import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs from utils import isValidURL import json import sys import os # REQUIREMENTS: # Meeting Minutes Directory: # INPUT (arg 1): Valid URL pointing to meeting minutes. Needs to be wrapped in quotes # OPTIONAL INPUT (arg 2): Output directory # OUTPUT: JSON document containing required information scraped from input URL # Debug mode DEBUG = False def minutes_scraper(URL=""): if not isValidURL(URL): print("Invalid or missing URL input") print("Please enter a URL now:") return "Invalid URL" # Get output directory out_dir = "" out_dir = os.getcwd() ### # Object to be seriliazed JSON_obj = {} # Get meeting ID page = requests.get(URL) o = urlparse(URL) query = parse_qs(o.query) JSON_obj["meeting_id"] = query["Id"][0] # Complete HTML File soup = BeautifulSoup(page.content, "html.parser") # Most of the page content is found in this container page_content = soup.find(id="package-container") ### # MM Header agenda_header = page_content.find("header", class_="AgendaHeader") ## Header information # Get the Agenda Header try: JSON_obj["agenda_header_subtitle"] = agenda_header.find("p", class_="AgendaHeaderSubTitle").text except AttributeError: JSON_obj["agenda_header_subtitle"] = "" # Get the start time JSON_obj["start_time"] = agenda_header.find("time").text # Get the location try: JSON_obj["location"] = agenda_header_subtitle = agenda_header.find("div", class_="Value LocationValue").text ### This does not get all location info except AttributeError: JSON_obj["location"] = "" # Get the attendence (seperated by who can and can't vote) attendance_table = agenda_header.find(class_="AgendaHeaderAttendanceTable").find_all("div") try: present = [x.text for x in attendance_table[2].find_all("li")] except IndexError: present = [] try: also_present = [x.text for x in attendance_table[5].find_all("li")] except IndexError: also_present = [] JSON_obj["attendance"] = {'present': present, 'also_present': also_present} ### # MM Body agenda_items = page_content.find("div", class_="AgendaItems") ## Body information # Get item containers agenda_item_containers = agenda_items.find_all("div", class_="AgendaItemContainer indent") # Get roll call try: roll_call = agenda_item_containers[0].find_all("p", class_="Body1") JSON_obj["roll_call"] = roll_call[2].text.rstrip('.').replace(', and ', ', ').split(', ') except IndexError: JSON_obj["roll_call"] = [] if DEBUG: print(JSON_obj["roll_call"]) # Get generator of item containers agenda_item_containers = agenda_items.children item_number = 1 for agenda_item in agenda_item_containers: # Get titles titles = [x.text for x in agenda_item.find_all("div", class_="AgendaItemTitle")] # Get each motion in each item motions = agenda_item.find_all("ul", class_="AgendaItemMotions") if DEBUG: print(item_number) if motions != None: item_sub_number = 1 for motion in motions: # Dictionary to store all motion info motion_obj = {} if DEBUG: print(str(item_number) + '.' + str(item_sub_number)) # Place "anchor" motion_anchor = [x.parent.parent.parent.parent for x in motion.find_all("div", class_="MotionText RichText")] # Get motion title motion_titles = [x.find("div", class_="AgendaItemTitle").text.strip() for x in motion_anchor] # Get list of who the motion is moved by moved_by_list = [x.find("span", class_="Value") for x in motion.find_all("div", class_="MovedBy")] moved_by_list = [x.text for x in moved_by_list] # Get motion description motion_description_list = [x.text for x in motion.find_all("div", class_="MotionText RichText")] # Get motion result motion_result_list = [x.text for x in motion.find_all("div", class_="MotionResult")] # Get motion votes motion_votes_list = [x.text[x.text.find(')') + 1:].split(', and ') for x in motion.find_all("table", class_="MotionVoters")] # Get motion attachments motion_attachments_list = [x.find_all("a", class_="Link") for x in motion_anchor] motion_attachments_list_names = [] motion_attachments_list_links = [] for x in motion_attachments_list: motion_attachments_list_names.append([y.text for y in x]) # ? motion_attachments_list_links.append([y['href'] for y in x]) motion_obj["titles"] = motion_titles motion_obj["moved_by"] = moved_by_list motion_obj["details"] = motion_description_list motion_obj["results"] = motion_result_list motion_obj["votes"] = motion_votes_list motion_obj['attachment_names'] = motion_attachments_list_names[0] motion_obj['attachment_links'] = motion_attachments_list_links[0] if DEBUG: print(str(item_number) + '.' + str(item_sub_number)) print(motion_titles) # title print("Moved by: " + str(moved_by_list)) # Moved by print(motion_description_list) # Other details print("Result: " + str(motion_result_list)) # Result print("Votes: " + str(motion_votes_list)) # Votes print(motion_attachments_list_names[0]) # attachment names print(motion_attachments_list_links[0]) # attachment links print() # Append to JSON object JSON_obj[f'{item_number}.{item_sub_number}'] = motion_obj item_sub_number+=1 if DEBUG: print('-----------------------------------\n\n\n') item_number+=1 # # Serialize and write to "meeting_minutes.json" # with open(f"{out_dir}/meeting_minutes.json", "w") as out: # json.dump(JSON_obj, out, indent=4) # Add this to data base return JSON_obj