import { afterEach, assert, describe, expect, it } from "vitest"; import { migrations } from "./routines"; import { acquireLock, isDBLocked, refreshLock, releaseLock } from "./lock"; import { collections } from "$lib/server/database"; const LOCK_KEY = "migrations"; describe("migrations", () => { it("should not have duplicates guid", async () => { const guids = => m._id.toString()); const uniqueGuids = [ Set(guids)]; expect(uniqueGuids.length).toBe(guids.length); }); it("should acquire only one lock on DB", async () => { const results = await Promise.all(new Array(1000).fill(0).map(() => acquireLock(LOCK_KEY))); const locks = results.filter((r) => r); const semaphores = await collections.semaphores.find({}).toArray(); expect(locks.length).toBe(1); expect(semaphores).toBeDefined(); expect(semaphores.length).toBe(1); expect(semaphores?.[0].key).toBe("migrations"); }); it("should read the lock correctly", async () => { const lockId = await acquireLock(LOCK_KEY); assert(lockId); expect(await isDBLocked(LOCK_KEY)).toBe(true); expect(!!(await acquireLock(LOCK_KEY))).toBe(false); await releaseLock(LOCK_KEY, lockId); expect(await isDBLocked(LOCK_KEY)).toBe(false); }); it("should refresh the lock", async () => { const lockId = await acquireLock(LOCK_KEY); assert(lockId); // get the updatedAt time const updatedAtInitially = (await collections.semaphores.findOne({}))?.updatedAt; await refreshLock(LOCK_KEY, lockId); const updatedAtAfterRefresh = (await collections.semaphores.findOne({}))?.updatedAt; expect(updatedAtInitially).toBeDefined(); expect(updatedAtAfterRefresh).toBeDefined(); expect(updatedAtInitially).not.toBe(updatedAtAfterRefresh); }); }); afterEach(async () => { await collections.semaphores.deleteMany({}); await collections.migrationResults.deleteMany({}); });