import gradio as gr
import json
import re
import sqlite3
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Tuple, Dict, List

# Assuming you have these files in your project
from util import process_json_files
from gematria import calculate_gematria
from deep_translator import GoogleTranslator, exceptions
from urllib.parse import quote_plus
from tqdm import tqdm

# Constants
DATABASE_FILE = 'gematria.db'
BATCH_SIZE = 10000

# Set up logging
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

# Global variables
conn: sqlite3.Connection = None
translator: GoogleTranslator = None
book_names: Dict[int, str] = {}
gematria_cache: Dict[Tuple[int, int], List[Tuple[str, str, int, int, int, str]]] = {}
translation_cache: Dict[str, str] = {}
total_word_count: int = 0  # Global counter for word position

def initialize_database() -> None:
    """Initializes the SQLite database."""
    global conn
    conn = sqlite3.connect(DATABASE_FILE)
    cursor = conn.cursor()

        gematria_sum INTEGER,
        words TEXT,
        translation TEXT,
        book TEXT,
        chapter INTEGER,
        verse INTEGER,
        phrase_length INTEGER,
        word_position TEXT, 
        PRIMARY KEY (gematria_sum, words, book, chapter, verse, word_position)

    CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_results_gematria
    ON results (gematria_sum)

    CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS processed_books (
        book TEXT PRIMARY KEY,
        max_phrase_length INTEGER


def initialize_translator() -> None:
    """Initializes the Google Translator."""
    global translator
    translator = GoogleTranslator(source='iw', target='en')"Translator initialized.")

def process_book(book_id: int, max_phrase_length: int, cursor):
    """Processes a single book and returns phrases to insert."""
    global book_names, total_word_count
    book_data = process_json_files(book_id, book_id)
    phrases_to_insert = []

    if book_id in book_data:
        book_data = book_data[book_id]
        if 'title' not in book_data or not isinstance(book_data['title'], str):
            logging.warning(f"Skipping book {book_id} due to missing 'title' field.")
            return phrases_to_insert

        title = book_data['title']
        book_names[book_id] = title

        # Check if this book has already been processed for this phrase length
        cursor.execute('''SELECT max_phrase_length FROM processed_books WHERE book = ?''', (title,))
        result = cursor.fetchone()
        if result and result[0] >= max_phrase_length:
  "Skipping book {title}: Already processed with max_phrase_length {result[0]}")
            return phrases_to_insert

        if 'text' not in book_data or not isinstance(book_data['text'], list):
            logging.warning(f"Skipping book {book_id} due to missing 'text' field.")
            return phrases_to_insert

        chapters = book_data['text']
        for chapter_id, chapter in enumerate(chapters):
            for verse_id, verse in enumerate(chapter):
                verse_text = flatten_text(verse)
                verse_text = re.sub(r'\[.*?\]', '', verse_text)
                verse_text = re.sub(r"[^\u05D0-\u05EA ]+", "", verse_text)
                verse_text = re.sub(r" +", " ", verse_text)
                words = verse_text.split()

                for length in range(1, max_phrase_length + 1):
                    for start in range(len(words) - length + 1):
                        phrase_candidate = " ".join(words[start:start + length])
                        gematria_sum = calculate_gematria(phrase_candidate.replace(" ", ""))

                        word_position_range = f"{total_word_count + start + 1}-{total_word_count + start + length}"

                            (gematria_sum, phrase_candidate, None, title, chapter_id + 1, verse_id + 1, length,

                total_word_count += len(words)

    return phrases_to_insert

def populate_database(start_book: int, end_book: int, max_phrase_length: int = 1) -> None:
    """Populates the database with phrases from the Tanach."""
    global conn, book_names, total_word_count"Populating database with books from {start_book} to {end_book}...")

    with sqlite3.connect(DATABASE_FILE) as conn:
        cursor = conn.cursor()

        for book_id in tqdm(range(start_book, end_book + 1), desc="Processing Books"):
            phrases_to_insert = process_book(book_id, max_phrase_length, cursor)

            if phrases_to_insert:
                INSERT OR IGNORE INTO results (gematria_sum, words, translation, book, chapter, verse, phrase_length, word_position) 
                VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
                ''', phrases_to_insert)

