import os import gradio as gr from sd_model_cfg import model_dict from app import process, process0, process1, process2, get_frame_count, cfg_to_input DESCRIPTION = ''' ## Rerender A Video ### This space provides the function of key frame translation. Full code for full video translation will be released upon the publication of the paper. ### To avoid overload, we set limitations to the maximum frame number (8) and the maximum frame resolution (512x768). ### The running time of a video of size 512x640 is about 1 minute per keyframe under T4 GPU. ### How to use: 1. **Run 1st Key Frame**: only translate the first frame, so you can adjust the prompts/models/parameters to find your ideal output appearance before run the whole video. 2. **Run Key Frames**: translate all the key frames based on the settings of the first frame 3. **Run All**: **Run 1st Key Frame** and **Run Key Frames** 4. **Run Propagation**: propogate the key frames to other frames for full video translation. This part will be released upon the publication of the paper. ### Tips: 1. This method cannot handle large or quick motions where the optical flow is hard to estimate. **Videos with stable motions are preferred**. 2. Pixel-aware fusion may not work for large or quick motions. 3. Try different color-aware AdaIN settings and even unuse it to avoid color jittering. 4. `revAnimated_v11` model for non-photorealstic style, `realisticVisionV20_v20` model for photorealstic style. 5. To use your own SD/LoRA model, you may clone the space and specify your model with []( 6. This method is based on the original SD model. You may need to [convert]( Diffuser/Automatic1111 models to the original one. **This code is for research purpose and non-commercial use only.** Duplicate Space for no queue on your own hardware.

''' MAX_KEYFRAME = 100000000 block = gr.Blocks().queue() with block: with gr.Row(): gr.Markdown(DESCRIPTION) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): input_path = gr.Video(label='Input Video', source='upload', format='mp4', visible=True) prompt = gr.Textbox(label='Prompt') seed = gr.Slider(label='Seed', minimum=0, maximum=2147483647, step=1, value=0, randomize=True) run_button = gr.Button(value='Run All') with gr.Row(): run_button1 = gr.Button(value='Run 1st Key Frame') run_button2 = gr.Button(value='Run Key Frames') run_button3 = gr.Button(value='Run Propagation') with gr.Accordion('Advanced options for the 1st frame translation', open=False): image_resolution = gr.Slider( label='Frame rsolution', minimum=256, maximum=512, value=512, step=64, info='To avoid overload, maximum 512') control_strength = gr.Slider(label='ControNet strength', minimum=0.0, maximum=2.0, value=1.0, step=0.01) x0_strength = gr.Slider( label='Denoising strength', minimum=0.00, maximum=1.05, value=0.75, step=0.05, info=('0: fully recover the input.' '1.05: fully rerender the input.')) color_preserve = gr.Checkbox( label='Preserve color', value=True, info='Keep the color of the input video') with gr.Row(): left_crop = gr.Slider(label='Left crop length', minimum=0, maximum=512, value=0, step=1) right_crop = gr.Slider(label='Right crop length', minimum=0, maximum=512, value=0, step=1) with gr.Row(): top_crop = gr.Slider(label='Top crop length', minimum=0, maximum=512, value=0, step=1) bottom_crop = gr.Slider(label='Bottom crop length', minimum=0, maximum=512, value=0, step=1) with gr.Row(): control_type = gr.Dropdown(['HED', 'canny'], label='Control type', value='HED') low_threshold = gr.Slider(label='Canny low threshold', minimum=1, maximum=255, value=100, step=1) high_threshold = gr.Slider(label='Canny high threshold', minimum=1, maximum=255, value=200, step=1) ddim_steps = gr.Slider(label='Steps', minimum=1, maximum=20, value=20, step=1, info='To avoid overload, maximum 20') scale = gr.Slider(label='CFG scale', minimum=0.1, maximum=30.0, value=7.5, step=0.1) sd_model_list = list(model_dict.keys()) sd_model = gr.Dropdown(sd_model_list, label='Base model', value='Stable Diffusion 1.5') a_prompt = gr.Textbox(label='Added prompt', value='best quality, extremely detailed') n_prompt = gr.Textbox( label='Negative prompt', value=('longbody, lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, ' 'missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, ' 'cropped, worst quality, low quality')) with gr.Accordion('Advanced options for the key fame translation', open=False): interval = gr.Slider( label='Key frame frequency (K)', minimum=1, maximum=1, value=1, step=1, info='Uniformly sample the key frames every K frames') keyframe_count = gr.Slider( label='Number of key frames', minimum=1, maximum=1, value=1, step=1, info='To