raise ValueError('Server is not running') await SERVER.shutdown() SERVER = None