import nltk"/home/user/app/nltk_data")'stopwords')'punkt') from epi_pipeline import ( streamlit_extraction, NER_Pipeline, GARD_Search, Classify_Pipeline ) import pandas as pd #pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None) import streamlit as st st.set_page_config(layout="wide") #import spacy #import tensorflow as tf #import pickle import re import plotly.graph_objects as go #### LOGO #### st.markdown('''National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences Logo''',unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown("") st.markdown('''NIH Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center Logo''',unsafe_allow_html=True) #st.markdown('''National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences Logo''',unsafe_allow_html=True) #st.markdown("") #st.markdown('''NIH Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center Logo''',unsafe_allow_html=True) #st.markdown("![National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) Logo](") #### TITLE #### st.title("Epidemiological Information Extraction Pipeline for Rare Diseases") #st.subheader("National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NIH/NCATS)") #### CHANGE SIDEBAR WIDTH ### st.markdown( """ """, unsafe_allow_html=True, ) ### Remove 'Made with Streamlit' Footer st.markdown(""" """, unsafe_allow_html=True) ### ADD NEW FOOTER footer=""" """ #st.markdown(footer,unsafe_allow_html=True) #### DESCRIPTION #### st.markdown("This application was built by the [National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS)]( to automatically search and extract rare disease epidemiology information from PubMed abstracts.") #### SIDEBAR WIDGETS #### #max_results is Maximum number of PubMed ID's to retrieve BEFORE filtering max_results = st.sidebar.number_input("Maximum number of articles to find in PubMed", min_value=1, max_value=None, value=50) filtering ="What type of filtering would you like?",('Strict', 'Lenient', 'None')).lower() extract_diseases = st.sidebar.checkbox("Extract Rare Diseases", value=False) #### MODEL LOADING #### @st.experimental_singleton(show_spinner=False) def load_models_experimental(): epi_classify = Classify_Pipeline() epi_extract = NER_Pipeline() rd_identify = GARD_Search() return epi_classify, epi_extract, rd_identify #### DOWNLOAD FUNCTION #### @st.cache def convert_df(df): # IMPORTANT: Cache the conversion to prevent computation on every rerun return df.to_csv().encode('utf-8') #### SANKEY FUNCTION #### #@st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True) @st.experimental_singleton() def epi_sankey(sankey_data, disease_or_gard_id): found, relevant, epidemiologic = sankey_data fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Sankey( node = dict( pad = 15, thickness = 20, line = dict(color = "white", width = 0.5), label = ["PubMed IDs Gathered", "Irrelevant Abstracts","Relevant Abstracts Gathered","Epidemiologic Abstracts","Not Epidemiologic"], color = "purple" ), #label = ["A1", "A2", "B1", "B2", "C1", "C2"] link = dict( source = [0, 0, 2, 2], target = [2, 1, 3, 4], value = [relevant, found-relevant, epidemiologic, relevant-epidemiologic] ))]) fig.update_layout( hovermode = 'x', title="Search for the Epidemiology of "+disease_or_gard_id, font=dict(size = 10, color = 'black'), ) return fig #### BEGIN APP #### with st.spinner('Loading Epidemiology Models and Dependencies...'): epi_classify, epi_extract, rd_identify = load_models_experimental() loaded = st.success('All Models and Dependencies Loaded!') disease_or_gard_id = st.text_input("Input a rare disease term or NIH GARD ID.") loaded.empty() st.markdown("Examples of rare diseases include [**Fellman syndrome**](, [**Classic Homocystinuria**](, [**7383**](, and [**GARD:0009941**]( A full list of rare diseases tracked by the NIH Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center (GARD) can be found [here](") if disease_or_gard_id: df, sankey_data, disease_gardid = streamlit_extraction(disease_or_gard_id, max_results, filtering, epi_extract, rd_identify, extract_diseases, epi_classify) #IF it returns something, then continue. if sankey_data: df.replace(to_replace='None', value="None") st.dataframe(df, height=200) csv = convert_df(df) #if the user input does not have a number in it (i.e. weak proxy for if it is a GARD ID), then preserve the user input as the disease term. disease, gardID = disease_gardid if not bool('\d', disease_or_gard_id)): disease = disease_or_gard_id st.download_button( label="Download epidemiology results for "+disease+" as CSV", data = csv, file_name=disease+'.csv', mime='text/csv', ) if gardID: st.markdown('See the NIH GARD page for ['+disease+']('+str(re.sub('GARD:|0','',gardID))+'/'+str('-'.join(disease.split()))+')') fig = epi_sankey(sankey_data, disease) st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) if 'IDS' in list(df.columns): st.markdown('''COLUMNS: \\ - PROB_OF_EPI: Probability that the paper is an epidemiologic study based on its abstract. \\ - IsEpi: If it is an epidemiologic study (If PROB_OF_EPI >0.5) \\ - DIS: Rare disease terms or synonyms identified in the abstract from the GARD Dictionary - IDS: GARD IDs identified in the abstract from the GARD Dictionary \\ - EPI: Epidemiology Types are the metrics used to estimate disease burden such as "incidence", "prevalence rate", or "occurrence" - STAT: Epidemiology Rates describe how many people are afflicted by a disease. - DATE: The dates when the epidemiologic studies were conducted - LOC: Where the epidemiologic studies were conducted. - SEX: The biological sexes mentioned in the abstract. Useful for diseases that disproportionately affect one sex over the other or may provide context to composition of the study population - ETHN: Ethnicities, races, and nationalities of those represented in the epidemiologic study. ''') else: st.subheader("Categories of Results") st.markdown(" - **PROB_OF_EPI**: Probability that the paper is an epidemiologic study based on its abstract. \n - **IsEpi**: If it is an epidemiologic study (If PROB_OF_EPI >0.5) \n - **EPI**: Epidemiology Types are the metrics used to estimate disease burden such as 'incidence', 'prevalence rate', or 'occurrence' \n - **STAT**: Epidemiology Rates describe how many people are afflicted by a disease. \n - **DATE**: The dates when the epidemiologic studies were conducted \n - **LOC**: Where the epidemiologic studies were conducted. \n - **SEX**: The biological sexes mentioned in the abstract. Useful for diseases that disproportionately affect one sex over the other or may provide context to composition of the study population \n - **ETHN**: Ethnicities, races, and nationalities of those represented in the epidemiologic study.") #st.dataframe(data=None, width=None, height=None) st.caption("If you see any bugs or routes for improvements, please open a [pull request](") st.caption("If you have any questions, please contact []( or [](")