                # Update processed_books after processing each book
                INSERT OR REPLACE INTO processed_books (book, max_phrase_length)
                VALUES (?, ?)
                ''', (book_names[book_id], max_phrase_length))


        total_word_count = 0  # Reset for the next set of phrase lengths

def get_translation(phrase: str) -> str:
    """Retrieves or generates the English translation of a Hebrew phrase
    and caches it in the database.
    global conn, translator, translation_cache

    # Check if the translation exists in the database
    with sqlite3.connect(DATABASE_FILE) as conn:
        cursor = conn.cursor()
        cursor.execute("SELECT translation FROM results WHERE words = ? LIMIT 1", (phrase,))
        result = cursor.fetchone()
        if result and result[0]:  # If a translation exists, use it
            return result[0]

    # If no translation in the database, translate and store it
    translation = translate_and_store(phrase)
    translation_cache[phrase] = translation

    # Update the database with the new translation
    with sqlite3.connect(DATABASE_FILE) as conn:
        cursor = conn.cursor()
        cursor.execute("UPDATE results SET translation = ? WHERE words = ?", (translation, phrase))

    return translation

def translate_and_store(phrase: str) -> str:
    """Translates a Hebrew phrase to English using Google Translate."""
    global translator
    max_retries = 3
    retries = 0
    while retries < max_retries:
            translation = translator.translate(phrase)
            return translation
        except (exceptions.TranslationNotFound, exceptions.NotValidPayload,
                exceptions.ServerException, exceptions.RequestError) as e:
            retries += 1
            logging.warning(f"Error translating phrase '{phrase}': {e}. Retrying... ({retries}/{max_retries})")
    logging.error(f"Failed to translate phrase '{phrase}' after {max_retries} retries.")
    return "[Translation Error]"

def search_gematria_in_db(gematria_sum: int, max_words: int) -> List[Tuple[str, str, int, int, int, str]]:
    """Searches the database for phrases with a given Gematria value."""
    global conn
    with sqlite3.connect(DATABASE_FILE) as conn:
        cursor = conn.cursor()
        SELECT words, book, chapter, verse, phrase_length, word_position 
        FROM results 
        WHERE gematria_sum = ? AND phrase_length <= ?
        ''', (gematria_sum, max_words))
        results = cursor.fetchall()
    return results

def gematria_search_interface(phrases: str, max_words: int, show_translation: bool) -> str:
    """The main function for the Gradio interface, handling multiple phrases."""
    global conn, book_names, gematria_cache

    results = []
    all_results = []  # Store results for each phrase
    middle_words_results = []  # Store middle word results for all books
    all_names_average_position = 0  # Initialize variable for average position across all names and books
    total_name_count = 0  # Initialize counter for the total number of names processed

    phrases = phrases.strip().splitlines()
    if not phrases:
        return "Please enter at least one phrase."

    for phrase in phrases:
        if not phrase.strip():
            continue  # Skip empty lines

        numbers = re.findall(r'\d+', phrase)
        text_without_numbers = re.sub(r'\d+', '', phrase)
        phrase_gematria = calculate_gematria(text_without_numbers.replace(" ", ""))
        phrase_gematria += sum(int(number) for number in numbers)

        if (phrase_gematria, max_words) in gematria_cache:
            matching_phrases = gematria_cache[(phrase_gematria, max_words)]
            matching_phrases = search_gematria_in_db(phrase_gematria, max_words)
            gematria_cache[(phrase_gematria, max_words)] = matching_phrases

        if not matching_phrases:
            results.append(f"No matching phrases found for: {phrase}")

        sorted_phrases = sorted(matching_phrases,
                                key=lambda x: (int(list(book_names.keys())[list(book_names.values()).index(x[1])]), x[2],
        results_by_book = defaultdict(list)
        for words, book, chapter, verse, phrase_length, word_position in sorted_phrases:
            results_by_book[book].append((words, chapter, verse, phrase_length, word_position))

