This is a demo of Unsupervised Salient Object Detection with Spectral Cluster Voting (CVPRW 2022).
In the paper, we tackle the challenging task of unsupervised salient object detection (SOD) by leveraging spectral clustering on self-supervised features. We make the following contributions: (i) We revisit spectral clustering and demonstrate its potential to group the pixels of salient objects; (ii) Given mask proposals from multiple applications of spectral clustering on image features computed from various self-supervised models, e.g., MoCov2, SwAV, DINO, we propose a simple but effective winner-takes-all voting mechanism for selecting the salient masks, leveraging object priors based on framing and distinctiveness; (iii) Using the selected object segmentation as pseudo groundtruth masks, we train a salient object detector, dubbed SelfMask, which outperforms prior approaches on three unsupervised SOD benchmarks. Code is publicly available at our repo.