import gradio as gr import re import json import nltk from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForTokenClassification, TokenClassificationPipeline from sentence_transformers import CrossEncoder from autocorrect import Speller from transformers import BertTokenizer, BertForSequenceClassification import torch from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_sequence import numpy as np import spacy # ***************************** TGRL Parsing ***************************** def parse_tgrl(file_obj): with open(, 'r') as f: tgrl_text = tgrl_text = tgrl_text.replace('\t', '') tgrl_text = tgrl_text.replace('\n', '') return tgrl_text def extract_elements(tgrl_text): # Extract actors actors = re.findall("(?:.*?actor\s\S+\s?{\s?name\s?=\s?\")([A-Za-z\s-]*)(?:\")", tgrl_text) # Extract goals goals = re.findall("(?:.*?goal\s\S+\s?{\s?name\s?=\s?\")([A-Za-z\s]*)(?:\")", tgrl_text) # Extract softGoals softGoals = re.findall("(?:.*?softGoal\s\S+\s?{\s?name\s?=\s?\")([A-Za-z\s]*)(?:\")", tgrl_text) # Extract tasks tasks = re.findall("(?:.*?task\s\S+\s?{\s?name\s?=\s?\")([A-Za-z\s]*)(?:\")", tgrl_text) # Extract resources resources = re.findall("(?:.*?resource\s\S+\s?{\s?name\s?=\s?\")([A-Za-z\s]*)(?:\")", tgrl_text) elements = { "actors": actors, "goals": goals, "softGoals": softGoals, "tasks": tasks, "resources": resources } # get elements per actor elements_per_actor = {} for goal in goals: corresponding_actor = tgrl_text.rfind('actor', 0, tgrl_text.index(goal)) corresponding_actor = re.split(' |{', tgrl_text[corresponding_actor:])[1] if corresponding_actor not in elements_per_actor: elements_per_actor[corresponding_actor] = [] elements_per_actor[corresponding_actor].append(goal) for softGoal in softGoals: corresponding_actor = tgrl_text.rfind('actor', 0, tgrl_text.index(softGoal)) corresponding_actor = re.split(' |{', tgrl_text[corresponding_actor:])[1] if corresponding_actor not in elements_per_actor: elements_per_actor[corresponding_actor] = [] elements_per_actor[corresponding_actor].append(softGoal) for task in tasks: corresponding_actor = tgrl_text.rfind('actor', 0, tgrl_text.index(task)) corresponding_actor = re.split(' |{', tgrl_text[corresponding_actor:])[1] if corresponding_actor not in elements_per_actor: elements_per_actor[corresponding_actor] = [] elements_per_actor[corresponding_actor].append(task) # get decomposed elements new_lines = tgrl_text decomposed_elements = {} main_elements = re.findall("\w+(?=\s+decomposedBy)", new_lines) for main_element in main_elements: sub_elements = [] sub_element = (re.findall(main_element+"(?: decomposedBy )([A-Za-z\s]*)", new_lines)[0]) sub_elements.append(sub_element) new_lines = new_lines.replace(sub_element+', ', '') temp = main_element + " decomposedBy " for idx, sub_element in enumerate(sub_elements): if idx+1 == len (sub_elements): temp = temp + sub_element + ";" else: temp = temp + sub_element + ", " while temp not in tgrl_text: sub_element = (re.findall(main_element+"(?: decomposedBy )([A-Za-z\s]*)", new_lines)[0]) sub_elements.append(sub_element) new_lines = new_lines.replace(sub_element+', ', '') temp = main_element + " decomposedBy " for idx, sub_element in enumerate(sub_elements): if idx+1 == len (sub_elements): temp = temp + sub_element + ";" else: temp = temp + sub_element + ", " decomposed_elements[main_element] = sub_elements # Replace elements IDs with names new_decomposed_elements = {} for key, _ in decomposed_elements.items(): new_key = re.findall("(?:"+key+" {\s*name\s=\s\")([A-Za-z\s]*)", tgrl_text)[0] new_values = [] for element in decomposed_elements[key]: new_value = re.findall("(?:"+element+" {\s*name\s=\s\")([A-Za-z\s]*)", tgrl_text)[0] new_values.append(new_value) new_decomposed_elements[new_key] = new_values return elements, elements_per_actor, new_decomposed_elements # ************************************************************************ # ************************* Bad Smells Detection ************************* # ########### Long Elements ########### def get_long_elements(elements): # Using RegEx long_elements = [] for key, value in elements.items(): for i in range(0, len(elements[key])): if len(re. findall(r'\w+', elements[key][i])) > 4: long_elements.append(elements[key][i]) if long_elements: long_elements = "\n".join(long_elements) return "Long elements:\n" + long_elements else: return "Long