window.SD = (() => { /* * Painterro is made a field of the SD global object * To provide convinience when using w() method in */ class PainterroClass { static isOpen = false; static async init ({ x, toId }) { console.log(x) const originalImage = x[2] === 'Mask' ? x[1]?.image : x[0]; if (window.Painterro === undefined) { try { await this.load(); } catch (e) { SDClass.error(e); return this.fallback(originalImage); } } if (this.isOpen) { return this.fallback(originalImage); } this.isOpen = true; let resolveResult; const paintClient = Painterro({ hiddenTools: ['arrow'], onHide: () => { resolveResult?.(null); }, saveHandler: (image, done) => { const data = image.asDataURL(); // ensures stable performance even // when the editor is in interactive mode SD.clearImageInput(SD.el.get(`#${toId}`)); resolveResult(data); done(true); paintClient.hide(); }, }); const result = await new Promise((resolve) => { resolveResult = resolve;; }); this.isOpen = false; return result ? this.success(result) : this.fallback(originalImage); } static success (result) { return [result, { image: result, mask: result }] }; static fallback (image) { return [image, { image: image, mask: image }] }; static load () { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const scriptId = '__painterro-script'; if (document.getElementById(scriptId)) { reject(new Error('Tried to load painterro script, but script tag already exists.')); return; } const styleId = '__painterro-css-override'; if (!document.getElementById(styleId)) { /* Ensure Painterro window is always on top */ const style = document.createElement('style'); = styleId; style.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(` .ptro-holder-wrapper { z-index: 100; } `)); document.head.appendChild(style); } const script = document.createElement('script'); = scriptId; script.src = ''; script.onload = () => resolve(true); script.onerror = (e) => { // remove self on error to enable reattempting load document.head.removeChild(script); reject(e); }; document.head.appendChild(script); }); } } /* * Turns out caching elements doesn't actually work in gradio * As elements in tabs might get recreated */ class ElementCache { #el; constructor () { this.root = document.querySelector('gradio-app').shadowRoot; } get (selector) { return this.root.querySelector(selector); } } /* * The main helper class to incapsulate functions * that change gradio ui functionality */ class SDClass { el = new ElementCache(); Painterro = PainterroClass; moveImageFromGallery ({ x, fromId, toId }) { x = x[0]; if (!Array.isArray(x) || x.length === 0) return; this.clearImageInput(this.el.get(`#${toId}`)); const i = this.#getGallerySelectedIndex(this.el.get(`#${fromId}`)); return [x[i].replace('data:;','data:image/png;')]; } async copyImageFromGalleryToClipboard ({ x, fromId }) { x = x[0]; if (!Array.isArray(x) || x.length === 0) return; const i = this.#getGallerySelectedIndex(this.el.get(`#${fromId}`)); const data = x[i]; const blob = await (await fetch(data.replace('data:;','data:image/png;'))).blob(); const item = new ClipboardItem({'image/png': blob}); await this.copyToClipboard([item]); } clickFirstVisibleButton({ rowId }) { const generateButtons = this.el.get(`#${rowId}`).querySelectorAll('.gr-button-primary'); if (!generateButtons) return; for (let i = 0, arr = [...generateButtons]; i < arr.length; i++) { const cs = window.getComputedStyle(arr[i]); if (cs.display !== 'none' && cs.visibility !== 'hidden') { console.log(arr[i]); arr[i].click(); break; } } } async gradioInputToClipboard ({ x }) { return this.copyToClipboard(x[0]); } async copyToClipboard (value) { if (!value || typeof value === 'boolean') return; try { if (Array.isArray(value) && value.length && value[0] instanceof ClipboardItem) { await navigator.clipboard.write(value); } else { await navigator.clipboard.writeText(value); } } catch (e) { SDClass.error(e); } } static error (e) { console.error(e); if (typeof e === 'string') { alert(e); } else if(typeof e === 'object' && Object.hasOwn(e, 'message')) { alert(e.message); } } clearImageInput (imageEditor) { imageEditor?.querySelector('.modify-upload button:last-child')?.click(); } #getGallerySelectedIndex (gallery) { const selected = gallery.querySelector(`.\\!ring-2`); return selected ? [...selected.parentNode.children].indexOf(selected) : 0; } } return new SDClass(); })();