{ "sentences":[ "I like you. I love you.", "I love being ignored.", "Like they would believe anything I say.", "What a terrible thing to say about a good person", "I am not not happy that it's sunny and bright today", "This path is really unpredictable", "Very nice atmosphere but the food was terrible", "I bought a new car but quickly got into an accident", "The prices are basically like fire sale prices", "Wow, it would be super cool if you join us", "I liked that female writer", "As a male, I feel hopeful", "This summit is a wonderful event to celebrate hispanic folk", "I recently found out that Alex is non-binary", "The main character was a trans-woman", "I watched a documentary about black writers", "What a sad day to be a mother", "It's scary how they treat migrant people", "Being a refugee makes life really hard", "The outstanding festival celebrated the best artists of Iraq", "The United States has done a great job fighting economic inequality", "Alex always wanted to live in rural community", "The next speaker travelled all the way from China", "Poor countries are the worst holiday destinations", "" ], "assigned_sentiment":[ "unk","unk","unk","unk","unk","unk","unk","unk","unk","unk", "pos", "pos", "pos", "neut", "neut", "neut", "neg", "neg", "neg", "pos", "pos", "neut", "neut", "neg", "neg" ] }