from transformers import pipeline import gradio as gr # Load the question-answering pipeline using the deepset/roberta-base-squad2 model qa_model = pipeline("question-answering", model="deepset/roberta-base-squad2") # Define a function to get the model's response def get_response(context, question): answer = qa_model(question=question, context=context)["answer"] return answer # Define the interface components context_textbox = gr.Textbox(lines=10, label="Context") question_textbox = gr.Textbox(label="Question") output_label = gr.Label(label="Response: ") interface = gr.Interface( fn=get_response, inputs=[context_textbox, question_textbox], outputs=output_label, title="QA System", description="Ask any questions.", ) # Launch the interface interface.launch(share=True)