data: sampling_rate: 44100 block_size: 512 # Equal to hop_length duration: 2 # Audio duration during training, must be less than the duration of the shortest audio clip encoder: 'vec768l12' # 'hubertsoft', 'vec256l9', 'vec768l12' cnhubertsoft_gate: 10 encoder_sample_rate: 16000 encoder_hop_size: 320 encoder_out_channels: 768 # 256 if using 'hubertsoft' training_files: "filelists/train.txt" validation_files: "filelists/val.txt" extensions: # List of extension included in the data collection - wav unit_interpolate_mode: "nearest" model: type: 'Diffusion' n_layers: 20 n_chans: 512 n_hidden: 256 use_pitch_aug: true timesteps : 1000 k_step_max: 0 # must <= timesteps, If it is 0, train all n_spk: 1 # max number of different speakers device: cuda vocoder: type: 'nsf-hifigan' ckpt: 'pretrain/nsf_hifigan/model' infer: speedup: 10 method: 'dpm-solver++' # 'pndm' or 'dpm-solver' or 'ddim' or 'unipc' or 'dpm-solver++' env: expdir: logs/44k/diffusion gpu_id: 0 train: num_workers: 4 # If your cpu and gpu are both very strong, set to 0 may be faster! amp_dtype: fp32 # fp32, fp16 or bf16 (fp16 or bf16 may be faster if it is supported by your gpu) batch_size: 48 cache_all_data: true # Save Internal-Memory or Graphics-Memory if it is false, but may be slow cache_device: 'cpu' # Set to 'cuda' to cache the data into the Graphics-Memory, fastest speed for strong gpu cache_fp16: true epochs: 100000 interval_log: 10 interval_val: 2000 interval_force_save: 5000 lr: 0.0001 decay_step: 100000 gamma: 0.5 weight_decay: 0 save_opt: false spk: 'nyaru': 0