# import os # import sys, os # import traceback # from dotenv import load_dotenv # load_dotenv() # import os, io # sys.path.insert( # 0, os.path.abspath("../..") # ) # Adds the parent directory to the system path # import pytest # import litellm # from litellm import embedding, completion, text_completion, completion_cost # from langchain.chat_models import ChatLiteLLM # from langchain.prompts.chat import ( # ChatPromptTemplate, # SystemMessagePromptTemplate, # AIMessagePromptTemplate, # HumanMessagePromptTemplate, # ) # from langchain.schema import AIMessage, HumanMessage, SystemMessage # def test_chat_gpt(): # try: # chat = ChatLiteLLM(model="gpt-3.5-turbo", max_tokens=10) # messages = [ # HumanMessage( # content="what model are you" # ) # ] # resp = chat(messages) # print(resp) # except Exception as e: # pytest.fail(f"Error occurred: {e}") # # test_chat_gpt() # def test_claude(): # try: # chat = ChatLiteLLM(model="claude-2", max_tokens=10) # messages = [ # HumanMessage( # content="what model are you" # ) # ] # resp = chat(messages) # print(resp) # except Exception as e: # pytest.fail(f"Error occurred: {e}") # # test_claude() # def test_palm(): # try: # chat = ChatLiteLLM(model="palm/chat-bison", max_tokens=10) # messages = [ # HumanMessage( # content="what model are you" # ) # ] # resp = chat(messages) # print(resp) # except Exception as e: # pytest.fail(f"Error occurred: {e}") # # test_palm() # # def test_openai_with_params(): # # try: # # api_key = os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] # # os.environ.pop("OPENAI_API_KEY") # # print("testing openai with params") # # llm = ChatLiteLLM( # # model="gpt-3.5-turbo", # # openai_api_key=api_key, # # # Prefer using None which is the default value, endpoint could be empty string # # openai_api_base= None, # # max_tokens=20, # # temperature=0.5, # # request_timeout=10, # # model_kwargs={ # # "frequency_penalty": 0, # # "presence_penalty": 0, # # }, # # verbose=True, # # max_retries=0, # # ) # # messages = [ # # HumanMessage( # # content="what model are you" # # ) # # ] # # resp = llm(messages) # # print(resp) # # except Exception as e: # # pytest.fail(f"Error occurred: {e}") # # test_openai_with_params()