elements:\nNone." # ##################################### # ######### Complex Sentences ######### def get_complex_sentences(elements): complex_sentences = [] for key, value in elements.items(): for i in range(0, len(elements[key])): if len(get_clauses_list(elements[key][i])) > 1: complex_sentences.append(elements[key][i]) if complex_sentences: complex_sentences = "\n".join(complex_sentences) return "Complex sentences:\n" + complex_sentences else: return "Complex sentences:\nNone." def find_root_of_sentence(doc): root_token = None for token in doc: if (token.dep_ == "ROOT"): root_token = token return root_token def find_other_verbs(doc, root_token): other_verbs = [] for token in doc: ancestors = list(token.ancestors) if (token.pos_ == "VERB" and len(ancestors) == 1 and ancestors[0] == root_token): other_verbs.append(token) return other_verbs # find the token spans for each verb def get_clause_token_span_for_verb(verb, doc, all_verbs): first_token_index = len(doc) last_token_index = 0 this_verb_children = list(verb.children) for child in this_verb_children: if (child not in all_verbs): if (child.i < first_token_index): first_token_index = child.i if (child.i > last_token_index): last_token_index = child.i return(first_token_index, last_token_index) def get_clauses_list(sent): nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm') doc = nlp(sent) # find part of speech, dependency tag, ancestors, and children of each token for token in doc: ancestors = [t.text for t in token.ancestors] children = [t.text for t in token.children] #print(token.text, "\t", token.i, "\t", token.pos_, "\t", token.dep_, "\t", ancestors, "\t", children) # find the root token of the sentenc root_token = find_root_of_sentence(doc) # find the other verbs other_verbs = find_other_verbs(doc, root_token) # put together all the verbs in one array and process each using get_clause_token_span_for_verb function # this will return a tuple of start and end indices for each verb's clause token_spans = [] all_verbs = [root_token] + other_verbs for other_verb in all_verbs: (first_token_index, last_token_index) = \ get_clause_token_span_for_verb(other_verb, doc, all_verbs) token_spans.append((first_token_index, last_token_index)) # put together token spans for each clause sentence_clauses = [] for token_span in token_spans: start = token_span[0] end = token_span[1] if (start < end): clause = doc[start:end] sentence_clauses.append(clause) sentence_clauses = sorted(sentence_clauses, key=lambda tup: tup[0]) # get the final result clauses_text = [clause.text for clause in sentence_clauses] #print(clauses_text) return clauses_text # ##################################### # ########## Punctuations ######### def get_punctuations(elements): punctuations = [] for key, value in elements.items(): for i in range(0, len(elements[key])): if len(re.findall("[^\s\w\d-]", elements[key][i])) > 0: punctuations.append(elements[key][i]) if punctuations: punctuations = "\n".join(punctuations) return "Punctuations:\n" + punctuations else: return "Punctuations:\nNone." # ################################# # ########## Incorrect Actor Syntax ########## def find_non_NPs(sentences): model_name = "QCRI/bert-base-multilingual-cased-pos-english" tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name) model = AutoModelForTokenClassification.from_pretrained(model_name) pipeline = TokenClassificationPipeline(model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer) outputs = pipeline(sentences) Non_NPs = [] for idx, output in enumerate(outputs): if not output[0]['entity'].startswith('N'): Non_NPs.append(sentences[idx]) return Non_NPs def check_actor_syntax(actors): incorrect_actor_syntax = find_non_NPs(actors) if incorrect_actor_syntax: incorrect_actor_syntax = "\n".join(incorrect_actor_syntax) return "Incorrect Actors Syntax:\n" + incorrect_actor_syntax else: return "All actors are syntactically correct." # ############################################ # ########## Incorrect Goal Syntax ########### def check_goal_syntax(goals): incorrect_goal_syntax = find_non_NPs(goals) if incorrect_goal_syntax: incorrect_goal_syntax = "\n".join(incorrect_goal_syntax) return "Incorrect Goals Syntax:\n" + incorrect_goal_syntax else: return "All goals are syntactically correct." # ############################################ # ########## Incorrect Softgoal Syntax ########### def check_softgoal_syntax(softgoals): incorrect_softgoal_syntax = find_non_NPs(softgoals) if incorrect_softgoal_syntax: incorrect_softgoal_syntax = "\n".join(incorrect_softgoal_syntax) return "Incorrect Softgoals Syntax:\n" + incorrect_softgoal_syntax else: return "All softgoal are syntactically correct." # ############################################ # ########## Incorrect Task Syntax ########### def find_non_VPs(sentences): model_name = "QCRI/bert-base-multilingual-cased-pos-english" tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name) model = AutoModelForTokenClassification.from_pretrained(model_name) pipeline = TokenClassificationPipeline(model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer) outputs = pipeline(sentences) Non_VPs = [] for idx, output in enumerate(outputs): if not output[0]['entity'].startswith('V'): Non_VPs.append(sentences[idx]) return Non_VPs def check_task_syntax(tasks): incorrect_task_syntax = find_non_VPs(tasks) if incorrect_task_syntax: incorrect_task_syntax = "\n".join(incorrect_task_syntax) return "Incorrect Tasks Syntax:\n" + incorrect_task_syntax else: return "All tasks are syntactically correct." # ############################################ # ########## Similarity ########### def get_similar_elements(elements_per_actor): # Load the pre-trained model model = CrossEncoder('cross-encoder/stsb-roberta-base') # Prepare sentence pair array sentence_pairs = [] for key, value in elements_per_actor.items(): for i in range(len(elements_per_actor[key])): for j in range(i+1,len(elements_per_actor[key])): sentence_pairs.append([elements_per_actor[key][i], elements_per_actor[key][j]]) # Predict semantic similarity semantic_similarity_scores = model.predict(sentence_pairs, show_progress_bar=True) similar_elements = [] for index, value in enumerate(sentence_pairs): if semantic_similarity_scores[index] > 0.5: similar_elements.append(value) #semantic_similarity["pair_"+str(index+1)] = [value,semantic_similarity_scores[index]] if similar_elements: similar_elements = [' and '.join(ele) for ele in similar_elements] similar_elements = "\n".join(similar_elements) return "The following elements are semantically similar:\n" + similar_elements else: return "There are no similar elements." return semantic_similarity # ################################# # ########## Misspelling ########### def get_misspelled_words(sentence): spell = Speller(only_replacements=True) misspelled= [] for word in sentence.split(): correct_word = spell(word) if word != correct_word: misspelled.append([word, correct_word]) return misspelled def check_spelling(elements): spelling_mistakes = [] spelling_mistakes_string = "" for key, value in elements.items(): for i in range(0, len(elements[key])): if get_misspelled_words(elements[key][i]): spelling_mistakes.append([elements[key][i], get_misspelled_words(elements[key][i])]) for idx, element in enumerate(spelling_mistakes): for spelling_mistake in element[1]: temp = ' should be written as '.join(spelling_mistake) spelling_mistakes_string = spelling_mistakes_string + "\n" + element[0] + ": " + temp return spelling_mistakes_string # ################################## # ########## NLI ########### def do_nli(premise, hypothesis, model, tokenizer): # Tokenization token_ids = [] seg_ids = [] mask_ids = [] premise_id = tokenizer.encode(premise, add_special_tokens = False) hypothesis_id = tokenizer.encode(hypothesis, add_special_tokens = False) pair_token_ids = [tokenizer.cls_token_id] + premise_id + [tokenizer.sep_token_id] + hypothesis_id + [tokenizer.sep_token_id] premise_len = len(premise_id) hypothesis_len = len(hypothesis_id) segment_ids = torch.tensor([0] * (premise_len + 2) + [1] * (hypothesis_len + 1)) # sentence 0 and sentence 1 attention_mask_ids = torch.tensor([1] * (premise_len + hypothesis_len + 3)) # mask padded values token_ids.append(torch.tensor(pair_token_ids)) seg_ids.append(segment_ids) mask_ids.append(attention_mask_ids) # Forward pass token_ids = pad_sequence(token_ids, batch_first=True) mask_ids = pad_sequence(mask_ids, batch_first=True) seg_ids = pad_sequence(seg_ids, batch_first=True) with torch.no_grad(): output = model(token_ids, token_type_ids=seg_ids, attention_mask=mask_ids) # Output predication result = "" prediction = np.argmax(output.logits.cpu().numpy()).flatten().item() if prediction == 0: result = "Entailment" #print("Entailment") elif prediction == 1: result = "Contradiction" #print("Contradiction") elif