avoid overload, maximum 8 key frames') use_constraints = gr.CheckboxGroup( [ 'shape-aware fusion', 'pixel-aware fusion', 'color-aware AdaIN' ], label='Select the cross-frame contraints to be used', value=[ 'shape-aware fusion', 'pixel-aware fusion', 'color-aware AdaIN' ]), with gr.Row(): cross_start = gr.Slider( label='Cross-frame attention start', minimum=0, maximum=1, value=0, step=0.05) cross_end = gr.Slider(label='Cross-frame attention end', minimum=0, maximum=1, value=1, step=0.05) style_update_freq = gr.Slider( label='Cross-frame attention update frequency', minimum=1, maximum=100, value=1, step=1, info= ('Update the key and value for ' 'cross-frame attention every N key frames (recommend N*K>=10)' )) with gr.Row(): warp_start = gr.Slider(label='Shape-aware fusion start', minimum=0, maximum=1, value=0, step=0.05) warp_end = gr.Slider(label='Shape-aware fusion end', minimum=0, maximum=1, value=0.1, step=0.05) with gr.Row(): mask_start = gr.Slider(label='Pixel-aware fusion start', minimum=0, maximum=1, value=0.5, step=0.05) mask_end = gr.Slider(label='Pixel-aware fusion end', minimum=0, maximum=1, value=0.8, step=0.05) with gr.Row(): ada_start = gr.Slider(label='Color-aware AdaIN start', minimum=0, maximum=1, value=0.8, step=0.05) ada_end = gr.Slider(label='Color-aware AdaIN end', minimum=0, maximum=1, value=1, step=0.05) mask_strength = gr.Slider(label='Pixel-aware fusion stength', minimum=0, maximum=1, value=0.5, step=0.01) inner_strength = gr.Slider( label='Pixel-aware fusion detail level', minimum=0.5, maximum=1, value=0.9, step=0.01, info='Use a low value to prevent artifacts') smooth_boundary = gr.Checkbox( label='Smooth fusion boundary', value=True, info='Select to prevent artifacts at boundary') with gr.Accordion('Example configs', open=True): config_dir = 'config' config_list = os.listdir(config_dir) args_list = [] for config in config_list: try: config_path = os.path.join(config_dir, config) args = cfg_to_input(config_path) args_list.append(args) except FileNotFoundError: # The video file does not exist, skipped pass ips = [ prompt, image_resolution, control_strength, color_preserve, left_crop, right_crop, top_crop, bottom_crop, control_type, low_threshold, high_threshold, ddim_steps, scale, seed, sd_model, a_prompt, n_prompt, interval, keyframe_count, x0_strength, use_constraints[0], cross_start, cross_end, style_update_freq, warp_start, warp_end, mask_start, mask_end, ada_start, ada_end, mask_strength, inner_strength, smooth_boundary ] with gr.Column(): result_image = gr.Image(label='Output first frame', type='numpy', interactive=False) result_keyframe = gr.Video(label='Output key frame video', format='mp4', interactive=False) with gr.Row(): gr.Examples(examples=args_list, inputs=[input_path, *ips], fn=process0, outputs=[result_image, result_keyframe], cache_examples=True) def input_uploaded(path): frame_count = get_frame_count(path) if frame_count <= 2: raise gr.Error('The input video is too short!' 'Please input another video.') default_interval = min(10, frame_count - 2) max_keyframe = min((frame_count - 2) // default_interval, MAX_KEYFRAME) global video_frame_count video_frame_count = frame_count global global_video_path global_video_path = path return gr.Slider.update(value=default_interval, maximum=MAX_KEYFRAME), gr.Slider.update( value=max_keyframe, maximum=max_keyframe) def input_changed(path): frame_count = get_frame_count(path) if frame_count <= 2: return gr.Slider.update(maximum=1), gr.Slider.update(maximum=1) default_interval = min(10, frame_count - 2) max_keyframe = min((frame_count - 2) // default_interval, MAX_KEYFRAME) global video_frame_count video_frame_count = frame_count global global_video_path global_video_path = path return gr.Slider.update(maximum=max_keyframe), \ gr.Slider.update(maximum=max_keyframe) def interval_changed(interval): global video_frame_count if video_frame_count is None: return gr.Slider.update() max_keyframe = (video_frame_count - 2) // interval return gr.Slider.update(value=max_keyframe, maximum=max_keyframe) input_path.change(input_changed, input_path, [interval, keyframe_count]) input_path.upload(input_uploaded, input_path, [interval, keyframe_count]) interval.change(interval_changed, interval, keyframe_count), inputs=ips, outputs=[result_image, result_keyframe]), inputs=ips, outputs=[result_image]), inputs=ips, outputs=[result_keyframe]) def process3(): raise gr.Error( "Coming Soon. Full code for full video translation will be " "released upon the publication of the paper."), outputs=[result_keyframe]) block.queue(concurrency_count=1, max_size=20) block.launch(server_name='')