        results.append(f"<h2>Results for: {phrase} (Gematria: {phrase_gematria})</h2>")
        results.append("<div class='results-container'>")
        for book, phrases in results_by_book.items():
            for words, chapter, verse, phrase_length, word_position in phrases:
                translation = get_translation(words) if show_translation else ""
                link = f"{quote_plus(book)}+{chapter}%3A{verse}&version=CJB"
                <div class='result-item'>
                  <p><b>Book:</b> {book}</p>
                  <p><b>Chapter:</b> {chapter}, <b>Verse:</b> {verse}</p>
                  <p class='hebrew-phrase'><b>Hebrew Phrase:</b> {words}</p>
                  <p><b>Translation:</b> {translation}</p>
                  <p><b>Phrase Length:</b> {phrase_length} words</p>
                  <p><b>Phrase Gematria:</b> {phrase_gematria}</p>
                  <p><b>Word Position in the Tanach:</b> {word_position}</p> 
                  <a href='{link}' target='_blank' class='bible-link'>[See on Bible Gateway]</a>

        # Calculate average position for the current name across all books
        name_average_position = calculate_average_position_for_name(results_by_book)
        if name_average_position is not None:
            results.append(f"<p><b>Average Word Position for '{phrase}' across all books:</b> {name_average_position:.2f}</p>")
            all_names_average_position += name_average_position
            total_name_count += 1

        all_results.append(results_by_book)  # Store results by book without the phrase

    # Calculate the average word position across all names and all their books
    if total_name_count > 0:
        all_names_average_position /= total_name_count
        results.append(f"<h2>Average Word Position Across All Names and Books: {all_names_average_position:.2f}</h2>")

    # Calculate middle words for all input lines (common books)
    if len(all_results) >= 2:
        results.append("<h2>Middle Words (Common Books):</h2>")
        results.append("<div class='results-container'>")

        common_books = set.intersection(*[set(results.keys()) for results in all_results])
        logging.debug(f"Common books: {common_books}")

        for book in common_books:
            logging.debug(f"Processing book: {book}")

            # Find nearest positions for all phrases in the current book
            nearest_positions = find_nearest_positions([results[book] for results in all_results])
            logging.debug(f"Nearest positions in {book}: {nearest_positions}")

            if nearest_positions:
                middle_word_position = sum(nearest_positions) / len(nearest_positions)
                logging.debug(f"Calculated middle word position in {book}: {middle_word_position}")

                start_position = int(middle_word_position)
                end_position = start_position + 1 if middle_word_position % 1 != 0 else start_position
                logging.debug(f"Middle word position range in {book}: {start_position}-{end_position}")

                middle_words_data = get_words_from_db(book, start_position, end_position)
                logging.debug(f"Middle words data fetched from database: {middle_words_data}")

                if middle_words_data:
                    # Store middle word data along with book name for sorting
                    middle_words_results.extend([(book, data) for data in middle_words_data])
                    # Handle edge case: fetch words independently for start and end positions
                    logging.debug(f"No middle words found for range {start_position}-{end_position}. "
                                  f"Fetching words independently.")
                    middle_words_data_start = get_words_from_db(book, start_position, start_position)
                    middle_words_data_end = get_words_from_db(book, end_position, end_position)

                    if middle_words_data_start or middle_words_data_end:
                        middle_words_results.extend([(book, data) for data in middle_words_data_start + middle_words_data_end])

        # Sort middle words results by book order before displaying
        middle_words_results.sort(key=lambda x: int(list(book_names.keys())[list(book_names.values()).index(x[0])]))

        for book, (words, chapter, verse, phrase_length, word_position) in middle_words_results:
            translation = get_translation(words) if show_translation else ""
            link = f"{quote_plus(book)}+{chapter}%3A{verse}&version=CJB"
                        <div class='result-item'>  
                          <p><b>Book:</b> {book}</p>
                          <p><b>Chapter:</b> {chapter}, <b>Verse:</b> {verse}</p>
                          <p class='hebrew-phrase'><b>Hebrew Phrase:</b> {words}</p>
                          <p><b>Translation:</b> {translation}</p>
                          <p><b>Phrase Length:</b> {phrase_length} words</p>
                          <p><b>Word Position in the Tanach:</b> {word_position}</p>
                          <a href='{link}' target='_blank' class='bible-link'>[See on Bible Gateway]</a>

