import cohere import streamlit as st cohere_api_key = '' cohere_model_id = '' def generate_ans(qstn): response = co.generate(model=cohere_model_id,prompt=qstn) bot_answer = response.generations[0].text bot_answer = bot_answer.replace("\n\n--","").replace("\n--","").strip() return bot_answer # The front end code starts here st.title("Question & answer bot with Cohere") form = st.form(key="user_settings") with form: cohere_api_key = st.text_input('Cohere API Key:', type='password') cohere_model_id = st.text_input('Cohere Model Id:') if not cohere_api_key and not cohere_model_id:"Please add your Cohere API key and Custom model key or use 'medium/xlarge' to continue.") update_api_keys = form.form_submit_button("Update keys") st.stop() co = cohere.Client(cohere_api_key) st.write("Enter your qstn [Example: Who is the PM of UK] ") qstn_input = st.text_input("Question", key = "qstn_input") generate_button = form.form_submit_button("Answer Question") if generate_button: if qstn_input == "": st.error("Question field cannot be blank") else: my_bar = st.progress(0.05) st.subheader("Answer from bot:") for i in range(1): st.markdown("""---""") ans = generate_ans(qstn_input) st.markdown("##### " + ans) st.write(ans) my_bar.progress((i+1)/1)