import gradio as gr def generate_text(context, num_samples, context_length, model_name): from base import main from pathlib import Path if model_name == "pythia_160m_deduped_custom" or model_name == "pythia_160m_deduped_huggingface": ckpt_dir = Path('/home/user/app/checkpoints/EleutherAI/pythia-160m-deduped') elif model_name == "pythia_70m_deduped": ckpt_dir = Path('/home/user/app/checkpoints/EleutherAI/pythia-70m-deduped') elif model_name == "pythia_410m_deduped": ckpt_dir = Path('/home/user/app/checkpoints/EleutherAI/pythia-410m-deduped') context = str(context) num_samples = int(num_samples) context_length = int(context_length) model_name = str(model_name) output_msg_list = main(prompt=context, checkpoint_dir=ckpt_dir, model_name=model_name, num_samples=num_samples, max_new_tokens=context_length) output_msg = str() for idx, msg in enumerate(output_msg_list): title = f"--Generated message : {idx + 1} using the model : {model_name}--\n" output_msg += f"{title}\n" output_msg += f"{msg}\n" output_msg += f"\n" return output_msg def gradio_fn(context, num_samples, context_length, model_name): output_txt_msg = generate_text(context, num_samples, context_length, model_name) return output_txt_msg markdown_description = """ - This is a Gradio app that generates text based on - given text context - for given character length - number of Samples - using Selected GPT model - Currently following models are available : - **(a)** pythia_160m_deduped_huggingface **(b)** pythia_160m_deduped_custom \ **(c)** pythia_410m_deduped **(d)** pythia_70m_deduped """ demo = gr.Interface(fn=gradio_fn, inputs=[gr.Textbox(info="Start my passage with: 'I would like to'"), gr.Number(value=1, minimum=1, maximum=5, \ info="Number of samples to be generated min=1, max=5"), gr.Slider(value=50, minimum=50, maximum=250, \ info="Num characters for passage min=50, max=250"), gr.Dropdown(["pythia_160m_deduped_huggingface", "pythia_160m_deduped_custom", "pythia_410m_deduped", "pythia_70m_deduped"], \ multiselect=False, label="Model-Name", \ info="Pretrained model to be used for text generation")], outputs=gr.Textbox(), title="DialogGen - Dialogue Generator", description=markdown_description, article=" **Credits** : ") # demo.launch(debug=True, share=True) demo.launch(share=True)