    # Style modified to position search on top and results below
    style = """
          .results-container {
            display: grid;
            grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(300px, 1fr));
            gap: 20px;
            width: 100%;  /* Make results container take full width */
          .result-item {
            border: 1px solid #ccc;
            padding: 15px;
            border-radius: 5px;
            box-shadow: 2px 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
          .hebrew-phrase {
            font-family: 'SBL Hebrew', 'Ezra SIL', serif;
            direction: rtl;
          .bible-link {
            display: block;
            margin-top: 10px;
            color: #007bff;
            text-decoration: none;
    return style + "\n".join(results)

def calculate_average_position_for_name(results_by_book: Dict[str, List[Tuple]]) -> float:
    """Calculates the average word position for a single name across all books."""
    positions = []
    for book, phrases in results_by_book.items():
        for _, _, _, _, word_position in phrases:
            start, end = map(int, word_position.split('-'))
            positions.append((start + end) / 2)
    return sum(positions) / len(positions) if positions else None

def find_nearest_positions(results_lists: List[List]) -> List[int]:
    """Finds the nearest word positions among multiple lists of results."""
    nearest_positions = []
    for i in range(len(results_lists)):
        positions_i = [(int(pos.split('-')[0]) + int(pos.split('-')[1])) / 2
                       for _, _, _, _, pos in results_lists[i]]  # Get average of start and end positions
        logging.debug(f"Positions for phrase {i+1}: {positions_i}")

        # Calculate the average position for the current phrase
        average_position = sum(positions_i) / len(positions_i) if positions_i else None
        logging.debug(f"Average position for phrase {i+1}: {average_position}")

        if average_position is not None:

    return nearest_positions

def get_words_from_db(book: str, start_position: int, end_position: int) -> List[Tuple]:
    """Fetches words from the database based on the book and exact word position range."""
    global conn
    logging.debug(f"Fetching words from database for {book} at positions {start_position}-{end_position}")
    with sqlite3.connect(DATABASE_FILE) as conn:
        cursor = conn.cursor()
            SELECT words, chapter, verse, phrase_length, word_position
            FROM results
            WHERE book = ? AND word_position = ?
        """, (book, f"{start_position}-{end_position}"))  # Directly compare word_position
        results = cursor.fetchall()
        logging.debug(f"Words fetched from database: {results}")
    return results

def flatten_text(text: List) -> str:
    """Flattens nested lists into a single list."""
    if isinstance(text, list):
        return " ".join(flatten_text(item) if isinstance(item, list) else item for item in text)
    return text

def run_app() -> None:
    """Initializes and launches the Gradio app."""
    global conn
    initialize_translator()"Starting database population...")
    for max_phrase_length in range(1, MAX_PHRASE_LENGTH_LIMIT + 1):
        populate_database(1, 39, max_phrase_length=max_phrase_length)"Database population complete.")

    with gr.Blocks() as iface:  # Use gr.Blocks() for layout control
        with gr.Row():  # Place inputs in a row
            textbox = gr.Textbox(label="Enter word(s) or numbers (one phrase per line)", lines=5)
            slider = gr.Slider(label="Max Word Count in Result Phrases", minimum=1,
                              maximum=MAX_PHRASE_LENGTH_LIMIT, step=1,
            checkbox = gr.Checkbox(label="Show Translation", value=True)
        with gr.Row():  # Place buttons in a row
            clear_button = gr.Button("Clear")
            submit_button = gr.Button("Submit", variant="primary")

        html_output = gr.HTML(label="Results")  # Output for the results,
                            inputs=[textbox, slider, checkbox],
                            outputs=html_output) "", inputs=None, outputs=html_output)  # Clear the output


if __name__ == "__main__":