"""Lilac CLI.""" import click from . import __version__ from .concepts.db_concept import DISK_CONCEPT_DB from .load import load_command as load from .server import start_server @click.command() @click.option( '--host', help='The host address where the web server will listen to.', default='', type=str) @click.option('--port', help='The port number of the web-server', type=int, default=5432) def start(host: str, port: int) -> None: """Starts the Lilac web server.""" start_server(host=host, port=port, open=True) @click.command() def version() -> None: """Prints the version of Lilac.""" print(__version__) @click.command() def concepts() -> None: """Lists lilac concepts.""" print(DISK_CONCEPT_DB.list()) @click.group() def cli() -> None: """Lilac CLI.""" pass cli.add_command(start) cli.add_command(version) cli.add_command(load) cli.add_command(concepts) if __name__ == '__main__': cli()