import keras import numpy as np import pandas as pd import gradio as gr import os from keras.applications.densenet import DenseNet121 from keras.layers import Dense, GlobalAveragePooling2D from keras.models import Model med_labels = ['Cardiomegaly', 'Emphysema', 'Effusion', 'Hernia', 'Infiltration', 'Mass', 'Nodule', 'Atelectasis', 'Pneumothorax', 'Pleural_Thickening', 'Pneumonia', 'Fibrosis', 'Edema', 'Consolidation'] def get_weighted_loss(pos_weights, neg_weights, epsilon=1e-7): """ Return weighted loss function given negative weights and positive weights. Args: pos_weights (np.array): array of positive weights for each class, size (num_classes) neg_weights (np.array): array of negative weights for each class, size (num_classes) Returns: weighted_loss (function): weighted loss function """ def weighted_loss(y_true, y_pred): """ Return weighted loss value. Args: y_true (Tensor): Tensor of true labels, size is (num_examples, num_classes) y_pred (Tensor): Tensor of predicted labels, size is (num_examples, num_classes) Returns: loss (float): overall scalar loss summed across all classes """ # initialize loss to zero loss = 0.0 for i in range(len(pos_weights)): positive_term_loss = pos_weights[i] * tf.cast(y_true[:,i], tf.float32) * K.log(y_pred[:,i] + epsilon) negative_term_loss = neg_weights[i] * tf.cast((1-y_true[:,i]), tf.float32) * K.log(1-y_pred[:,i] + epsilon) loss += -K.mean(positive_term_loss + negative_term_loss) return loss return weighted_loss freq_neg = np.loadtxt('freq_neg.txt') freq_pos = np.loadtxt('freq_pos.txt') pos_weights = freq_neg neg_weights = freq_pos # create the base pre-trained model base_model = DenseNet121(weights='./nih/densenet.hdf5', include_top=False) x = base_model.output # add a global spatial average pooling layer x = GlobalAveragePooling2D()(x) # and a logistic layer predictions = Dense(len(med_labels), activation="sigmoid")(x) model = Model(inputs=base_model.input, outputs=predictions) model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss=get_weighted_loss(pos_weights, neg_weights)) model.load_weights("./nih/pretrained_model.h5") import os import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow import keras from IPython.display import Image, display import as cm def convert_preds(preds): q = dict(zip(med_labels, preds[0])) return q # The Grad-CAM algorithm def make_gradcam_heatmap(img_array, model, last_conv_layer_name, pred_index=None): # First, we create a model that maps the input image to the activations # of the last conv layer as well as the output predictions grad_model = keras.models.Model( model.inputs, [model.get_layer(last_conv_layer_name).output, model.output] ) # Then, we compute the gradient of the top predicted class for our input image # with respect to the activations of the last conv layer with tf.GradientTape() as tape: last_conv_layer_output, preds = grad_model(img_array) if pred_index is None: pred_index = tf.argmax(preds[0]) class_channel = preds[:, pred_index] # This is the gradient of the output neuron (top predicted or chosen) # with regard to the output feature map of the last conv layer grads = tape.gradient(class_channel, last_conv_layer_output) # This is a vector where each entry is the mean intensity of the gradient # over a specific feature map channel pooled_grads = tf.reduce_mean(grads, axis=(0, 1, 2)) # We multiply each channel in the feature map array # by "how important this channel is" with regard to the top predicted class # then sum all the channels to obtain the heatmap class activation last_conv_layer_output = last_conv_layer_output[0] heatmap = last_conv_layer_output @ pooled_grads[..., tf.newaxis] heatmap = tf.squeeze(heatmap) # For visualization purpose, we will also normalize the heatmap between 0 & 1 heatmap = tf.maximum(heatmap, 0) / tf.math.reduce_max(heatmap) return heatmap.numpy() # Create a superimposed visualization def superimpose_gradcam(img_path, heatmap, alpha=0.5): # Load the original image img = keras.utils.load_img(img_path) img = keras.utils.img_to_array(img) # Rescale heatmap to a range 0-255 heatmap = np.uint8(255 * heatmap) # Use jet colormap to colorize heatmap jet = cm.get_cmap("jet") # Use RGB values of the colormap jet_colors = jet(np.arange(256))[:, :3] jet_heatmap = jet_colors[heatmap] # Create an image with RGB colorized heatmap jet_heatmap = keras.utils.array_to_img(jet_heatmap) jet_heatmap = jet_heatmap.resize((img.shape[1], img.shape[0])) jet_heatmap = keras.utils.img_to_array(jet_heatmap) # Superimpose the heatmap on original image superimposed_img = jet_heatmap * alpha + img * 0.4 superimposed_img = keras.utils.array_to_img(superimposed_img) return superimposed_img # Save the superimposed image # # # Display Grad CAM # display(Image(cam_path,width=300)) def pil_to_np(pil): a = np.array(pil) return a def np_to_pil(a): from PIL import Image im = Image.fromarray(a) #, mode="RGB" return im from keras.preprocessing import image def load_image_to_array(image_path, H=320, W=320): pil = image.load_img( image_path, target_size=(H, W), color_mode = 'rgb', interpolation = 'nearest', ) a = pil_to_np(pil) return a def normalize_array(a): pil = np_to_pil(a) mean = np.mean(pil) std = np.std(pil) pil -= mean pil /= std a2 = pil_to_np(pil) a2 = np.expand_dims(a2, axis=0) return a2 selected_keys = ['Cardiomegaly','Mass','Pneumothorax','Edema'] # selected_keys.append('Infiltration') def print_selected(preds): for k in selected_keys: print('{:15}\t{:6.3f}'.format(k, preds[k])) IMAGE_DIR = "nih/images-small/" last_conv_layer_name = 'bn' def med_classify_image(inp): inp = load_image_to_array(inp) inp = normalize_array(inp) preds = model.predict(inp,verbose=0) preds = convert_preds(preds) preds = {key:value.item() for key, value in preds.items()} return preds def gradcam(inp): selected_labels = [ (idx, label) for idx, label in enumerate(med_labels) if label in selected_keys] img_array = load_image_to_array(inp) img_array = normalize_array(img_array) images = [] for k, l in selected_labels: heatmap = make_gradcam_heatmap(img_array, model, last_conv_layer_name, pred_index = k) superimposed_img = superimpose_gradcam(inp, heatmap) images.append((superimposed_img,l)) return images with gr.Blocks(css="footer {visibility: hidden}") as demo: gr.Markdown('# Chest X-Ray Medical Diagnosis with Deep Learning') with gr.Row(): input_image = gr.Image(label='Chest X-Ray',type='filepath',image_mode='L') with gr.Column(): gr.Examples( examples=[ "nih/images-small/00008270_015.png", "nih/images-small/00011355_002.png", "nih/images-small/00029855_001.png", "nih/images-small/00005410_000.png", ], inputs=input_image, label='Examples' # fn=mirror, # cache_examples=True, ) with gr.Column(): b1 = gr.Button("Classify") b2 = gr.Button("Compute GradCam") with gr.Row(): label = gr.Label(label='Classification',num_top_classes=5) gallery = gr.Gallery( label="GradCam", show_label=True, elem_id="gallery", object_fit="scale-down", height=400) gr.Markdown( """ [ChestX-ray8 dataset]( [Download the entire dataset]( """), inputs=input_image, outputs=label), inputs=input_image, outputs=gallery) if __name__ == "__main__": demo.launch()