import streamlit as st # Add a header st.header("Ghost Dance - A continued prophecy") # Add text underneath the link st.write("This is the patent that the math is based on.") # Add a link st.markdown("") st.markdown("### Basics from the patent") st.write("The calculation is based on your weight that is calculated by the average persons water content at 67%. Because the atoms making up water sit near the `Planck boundary`, we are able to move that mass outside of the boundary.") st.write("""* Purpose of the training system is to increase human energy substantially * Result of training will enable capabilities such as: * Walking through walls * Body levitation * Instantaneous healing of infections * Full-body teleportation to another location * Remote viewing at vast distances in terms of light-years * Looking into hyperspace co-dimensions * Invention based on the relationship between water molecule and boundary between space and hyperspace * Mass of water molecule = energy of water molecule at Planck boundary * Body composed of 67% water and sits on the boundary * Additional increase in energy would move body out of dimension into "hyperspace" * Human beings are hyperspace energy beings living in physical bodies * Additional energy required to move body out of dimension comes from increasing energy of hyperspace being * One source of this energy comes from walking cross-handed at proper velocity to generate a large hyperspace energy vortex * This increased hyperspace energy enables person to walk around out of dimension through solid wooden doors * Door and person are in two slightly different dimensions at the same moment * Person appears to be walking through door""") # Create a sidebar with a slider to choose between pounds and kilograms unit = st.sidebar.selectbox("Choose a unit of weight", ["pounds", "kilograms"]) # Create a text input field for the user to enter their weight st.markdown("### Enter your weight below") weight = st.number_input("Weight:", value=1) # Convert the weight to the selected unit if unit == "pounds": weight_in_kg = weight * 0.453592 else: weight_in_kg = weight # Calculate the length using the formula L=(M/W)*T length_in_meters = (50.909563606 / weight_in_kg) * 1 # Convert the length to feet and display the result length_in_feet = length_in_meters * 3.28084 st.write(f"Meters per second to step: {length_in_meters}") st.write(f"Feet per second to step: {length_in_feet}") st.markdown(""" ### Use a metronome to improve your accuracy. """)"")