import gradio as gr from web_scraper import minutes_scraper, minutes_scraper_no_sum with gr.Blocks() as app: gr.Markdown("Get the meeting minutes from a URL") with gr.Tab("Without Summary"): text_input = gr.Textbox() text_output = gr.JSON() text_button = gr.Button("Scrape") with gr.Tab("With Summary (Slower)"): text_input_sum = gr.Textbox() text_output_sum = gr.JSON() text_button_sum = gr.Button("Scrape & Summarize") with gr.Accordion("Note on Summary"): gr.Markdown("The summary is generated using the [Facebook BART model]( The summary is not perfect, but it is a good starting point for a quick overview of the meeting. Please bear in mind that this process may take longer depending on the amount of text to summarize."), inputs=text_input, outputs=text_output), inputs=text_input_sum, outputs=text_output_sum) app.launch()