import gradio as gr import csv import gemini import base64 import httpx # Load the protected-birds.txt file into a dictionary protected_birds_dict = {} with open('protected-birds.txt', 'r') as txtfile: for line in txtfile: bird, confidence = line.strip().split(',') protected_birds_dict[bird.lower()] = float(confidence) # Initialize the gemini client def init_client(api_key): return gemini.Client(api_key) # Function to check if the feather is from a protected bird def check_feather(image_url, api_key): # Load the image image_media_type = "image/jpeg" image_data = base64.b64encode(httpx.get(image_url).content).decode("utf-8") # Make a prediction client = init_client(api_key) response = client.predict( model_id="text-bison-001", inputs={ "image": image_data, "question": "Describe this image." } ) model_predictions = response["candidates"][0]["output"] # Check if the feather is from a protected bird protected = False protected_birds_list = [] for bird, confidence in protected_birds_dict.items(): if bird in model_predictions.lower(): protected = True protected_birds_list.append([bird, confidence, model_predictions]) if protected: # Display the results gr.Interface(fn=lambda: protected_birds_list, inputs="text", outputs="text").launch() user_verification = gr.inputs.Checkbox(label="Verify the results") if user_verification: # Output the result in a table format gr.Interface(fn=lambda: protected_birds_list, inputs=user_verification, outputs="html").launch() # Prompt user to make a report gr.Interface(fn=lambda: "If confident, report to:", inputs=user_verification, outputs="text").launch() else: gr.Interface(fn=lambda: "No protected bird detected", inputs=image_url, outputs="text").launch() return protected, protected_birds_list # Gradio interface image_url = gr.inputs.Textbox() api_key = gr.inputs.Textbox(label="Google API Key") gr.Interface(fn=check_feather, inputs=[image_url, api_key], outputs="text").launch()