# =========== Copyright 2023 @ CAMEL-AI.org. All Rights Reserved. =========== # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # =========== Copyright 2023 @ CAMEL-AI.org. All Rights Reserved. =========== from typing import Dict, Generator, List, Optional, Set, Tuple from camel.messages import SystemMessage, SystemMessageType from camel.prompts import PromptTemplateGenerator, TextPrompt from camel.typing import RoleType, TaskType class SystemMessageGenerator: r"""System message generator for agents. Args: task_type (TaskType, optional): The task type. (default: :obj:`TaskType.AI_SOCIETY`) sys_prompts (Optional[Dict[RoleType, str]], optional): The prompts of the system messages for each role type. (default: :obj:`None`) sys_msg_meta_dict_keys (Optional[Set[str]], optional): The set of keys of the meta dictionary used to fill the prompts. (default: :obj:`None`) """ def __init__( self, task_type: TaskType = TaskType.AI_SOCIETY, sys_prompts: Optional[Dict[RoleType, str]] = None, sys_msg_meta_dict_keys: Optional[Set[str]] = None, ) -> None: self.sys_prompts: Dict[RoleType, str] if sys_prompts is not None: self.sys_prompts = sys_prompts self.sys_msg_meta_dict_keys = sys_msg_meta_dict_keys or set() else: templates = PromptTemplateGenerator() agenttech_prompt_template = templates.get_system_prompt(task_type, RoleType.CHATDEV) counselor_prompt_template = templates.get_system_prompt(task_type, RoleType.CHATDEV_COUNSELOR) ceo_prompt_template = templates.get_system_prompt(task_type, RoleType.CHATDEV_CEO) chro_prompt_template = templates.get_system_prompt(task_type, RoleType.CHATDEV_CHRO) cpo_prompt_template = templates.get_system_prompt(task_type, RoleType.CHATDEV_CPO) cto_prompt_template = templates.get_system_prompt(task_type, RoleType.CHATDEV_CTO) programmer_prompt_template = templates.get_system_prompt(task_type, RoleType.CHATDEV_PROGRAMMER) reviewer_prompt_template = templates.get_system_prompt(task_type, RoleType.CHATDEV_REVIEWER) tester_prompt_template = templates.get_system_prompt(task_type, RoleType.CHATDEV_TESTER) cco_prompt_template = templates.get_system_prompt(task_type, RoleType.CHATDEV_CCO) self.sys_prompts = dict() self.sys_prompts[RoleType.CHATDEV] = agenttech_prompt_template self.sys_prompts[RoleType.CHATDEV_COUNSELOR] = counselor_prompt_template self.sys_prompts[RoleType.CHATDEV_CEO] = ceo_prompt_template self.sys_prompts[RoleType.CHATDEV_CHRO] = chro_prompt_template self.sys_prompts[RoleType.CHATDEV_CPO] = cpo_prompt_template self.sys_prompts[RoleType.CHATDEV_CTO] = cto_prompt_template self.sys_prompts[RoleType.CHATDEV_PROGRAMMER] = programmer_prompt_template self.sys_prompts[RoleType.CHATDEV_REVIEWER] = reviewer_prompt_template self.sys_prompts[RoleType.CHATDEV_TESTER] = tester_prompt_template self.sys_prompts[RoleType.CHATDEV_CCO] = cco_prompt_template self.sys_msg_meta_dict_keys = (agenttech_prompt_template.key_words | counselor_prompt_template.key_words | ceo_prompt_template.key_words | chro_prompt_template.key_words | cpo_prompt_template.key_words | cto_prompt_template.key_words | programmer_prompt_template.key_words | reviewer_prompt_template.key_words | tester_prompt_template.key_words | cco_prompt_template.key_words) if RoleType.DEFAULT not in self.sys_prompts: self.sys_prompts[RoleType.DEFAULT] = "You are a helpful assistant." def validate_meta_dict_keys(self, meta_dict: Dict[str, str]) -> None: r"""Validates the keys of the meta_dict. Args: meta_dict (Dict[str, str]): The dictionary to validate. """ if not set(meta_dict.keys()).issubset(self.sys_msg_meta_dict_keys): raise ValueError("The keys of the meta_dict should be in " f"{self.sys_msg_meta_dict_keys}. " f"Got {set(meta_dict.keys())} instead.") def from_dict( self, meta_dict: Dict[str, str], role_tuple: Tuple[str, RoleType] = ("", RoleType.DEFAULT), ) -> SystemMessageType: r"""Generates a system message from a dictionary. Args: meta_dict (Dict[str, str]): The dictionary containing the information to generate the system message. role_tuple (Tuple[str, RoleType], optional): The tuple containing the role name and role type. (default: ("", RoleType.DEFAULT)) Returns: SystemMessageType: The generated system message. """ self.validate_meta_dict_keys(meta_dict) role_name, role_type = role_tuple sys_prompt = self.sys_prompts[role_type] sys_prompt = sys_prompt.format(**meta_dict) return