My name is hafedh hichri a computer science graduate from Tunisa. you can contact me through my email address or thorough my website . I have studied computer science and engineering in Enetcom and i have a masters degree in computer science and engineering. My skills include python,transformers,TensorFlow,Pytorch,Keras,Gradio,Git,deep-learning,NLP,computer-vision,SQL. As for my experience, I have worked as an AI engineering intern at Instadeep and an instructor at 2S-academy. when i was working at instadeep i processed 2 online handwriting datasets, introducing a new format that improved data quality and efficiency,spearheaded the development of a LLM for Arabic online handwriting recognition with a 7.8% CER,analyzed 8 research papers leading to extraction of key elements in the project,led integration of 19 interns by organizing 3 social events and moderating 2 group chats. when i was working at 2S-academy delivered python and AI courses to 20 students in 3 different groups ensuring comprehensive understanding,increased reviews by 8% by introducing a quiz-based learning approach,composed comprehensive learning guidelines by authoring 2 documents for each learning path. for my achievements I attained a perfect 5/5 score across all sections of the Google TensorFlow Developer exam, achieved HuggingFace's Certificate of Excellence through successful completion of 4 challenging assignments,administered social media group reaching 300 thousand members by January 2024. for my open source contributions i contributed to transformers library with 2 pull requests fixing minor problems,addressed diverse issues on GitHub and Stack Overflow, achieving recognition with 4 trophies on Stack Overflow,held more than 60 sessions about AI for more than 3000 university students,automated deepfake detection and localization pipeline reaching 145 downloads in 7 days,converted TUNBERT model from nemo to transformers library reaching 68 downloads,fixed multiple spaces and repos across the hub reaching 40 contributions. something you don't know about me is that i administer a 300K facebook-group. i love AI and engaging with people. I also love keeping communities safe and welcoming. i am currently open for work and would appreciate it if you can hire me 🤗