import nltk'stopwords') import pandas as pd #classify_abs is a dependency for extract_abs import classify_abs import extract_abs #pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None) import streamlit as st ########## Title for the Web App ########## st.title("Epidemiology Extraction Pipeline for Rare Diseases") #st.header(body, anchor=None) #st.subheader(body, anchor=None) #Anchor is for the URL, can be custom str # ########## Create Input field ########## disease_or_gard_id = st.text_input('Input a rare disease term or a GARD ID.', 'Fellman syndrome') # st.code(body, language="python") #, options, index=0, format_func=special_internal_function, key=None, help=None, on_change=None, args=None, kwargs=None, *, disabled=False) # filtering = "What type of filtering would you like?", ('Strict', 'Lenient', 'None')) extract_diseases = st.sidebar.checkbox("Extract Rare Diseases", value=False) # #LSTM RNN Epi Classifier Model with st.spinner('Loading Epidemiology Classification Model...'): classify_model_vars = classify_abs.init_classify_model() st.success('Epidemiology Classification Model Loaded!') #GARD Dictionary - For filtering and exact match disease/GARD ID identification with st.spinner('Loading GARD Rare Disease Dictionary...'): GARD_dict, max_length = extract_abs.load_GARD_diseases() st.success('GARD Rare Disease Dictionary Loaded!') #BioBERT-based NER pipeline, open `entities` to see with st.spinner('Loading Epidemiology Extraction Model...'): NER_pipeline, entity_classes = extract_abs.init_NER_pipeline() st.success('Epidemiology Extraction Model Loaded!') #max_results is Maximum number of PubMed ID's to retrieve BEFORE filtering max_results = st.sidebar.number_input(label, min_value=1, max_value=None, value=50) # #filtering options are 'strict','lenient'(default), 'none' if text: df = extract_abs.search_term_extraction(disease_or_gard_id, max_results, filtering, NER_pipeline, entity_classes, extract_diseases,GARD_dict, max_length, classify_model_vars) st.dataframe(df) #st.dataframe(data=None, width=None, height=None)