SystemMessage(role_name=role_name, role_type=RoleType.DEFAULT, meta_dict=meta_dict, content=sys_prompt) def from_dicts( self, meta_dicts: List[Dict[str, str]], role_tuples: Tuple[str, str], ) -> List[SystemMessageType]: r"""Generates a list of system messages from a list of dictionaries. Args: meta_dicts (List[Dict[str, str]]): A list of dictionaries containing the information to generate the system messages. role_tuples (List[Tuple[str, RoleType]]): A list of tuples containing the role name and role type for each system message. Returns: List[SystemMessageType]: A list of generated system messages. Raises: ValueError: If the number of meta_dicts and role_tuples are different. """ if len(meta_dicts) != len(role_tuples): raise ValueError( "The number of meta_dicts and role_types should be the same.") return [ self.from_dict(meta_dict, role_tuple) for meta_dict, role_tuple in zip(meta_dicts, role_tuples) ] class RoleNameGenerator: def __init__(self, assistant_role_names_path: str = "data/ai_society/assistant_roles.txt", user_role_names_path: str = "data/ai_society/user_roles.txt", assistant_role_names: Optional[List[str]] = None, user_role_names: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> None: if assistant_role_names is None: with open(assistant_role_names_path, "r") as f: assistant_role_names_: List[str] = f.read().splitlines() self.assistant_role_names = [ " ".join(name.split(" ")[1:]) for name in assistant_role_names_ ] else: self.assistant_role_names = assistant_role_names if user_role_names is None: with open(user_role_names_path, "r") as f: user_role_names_: List[str] = f.read().splitlines() self.user_role_names = [ " ".join(name.split(" ")[1:]) for name in user_role_names_ ] else: self.user_role_names = user_role_names def from_role_files(self) -> Generator[Tuple, None, None]: for assistant_role_name in self.assistant_role_names: for user_role_name in self.user_role_names: yield (assistant_role_name, user_role_name) class AISocietyTaskPromptGenerator: def __init__( self, num_tasks: int = 10, ) -> None: self.generate_tasks_prompt = PromptTemplateGenerator( ).get_generate_tasks_prompt(TaskType.AI_SOCIETY) self.num_tasks = num_tasks # TODO: Return role names for user and assistant with the generator. def from_role_files( self, assistant_role_names_path: str = "data/ai_society/assistant_roles.txt", user_role_names_path: str = "data/ai_society/user_roles.txt" ) -> Generator[Tuple[str, Tuple[str, str]], None, None]: roles_generator = RoleNameGenerator( assistant_role_names_path, user_role_names_path).from_role_files() for role_1, role_2 in roles_generator: generate_tasks_prompt = self.generate_tasks_prompt.format( assistant_role=role_1, user_role=role_2, num_tasks=self.num_tasks) yield (generate_tasks_prompt, (role_1, role_2)) def from_role_generator( self, role_generator: Generator[Tuple, None, None] ) -> Generator[Tuple[str, Tuple[str, str]], None, None]: for role_1, role_2 in role_generator: generate_tasks_prompt = self.generate_tasks_prompt.format( assistant_role=role_1, user_role=role_2, num_tasks=self.num_tasks) yield (generate_tasks_prompt, (role_1, role_2)) class SingleTxtGenerator: def __init__( self, text_file_path: str, ) -> None: with open(text_file_path, "r") as f: data_list: List[str] = f.read().splitlines() self.data_list = [ " ".join(name.split(" ")[1:]) for name in data_list ] def from_role_files(self) -> Generator[str, None, None]: for data in self.data_list: yield data class CodeTaskPromptGenerator: def __init__( self, num_tasks: int = 50, ) -> None: self.generate_tasks_prompt = PromptTemplateGenerator( ).get_generate_tasks_prompt(TaskType.CODE) self.num_tasks = num_tasks def from_role_files( self, languages_path: str = "data/code/languages.txt", domains_path: str = "data/code/domains.txt" ) -> Generator[Tuple[TextPrompt, str, str], None, None]: language_generator = SingleTxtGenerator( languages_path).from_role_files() for language in language_generator: domains_generator = SingleTxtGenerator( domains_path).from_role_files() for domain in domains_generator: generated_tasks_prompt = self.generate_tasks_prompt.format( language=language, domain=domain, num_tasks=self.num_tasks) yield generated_tasks_prompt, language, domain def from_role_generator( self, role_generator: Generator[Tuple, None, None] ) -> Generator[str, None, None]: raise NotImplementedError