import os import streamlit as st from PIL import Image from inference import get_predictions st.title('Handwriting Recognition Demo') sample_files = os.listdir('./data/sample_images') tot_index = len(sample_files) sample_path = './data/sample_images' if 'image_index' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['image_index'] = 4 if 'which_button' not in st.session_state: st.session_state['which_button'] = 'sample_button' st.write('**Select from sample images**') st.write("Select one from these available samples: ") current_index = st.session_state['image_index'] current_image =, sample_files[current_index])) # next = st.button('next_image') prev_button, next_button = st.columns(2) with prev_button: prev = st.button('prev_image') with next_button: next = st.button('next_image') if prev: current_index = (current_index - 1) % tot_index if next: current_index = (current_index + 1) % tot_index st.session_state['image_index'] = current_index sample_image =, sample_files[current_index])) st.image(sample_image, caption='Chosen image') # use_sample_image = st.button("Use this Sample") # if use_sample_image is True: # st.session_state['which_button'] = 'sample_button' predict_clicked = st.button("Get prediction") if predict_clicked: which_button = st.session_state['which_button'] if which_button == 'sample_button': predictions = get_predictions(sample_image) st.markdown('**The model prediction is :**') st.write(predictions)