prediction == 2: result = "Neutral" #print("Neutral") return result # Entailment def check_entailment(decomposed_elements): model = BertForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained("nouf-sst/bert-base-MultiNLI", use_auth_token="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") tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained("nouf-sst/bert-base-MultiNLI", use_auth_token="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", do_lower_case=True) sentence_pairs = [] non_matching_elements = [] for key, value in decomposed_elements.items(): #print(key, value) for i in decomposed_elements[key]: #print(key, i) sentence_pairs.append([key, i]) for sentence_pair in sentence_pairs: result = do_nli(sentence_pair[0], sentence_pair[1], model, tokenizer) print(result) if result != "Entailment": non_matching_elements.append(sentence_pair) if non_matching_elements: non_matching_elements = [' and '.join(ele) for ele in non_matching_elements] non_matching_elements = "\n".join(non_matching_elements) return "The following elements are miss matching:\n" + non_matching_elements else: return "There are no miss matched elements." return result # Contradiction def check_contradiction(elements_per_actor): model = BertForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained("nouf-sst/bert-base-MultiNLI", use_auth_token="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") tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained("nouf-sst/bert-base-MultiNLI", use_auth_token="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", do_lower_case=True) sentence_pairs = [] contradicting_elements = [] for key, value in elements_per_actor.items(): for i in range(len(elements_per_actor[key])): for j in range(i+1,len(elements_per_actor[key])): sentence_pairs.append([elements_per_actor[key][i], elements_per_actor[key][j]]) #print(sentence_pairs) # Check contradiction for sentence_pair in sentence_pairs: result = do_nli(sentence_pair[0], sentence_pair[1], model, tokenizer) #print(result) if result == "Contradiction": contradicting_elements.append(sentence_pair) if contradicting_elements: contradicting_elements = [' and '.join(ele) for ele in contradicting_elements] contradicting_elements = "\n".join(contradicting_elements) return "The following elements are contradicting:\n" + contradicting_elements else: return "There are no contradicting elements." # ########################## # ************************* User Interface ************************* def identify_bad_smells(tgrl_file, selected_bad_smells): output = "" tgrl_text = parse_tgrl(tgrl_file) elements, elements_per_actor, decomposed_elements = extract_elements(tgrl_text) if 'Size' in selected_bad_smells: output = output + get_long_elements(elements) + "\n\n" if 'Complexity' in selected_bad_smells: output = output + get_complex_sentences(elements) + "\n\n" if 'Punctuations' in selected_bad_smells: output = output + get_punctuations(elements) + "\n\n" if 'Actors Syntax' in selected_bad_smells: output = output + check_actor_syntax(elements['actors']) + "\n\n" if 'Goals Syntax' in selected_bad_smells: output = output + check_goal_syntax(elements['goals']) + "\n\n" if 'Softgoals Syntax' in selected_bad_smells: output = output + check_softgoal_syntax(elements['softGoals']) + "\n\n" if 'Tasks Syntax' in selected_bad_smells: output = output + check_task_syntax(elements['tasks']) + "\n\n" if 'Similar Elements' in selected_bad_smells: output = output + get_similar_elements(elements_per_actor) + "\n\n" if 'Spelling Mistakes' in selected_bad_smells: output = output + check_spelling(elements) + "\n\n" if 'Goal-Subgoal Mismatch' in selected_bad_smells: output = output + check_entailment(decomposed_elements) + "\n\n" if 'Contradicting Elements' in selected_bad_smells: output = output + check_contradiction(elements_per_actor) + "\n\n" return output interface = gr.Interface(fn = identify_bad_smells, inputs = [gr.File(label="TGRL File"), gr.CheckboxGroup(["Size", "Complexity", "Punctuations", "Actors Syntax", "Goals Syntax", "Softgoals Syntax", "Tasks Syntax", "Similar Elements", "Spelling Mistakes", "Goal-Subgoal Mismatch", "Contradicting Elements"], label="Which bad smells you want to detect?")], outputs = ["text"], title = "TGRL Bad Smells Detection", description = "Upload your .xgrl file and we will find the bad smells for you!") interface.launch(inline = False)