import gradio as gr import os home = os.getcwd() home !git clone %cd /{home}/GroundingDINO !pip install -q -e . text_prompt = 'basket' image_path = '/kaggle/input/avataar/wall hanging.jpg' output_image_path = '/kaggle/working' '''Importing Libraries''' import os import groundingdino.datasets.transforms as T import numpy as np import torch from groundingdino.models import build_model from groundingdino.util import box_ops from groundingdino.util.inference import predict from groundingdino.util.slconfig import SLConfig from groundingdino.util.utils import clean_state_dict from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download from segment_anything import sam_model_registry from segment_anything import SamPredictor import cv2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from PIL import Image from torchvision.utils import draw_bounding_boxes from torchvision.utils import draw_segmentation_masks def load_model_hf(repo_id, filename, ckpt_config_filename, device='cpu'): ''' Loads model from hugging face, we use it to get grounding dino model checkpoints ''' cache_config_file = hf_hub_download(repo_id=repo_id, filename=ckpt_config_filename) args = SLConfig.fromfile(cache_config_file) model = build_model(args) args.device = device cache_file = hf_hub_download(repo_id=repo_id, filename=filename) checkpoint = torch.load(cache_file, map_location='cpu') log = model.load_state_dict(clean_state_dict(checkpoint['model']), strict=False) model.eval() return model def transform_image(image) -> torch.Tensor: transform = T.Compose([ # T.RandomResize([800], max_size=1333), T.ToTensor(), # T.Normalize([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]), ]) image_transformed, _ = transform(image, None) return image_transformed class CFG: ''' Defines variables used in our code ''' sam_type = "vit_h" SAM_MODELS = { "vit_h": "", "vit_l": "", "vit_b": "" } device = 'cuda' ckpt_repo_id = "ShilongLiu/GroundingDINO" ckpt_filename = "groundingdino_swinb_cogcoor.pth" ckpt_config_filename = "" # image_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'fruits.jpg') # image_path = '/kaggle/input/avataar/wall hanging.jpg' # text_prompt = 'chair' '''Build models''' def build_sam(): checkpoint_url = CFG.SAM_MODELS[CFG.sam_type] sam = sam_model_registry[CFG.sam_type]() state_dict = torch.hub.load_state_dict_from_url(checkpoint_url) sam.load_state_dict(state_dict, strict=True) = CFG.device) sam = SamPredictor(sam) return sam def build_groundingdino(): ckpt_repo_id = CFG.ckpt_repo_id ckpt_filename = CFG.ckpt_filename ckpt_config_filename = CFG.ckpt_config_filename groundingdino = load_model_hf(ckpt_repo_id, ckpt_filename, ckpt_config_filename) return groundingdino model_sam = build_sam() model_groundingdino = build_groundingdino() '''Predictions''' def predict_dino(image_pil, text_prompt, box_threshold, text_threshold): image_trans = transform_image(image_pil) boxes, logits, phrases = predict(model = model_groundingdino, image = image_trans, caption = text_prompt, box_threshold = box_threshold, text_threshold = text_threshold, device = CFG.device) W, H = image_pil.size boxes = box_ops.box_cxcywh_to_xyxy(boxes) * torch.Tensor([W, H, W, H]) # center cood to corner cood return boxes, logits, phrases def predict_sam(image_pil, boxes): image_array = np.asarray(image_pil) model_sam.set_image(image_array) transformed_boxes = model_sam.transform.apply_boxes_torch(boxes, image_array.shape[:2]) masks, _, _ = model_sam.predict_torch( point_coords=None, point_labels=None,, multimask_output=False, ) return masks.cpu() def mask_predict(image_pil, text_prompt, box_threshold=0.3, text_threshold=0.25): boxes, logits, phrases = predict_dino(image_pil, text_prompt, box_threshold, text_threshold) masks = torch.tensor([]) if len(boxes) > 0: masks = predict_sam(image_pil, boxes) masks = masks.squeeze(1) return masks, boxes, phrases, logits '''Utils''' def load_image(image_path): return"RGB") def draw_image(image_pil, masks, boxes, alpha=0.4): image = np.asarray(image_pil) image = torch.from_numpy(image).permute(2, 0, 1) if len(masks) > 0: image = draw_segmentation_masks(image, masks=masks, colors=['red'] * len(masks), alpha=alpha) return image.numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0) image_pil = load_image(image_path) masks, boxes, phrases, logits = mask_predict(image_pil, text_prompt=text_prompt, box_threshold=0.23, text_threshold=0.25) output = draw_image(image_pil, masks, boxes, alpha=0.4) #, '') '''Visualise segmented results''' def visualize_results(img1, img2, task): fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(20, 10)) axes[0].imshow(img1) axes[0].set_title('Original Image') axes[1].imshow(img2) axes[1].set_title(f'{text_prompt} : {task}') for ax in axes: ax.axis('off') visualize_results(image_pil, output, 'segmented') x_units = 200 y_units = -100 # import torch # import numpy as np # masks = torch.load('/kaggle/input/chair-mask/') # print(masks.shape) # masks def main_fun(): '''Get masked object and background as two separate images''' mask = np.expand_dims(masks[0], axis=-1) masked_object = image_pil * mask background = image_pil * ~mask '''Shifts image by x_units and y_units''' M = np.float32([[1, 0, x_units], [0, 1, y_units]]) shifted_image = cv2.warpAffine(masked_object, M, (masked_object.shape[1] , masked_object.shape[0] ), borderMode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, borderValue=(0, 0, 0)) masked_shifted_image = np.where(shifted_image[:, :, 0] != 0, True, False) '''Load stable diffuser model at checkpoint finetuned for inpainting task''' from diffusers import StableDiffusionInpaintPipeline pipe = StableDiffusionInpaintPipeline.from_pretrained( # "runwayml/stable-diffusion-inpainting", torch_dtype=torch.float16 "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-inpainting",torch_dtype=torch.float16) # With Dilation from scipy.ndimage import binary_dilation structuring_element = np.ones((15, 15, 1), dtype=bool) extrapolated_mask = binary_dilation(mask, structure=structuring_element) mask_as_uint8 = extrapolated_mask.astype(np.uint8) * 255 pil_mask = Image.fromarray(mask_as_uint8.squeeze(), mode='L').resize((1024, 1024)) # pil_mask # # Without Dilation # pil_background = Image.fromarray(background) # mask_as_uint8 = mask.astype(np.uint8) * 255 # pil_mask = Image.fromarray(mask_as_uint8.squeeze(), mode='L') # # pil_mask '''Do inpainting on masked locations of original image''' prompt = 'a photo of background' inpainted_image = pipe(prompt=prompt, image=image_pil, mask_image=pil_mask).images[0] # inpainted_image '''Get composite of shifted object and background inpainted imaage''' pil_shifted_image = Image.fromarray(shifted_image).resize(inpainted_image.size) np_shifted_image = np.array(pil_shifted_image) masked_shifted_image = np.where(np_shifted_image[:, :, 0] != 0, True, False) masked_shifted_image = np.expand_dims(masked_shifted_image, axis=-1) inpainted_shifted = np.array(inpainted_image) * ~masked_shifted_image shifted_image = cv2.resize(shifted_image, inpainted_image.size) output = inpainted_shifted + shifted_image output = Image.fromarray(output) visualize_results(image_pil, output, 'shifted') inputs_image = [ gr.components.Image(type="filepath", label="Input Image"), ] outputs_image = [ gr.components.Image(type="numpy", label="Output Image"), ] interface_image = gr.Interface( fn=main_fun, inputs=inputs_image, outputs=outputs_image, title="Pothole detector", # examples=path, cache_examples=False, )